Andrew Davidhazy - Course Evaluation Summary Report 1997-1998

I failed to give and collect Student Evaluation forms in the Winter and Spring of last year since I must have missed the announcement that we had to collect student evaluation forms from every class and every quarter. Then in Fall of this year I forgot to do it and, therefore, I placed an evaluation form in the mailfolder of all the students in my Fall course and asked them to drop it into a mailfolder I placed among the student folders. In a way I think the validity of this approach is much more valid because 1. grades have already been given, 2. Only those students who have a complaint or feel that they can help improve teaching respond and 3. it is anonymous since there is little likelihood that I will see them place a particular form in the mailbox. This is the form I used and the results are tabulated by student or form "number". There were 8 respondents out of 20 students.

Dear Student, I am placing this in your mailfolder to ask for your assistance
in completing a part of the High Speed/Time Lapse Photography course that you
were enrolled in during this past Fall quarter. It has to do with gathering
your reactions to my teaching performance. I prefer to conduct this portion of
the process after the course grades have been turned in because I would like
your evaluation to be based on the total experience and also tempered somewhat
by a reasonable time period afterwards.
So, would you please take a few minutes to fill out this form and add whatever
personal comments you care to make at the bottom and then place this form in a
mailfolder I have placed in the mailbin where the student folders for the
Imaging and Photographic Technology (JPHT) students are kept.  Thank you.

Course title: High Speed/Time Lapse Photo 
Instructor: Andrew Davidhazy  
Date: Fall 1998

Section 1 (please circle the appropriate response)

I took this course: 1. as a required course      2. as an elective
                       1,2,4,5,7,8                  3,6

Effort I gave this course: 1. 100%   2. 75%           3. 50%  4. 25%  1. 0% 

I expected to receive a grade of:  A      B        C          D     F    Inc.
                                   7,8    1,2,4    3,5,6

I received a grade of:             A      B        C          D     F   Inc.
                                   2,8    1,7      3,4,5,6

Section 2 

I feel the subject matter for this course is:

1. Mostly outdated, irrelevant and not useful.          
2. Not relevant to my degree program but possibly useful in future.   1
3. Not relevant to my degree program but was somewhat useful          3
4. Relevant and useful                                                2,4,5,7,8
5. Extremely relevant, useful and interesting.                        6

The laboratory part of the course was

1. Extremely important and an effective part of the course      3,6
2. Related very well to the lectures and were useful            1,2,4,5
3. Related to the lectures and were somewhat useful             7,8 
4. Did not supplement the lectures but were somewhat useful
5. Did not relate to the subject at hand and were useless

The depth of the content was

5. Excellent given course goals     1,3,5   
4. Good and beyond basics           2,4,6,7,8   
3. Satisfactory                            
2. Not deep enough
1. Very cursory

The level of difficulty was 

5. Way over my head                
4. Challenging but doable           1,3,4,6
3. Somewhat difficult               2,7
2.  Average                         5,8
1. Much too simple 

My overall rating for this course is

5. Excellent                        3,8 
4. Above average                    1,2,4,5,6 
3. Average                          7
2. Below average
1. Poor

Section 3

How do you feel about the competence of the instructor in terms of knowing the
subject matter?

5. Very knowledgeable               1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
4. Knowledgeable
3. Average
2. Struggled with content
1. Not qualified

How do you feel about the instructor's preparation for class and handling of
classroom procedures?

5. Well organized                   3,6
4. Moderately organized             1,2,8 
3. Average                          5,7
2. Somewhat inadequate              4
1. Confusing                       (7)(8)   <- double entries)

Please write additional personal comments on the back of this form and return
the form to my mailfolder  included in the JPHT mail bins for student mail
located in the southeast corner of the SPAS building.


8. The clas was fun. It was interesting to see how physics and photo can be
tied together.

3. This course was exteremely interesting in content and in all hands-on work.
It is an excellent course to take if you are interested in learning about
techniques that are not widely used. Each procedure presented exceptional
detail in how systems actually work and are configured. GREAT class and

2. Having videotapes of class sessions was useful.

7 and 8. Both commented: "laboratory is scheduled too early in morning".