Islam dalam Lintasan Sejarah
Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb

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  • Arnold, Sir T.W. The Preaching of Islam. Cetakan kedua. London: 1913.
  • Arnold, Sir T.W. The Caliphate. Oxford: 1924.
  • Browne, E.G. A Literary History of Persia. 4 jilid: London dan Cambridge: 1902-1924.
  • Hitti, P.K. History of the Arabs. London dan New York: 1937. Cetakan kelima, 1951.
  • Hughes, T.P. A Dictionary of Islam. London: 1885 dan 1935.
  • Lane-Poole, S. A History of Egypt in the Middle Ages. Cetakan kedua. London: 1914.
  • Levy, R. An Introduction to the Sociology of Islam. 2 jilid. London: 1933.
  • Lewis, B. The Arabs in History. London: 1950.
  • Massignon, L. Annuaire du Monde Musulman. Paris: 1925.
  • Muir, Sir William. The Caliphate: Rise, Decline, and Fall. Edinburgh, 1915.
  • Nicholson, R.A. A Literary History of the Arabs. Cetakan kedua. Cambridge: 1930.
  • The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 4 jilid. Leiden: 1913-1938.
  • The Legacy of Islam. Oxford: Sir T.W. Arnold dan A. Guillaume (eds.), 1931.
  • The Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden: 1953.
  • Wittek, P. The Rise of the Ottoman Empire. London: 1938.

BAB 2, 3, dan 4

  • Ali, Syed Ameer. The Spirit of Islam. London: 1922
  • Ali, A. Yusuf. The Holy Qur'an. 2 jilid. Lahore: 1934.
  • Andrae, Tor. Mohammad, The Man and his Faith. Terjemahan Inggris. London: 1936.
  • Andrae, Tor. Die Person Mohammeds in Lehre und Glauben seiner Gemeinde. Stockholm, 1918.
  • Archer, J.C. Mystical Elements in Mohammed. Yale University Press, 1924.
  • Bell, R. The Origin of Islam in Its Christian Environment. London: 1926
  • Bell, R. The Qur'an. 2 jilid. Edinburgh, 1937-1939.
  • Blachere, R. Introduction au Coran. Paris: 1947.
  • Buhl, Frants. Das Leben Mohammeds. Terjemahan H.H. Schaeder. Berlin: 1930.
  • Muir, Sir William. The Life of Mahomet. 4 jilid. London: 18591861. Edisi baru, Edinburgh: 1923.
  • Noldeke, Th. Gesehichte des Korans. Edisi kedua, 3 jilid. Leipzig 1909-1938.
  • Pikthall, M. The Meaning of the Glorious Koran. London: 1930; Mentor Regious Classic, 1953.
  • Roberts, R. The Social Laws of the Qur'an. London: 1925.
  • Stanton, H.U.W. The Teaching of the Quran. S.P.C.K., 1919.
  • The Koran. Terjemahan oleh George Sale (Chandos Classios), J.M. Rondwell (Everyman's Library), dan E.N. Palmer (World Classics).

BAB 5, 6, dan 7

  • Ali, Syed Ameer. Personal Law of the Mohammedans. London: 1880.
  • Ali, M. Muhammad. A Manual of Hadith. Lahore.
  • De Boer, T.J. The History of Philosophy in Islam. Terjemahan E.R. Jones. London: 1903.
  • Donaldson, D.M. The Shi'ite Religion. London: 1933.
  • Fyzee, A.A.A. A Shi'ite Greed. London: O.U.P, 1942.
  • Fyzee, A.A.A. Outlines of Muhammedan Law. London: O.U.P, 1949.
  • Gardet, L. dan M.M. Anawati. Introduction a la Theologie musulmane. Paris: 1948.
  • Goldzicher, I. Muhammedanische Studien. jilid ke-2. Halle: 1890.
  • Guillaume, A. The Traditions of Islam. Oxford: 1924.
  • Lewis, B. The Origins of Isma'ilism. Cambridge, 1940.
  • Margoliouth, D.S. The Early Development of Mohammedanism. London: 1914.
  • Ostrorog, L. The Angora Reform. London: 1927.
  • Santillana, D. Instituzioni di diritto Mullmano Malichita. 2 jilid. Roma: 1926-1938.
  • Schacht, J. The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Oxford: 1950.
  • Watt, W. Montgomery. Free Will and Predestination in Early Islam. London: 1948.
  • Wensinck, A.J. The Muslim Creed. Cambridge, 1932.

BAB 8 dan 9

  • Affifi, A.E. The Mystical Philosophy of Muhyid Din-ibnul Arabi. Cambridge, 1939.
  • Arberry, A. J. The Mawaqif of al-Niffari. London: 1935.
  • Arberry, A. J. Sufism. London: 1950.
  • Birge, J.K. The Bektashi order of Dervishes. London: 1937.
  • Depont, O. dan X. Coppolani. Les Conferies Religieuses Musulmanes. Aljazair: 1897.
  • Massignon, L. Al-Hallaj, Martyr Mystique de Islam. 2 jilid. Paris: 1922.
  • Massignon, L. Essai sur les Origines de Lexique Technique de la Mystique Musulmane. Paris: 1922.
  • Nicholson, R.A. The Mystics of Islam. London: 1914.
  • Nicholson, R.A. The Idea of Personality in Sufism. Cambridge, 1923.
  • Nicholson, R.A.2 Studies in Islamic Mysticism. Cambridge, 1921.
  • Smith, Margareth. Rabi'a the Mystic. Cambridge, 1928.
  • Smith, Margareth. An Early Mystic Baghdad. London: 1935.
  • Wensinck, A.J. La Pensae de Ghazzali. Paris: 1940.

BAB 10

  • Adams, C.C. Islam and Modernism in Egypt. O.U.P, 1933.
  • Browne, E.G. The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909. Cambridge: 1910.
  • Gibb, H.A.R. Whither.Islam? London: 1932.
  • Gibb, H.A.R. Modern Trends in Islam. Chicago: 1947.
  • Hourani, A.H. Syria and Lebanon. O.U.P: 1946.
  • Hurgronje, C. Snouck. The Achehnese. 2 jilid. Leiden: 1926.
  • Iqbal, Sir Mohammad. The Secrets of the Self. Diterjemahkan oleh R.A. Nicholson. London: 1920.
  • Iqbal, Sir Mohammad. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam..Edisi kedua. London: O.U.P,_1934.
  • Miller, W.M. Bahaism, its Origin, History, Teaching. New York: 1931.
  • Philby, H. St. J.B. Arabia. London: 1930.
  • Smith, W.C. Modern Islam in India. Edisi kedua. London: 1946.
  • Titus, Murray. Indian Islam. London: O.U.P, 1930.

Catatan kaki: 

1 Dalam kepustakaan ini hanya didaftarkan buku-buku yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris, walaupun ada sejumlah kecil buku-buku baku dalam bahasa Eropa lain.

2 Dalam hubungannya dengan pembahasan tokoh-tokoh sufi, perlu ditambahkan di sini bahwa R.A. Nicholson pun menerjemahkan Kasjf al-Mahjub karangan al-Hujwiri, London:. 1911 -1936; madah mistik karangan . Ibn al-Arabi, London: 1911; pilihan dari madah Jalal al-Din ar-Rumi (Diwani Sjamsi Tabriz), Cambridge, U.P., 1898; Mathnawi oleh penyair yang sama, ditambah dengan tafsiran, 8 jilid, London: 1925-1940.

(sebelum, daftar isi)

Islam dalam Lintasan Sejarah
oleh Sir Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb
Penerbit Bhratara Karya Aksara - Jakarta 1983

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