Introductory question

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Here is an important question. Muslims affirm that the Qur'an / Islam encourages to seek knowledge. What happens if that knowledge doesn't match what the Qur'an teaches? I strongly believe that "all truth is God's truth." That also means that God will not contradict himself in the "natural" revelation of history and science and in the "special" revelation of his written word. But if the Qur'an contradicts what we so clearly know from history or science, does this indicate that maybe the author of truth in the natural realm and the author of the Qur'an might not be the same?

A Muslim's Response by Randy Desmond:

You ask, "What happens if that knowledge doesn't match what the Qur'an teaches?"

The answer is simply that there will never be any knowledge found which contradicts any knowledge within the Qur'an. So, try to find one if you can, and you can't, then we can entertain answers to such a question as the above. So far, I have seen no such contradictory knowledge.

What I have seen in these particular web pages proposing contradictions in the Qur'an are nothing more than misunderstandings which, God willing, will be straightened out as I post responses to the owner and he puts them up.

One other food for thought, what is the intention of asking such a question as to what happens if a knowledge is found contrary to the Qur'an?

I thought that was a strange answer, telling that it simply is "that there will never be any knowledge found which contradicts any knowledge within the Qur'an." After all, I have already listed several such instances and provided links to more of them. This above comment might have been fair AFTER sending me refutation for all of them. But this was the FIRST of all responses received. Therefore I found it strange. So far you "have not not seen such contradictory knowledge"? But I do display lots of it. Please first refute and then give your claims. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt and patiently wait for the refutations.

Last edited: September 23, 1996


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