These are some messages of thanks or complimentary statements or related materials that I remembered to move to a folder for such mail during the "evaluation" or "annual report" year 1998-99 (Dec 01, 98 up to end of Nov. 1999). I am not sure of the usefulness of this but maybe it can be considered as supporting evidence to the effect that I am not totally asleep at the switch ... in spite of what things might look like when someone peeks through my office door! ;-)
I apologize for the "preformatted text" layout of this page but it is the fastest way that I could get this in. Hopefully I will have a chance to fix it up and finish the bottom of this file also.
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 07:46:59 -0800 From: Art KrenzelSubject: Great web article! Andrew, I really enjoyed your web article on High Speed Photography. The reference photos you quote in the article were not available for some reason. Is there another site or did I access the information incorrectly? I am interested in approx. 10 microsecond flash photography using a "standardly available" strobe which has been modified to produce a more square wave flash curve. Do you have any other references where they discuss the modifications necessary to reduce the discharge time of the strobe with a more square wave light/time curve? This is for a science fair project I am working on with my son. It's something I've been interested in all my life and now I have a partner. Looking forward to your reply. Art Krenzel
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 00:12:43 +0100 From: Jose Javier SotoSubject: Hola Muy buenas amigo Andres. Espero que estas muy bien y que todo vaya sobre ruedas. Estoy dandome una vuelta por la galeria, no se lo digas a los muchachos, pero les echo muy en falta y sobre todo al amigo Bec y a tu estimada colaboracion para el buen funcionamiento del foro. Hoy mismo en el curso de perfeccionamiento que estoy haciendo, he hablado de vosotros y hay tres personas que me han pedido la direccion. Bueno, nada mas, como ves seguimos en el mundo de la fotografia. Saludos y ya sabes donde me tienes. Javier desde Vitoria
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 22:12:03 +0000 From: Jill HurstSubject: Cirkut Andrew, I enjoyed reading your explaination of filming moving train using a Cirkut camera. Do you shoot with a Cirkut? Doug Hurst
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 15:01:19 -0500 From: Joe BonaventuraSubject: Peripheral Selfportrait Dear Madam, or Sir, as the case may be, I am a professor-at-large at Duke University. Aside from the "Outlaw" connotation of my title, I enjoy my position/role because I give myself the freedom to be inquisitive and colegial--in the best sense of the word! I have just run across your images on the internet, including the above-referenced one. They are very nice. The self-portrait(you or one of your "agents" left out the hyphen)led me to recall a set of photographic "experiments" I did with three-dimensional representation. WHile it was a "total outlier" with respect to what usually occupies me, the I took the endeavour so far that I was invited by one Charlie Brooks(IBM 360"father"and founder of the 1st Computer Science University-based Dept. in the USA) to present it at an international meeting on computer graphic representation of three-dimensional structure. At any rate, this is what I did: I took a 3-D "real" object and made a virtual model of it by photographing it from 6 mutually orthogonal views. The 6 prints were then pasted on the surface of a cube. The resulting photomontage, in 3-dimensions, was a more-or-less satisfying view of the object, virtually showing it as if it were the real McCoy. This is analogous, but with one dimension left out, of your self portrait. I have two(at least) questions: First, how did you create the images(as well as the one you l;abeled"Slitscan Photo"? Second, If you catch the drift of my cubic representation, how might one combine tha approach I took with yours, posssibly creating a simple way, more efficient than my six-view one, to make virtual ,models of stuff that people are interested in seeing? I look forward to hearing from you. Also, I got on to your stuff through a Biomedical Website called HMS Beagle. I'm not sure I have a website adress for your stuff per se, and I'd like to have an adress if you're comfortable with it.
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 09:08:20 -0800 From: Denise and Tom JenkinsSubject: e1280 Greetings and thanks for offering information on your experiments. Photography has been a way of life for me and my indulging and supportive wife. We have ventured into cyberspace with a web site devoted to the introductory areas of photography and will be offering an entire section on digital photography in the near future. We would like to tell people of your infrared experiments and reference to them. Night photography has always been my first love with infrared being my least understood, but most closely, albeit unsuccessfully, challenged. We currently own an e1280 and have used it for several of the photographic examples seen on our page. Experimentation is what keens our interests and helps us to move forward. Without being able to introduce the novice to what's available we only stagnate ourselves. Thanks for sharing your insights. Tom Jenkins
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 10:46:29 -0500 From: Guy GlorieuxSubject: Thanks for the Reviews and Merry X-mas to all Thanks to everyone who freely contributed their thoughts/mind/feelings/experience to reviewing my photo on the gallery this week. Thanks also and most specially to you, Andrew, for making to unique forum available to all photographers, big or small, around the "global village". Having been a (perhaps mostly silent) participant to the list (and occasional contributor to the gallery), I feel that I have gained tremendous insights over time from the exchanges between list members. Wishing you all a very happy X-mas and New Year, lots of great photographs and lots of (hopefully not too acrimonious) debates the PhotoForum. Guy
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 06:07:31 -0800 From: dalrympleSubject: Re: unsubscribe Andy, I had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you and your loved ones did, also. I am still on Photoforum--just a new provider and new address. I meant to send a message to Photoforum (but didn't get around to it) thanking you, again, for all your work and patience in running Photoforum. Your students are blessed having the opportunity to learn under your tutelage. I hope they realize that just as those of us who have access to Photoforum are blessed just to "know" you. Not only do I benefit greatly from all the information learned through the forum, I have many to talk with about photography. Best for the new year, Marilyn
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:58:21 -0400 From: Ivan MaizaSubject: =?iso-8859-1?B?RmVsaXogQfFv?= Don Andres: Reciba este dia usted un gran abrazo y mis mejores deseos para el 99. Sepa Vd. que Fotored es una de las mejores cosas que me ha pasado este año, gracias por su hospitalidad. Ivan Maiza
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 08:59:02 -0800 From: Sandy CarterSubject: Dear David, Thank you for the huge amount of information you've provided in your site. I'm a photojournalist (relatively new to the field, 3+ years) living in Victoria, British Columbia. Although my passion is photojournalism and the 'high-tech' side of photography is a lessor interest, all aspects of picture-making intrigue me. Your high speed work is quite remarkable. Even on my screen the images are tack sharp and each one has powerful impact. Thank you again. Regards, sandy carter victoria, bc
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 12:12:51 -0600 From: ColetteSubject: Photo Forum Hi Andy: I read your post of this morning and I just wanted to send you a note privately and tell you THANKS. This is a wonderful place to learn. Occasionally I will post with my "newbie" questions, but most of the time I wait for someone else to ask, and inevitably they do! I did photography and my own developing in high school, which is years gone past(!) and I am anxiously learning the new processes of today and learning about setting up my own darkroom with great anticipation! Much Thanks to you and the members of your list! Best Regards, Colette Molyneaux
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:59:24 -0600 (CST) From: ~$elena Goth ~Subject: Re: Serengeti gazelle stare down Andy, I believe gazelles are indeed in the family of antelope. Being smaller than the reindeer that normally pull Santa's sleigh, I imagine you drive a compact? We're still waiting for their names. ;-) I have not been to a zoo in years. I imagine shooting wild animals on the Serengeti is similar to trying to photograph small children at a birthday party, only more quiet? Kids will stare until you want to take your shot, at least that's how it is with us. Thank you for this wonderful forum. I've personally learned a lot of priceless information, tricks, and skills I know can be found no other place from no other group of colorful individuals. $elena Goth *= Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me =*
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 11:55:04 +0000 From: nodSubject: Re: safari I'm off for a few weeks now, but I wished to thank you for the photoforum. Also I had a look at the safari pictures. Why didn't you shoot slide ? The work is easily of what some people term, a "professional" standard, and could be sitting in a stock library, generating a nice little income on the side. Plus you wouldn't have had the fifty rolls of film sitting on the side, thinking, aaah, what am I going to do with all these prints. Come to think of it, I'd consider retiring as a photographic safari guide, since you obviously enjoyed it and have the necessary people skills involved. This weekend my parents are looking at camper vans, hippies that they are, they have decided in three years time when my father retires, to buy a wagon, sell up the house and potter around the world. see you and the forum in a few weeks, maybe months, regards. nod --
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:03:01 -0500 From: Donald MacMillanSubject: Re: Brief absence of Listowner - FYI Hey guys, Pssssst, pssssst the cats going away! Wonder what we can get away with! Let's see, I know he keeps the cheese somewhere around here! Andy let me say publicly <-: THANK YOU :-> this is my first and only list, and I have already learned lots! THANKS ! But seriously, about the list, just where do you keep the keys for this thing? We might need to know incase of emergency or something , and I promise Randy and I won't drive it a nickle over fifty-five honest. Shuffle in the sand,(stingrays), keep your trunks on, (sharks!), bring shorts and money, Florida is SPLENDID this time of year! ENJOY! Donald
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:48:05 -0500 From: Rob MiracleSubject: Re: Fwd: When Andy is away . . . (was Re: My Blue Laser -- Not a Chip At 11:25 AM 1/25/99 -0500, you wrote: >Rob, Thanks for the helping hand - I am unfortunately right now even more >occupied with personal stuff as on the day of my flight to Florida we >experienced a house fire that evicted us from our house and now am trying to >deal with it. Sue and I are ok but just about everything in the house is gone. Oh man. I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help? >Right now the personal bickering between Bob and Randy seems pretty >insignificant. It certainly puts things in perspective. Rob
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 21:23:02 -0500 (EST) From: "David A. Page"Subject: Re: Listowner back but temporarily quite busy - FYI Andy, I was sorry to hear from Tom Bullington that you had to return early due to a major fire. If there is anything that I can do to be of assistance please do not hesitate to call. David
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:38:38 -0500 From: (Peter Lynch) Subject: Re: chem. of photography Hellov Andy (got it right this time, sorry about the earlier lapse)- Many thanks for this start. I am certain I can find something with these. It is much appreciated. Cheers- Peter >Peter, well, nothing current but ... > >Eaton - Photographic Chemistry >Baines - The Science of Photography >Neblette - The manual of photography and reprography >The SPSE Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering >James and Higgins - Fundamentals of Photographic Theory >Richard Henry - Controls in B&W Photography >Grant Haist - Monobath Manual >hope you can find some of these ... > >andy
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:58:18 -0500 From: Charm RobinsonSubject: Monday night presentation Hi Andy, Thank you for your presentation Monday night at the Batavia Photography Club. The high speed photography of the fruit exploding and the tricks with light were very interesting. You were right. I looked up Davidhazy on the web and found over 340 listings. Wow+ACE- Looking through them took some time but it was worthwhile as I found some more of your unique photos. Thanks again, Charm Robinson
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 07:36:55 -0600 From: coletteSubject: Photoforum Good Morning Andy! Just wanted to say "Thanks" for a great list. I have met some really wonderful, interesting people. Just wanted to say Thanks....occasionally we take things for granted, forget our manners and forget to give credit where credit is due. Thanks for a great list and all the time you devote to it! Best Regards, Colette Molyneaux
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:59:11 -0700 From: swrightSubject: Help Hi Andy: I heard about your tragic fire while at the PIEA conference this month. I'd like to offer my sympathy for you and your family for the upheaval in your life and the loss of your family pet. If you need any help with things, clothing, or other items, please let me know. I know you only met me at PIEA and have corresponded over email, but I have a great deal of respect for you and your work and am saddened by your tremendous loss. Again, if there is anything I can do, please let me know. Sincerely, Sue Wright Arizona
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 14:33:38 +1100 From: Des CrawleySubject: Re: Your message was delivered to Dr. Z Hello Andy, I have just returned from Vegas and the PMA/PIEA. Where were you ? We badly needed your erudition. Cheers Des
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 13:49:06 -0500 From: "Brayer, Howard"Subject: Tanzania travel Hello Andy - I read with great interest the account of your trip to Tanzania last year. I am going on a trip there in early July - almost exactly a year after you went. As you did, we are starting in Arusha, then going to Tarangire, Ngorogoro Crater and highlands, and Serengeti, on a twelve day safari. Then we are flying to Zanzibar for 4 nights. I don't have any specific questions about the safari itself, tho if there are any additional "tips" or insights you can give me, in addition to those you ahve on the wb, I would appreiciate it. By the way, we are staying in tents, rather than lodges. I do have one question regrading photography. My friend has a "good" slr camera - I don't know the make or specifications, but he has a couple of lenses for it, and I think they cover the zooms you suggest. On the other hand, I only have a point and shoot, with a zoom lens that is ok for snaps, but not for safaris. We can share the prints when we get back. My question, and I know this is subjective, so you may not be able to really answer it, is this: Will I somehow feel "cheated" by not really many taking photos on the safari? I do plan to bring binoculars, so I will be able to see "live" what is around us. I also plan to take my camera, to take phots of our camps, people, etc, -- the "normal types" of photos I usually take. I thought of buying a better camera, but this seems to be a waste, since I am happy with the one I have for all my other photo needs, and it seems like an awful lot to spend, especially when I can share in my friends photos. What do you think?? Thanx again for putting your thoughts and pictures up on the web. Take care, Howard
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 14:58:46 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Tech Photo News page on the web - FYI Andy: This is great! Thanks for the info. Joy VanDeMortel
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 16:18:53 +0200 From: AlexanderSubject: Re: Contax mailing lists Once again, thank you for your consideration and sorry for the trouble and time I have taken away from you. By the way, can someone advertise on your site? And If yes, do you have rates? Thank you, Sincerely, Alexander
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 04:08:08 -0500 From: "Emily L. Ferguson"Subject: Re: New work in PhotoForum member's gallery - 03/08/99 I just want to say that since I joined this list about a month ago it has become a wonderful addition to the part of my life which is on-line. It is a great pleasure to have this regular opportunity to see other people's work, and to have the chance to have mine seen. As for reviews? Well, I'll wait a while still, but I sure do appreciate those that I get for my pix so I'll probably begin returning the compliment soon. In the meantime, thanks again, to Andrew and to all who submit and bring this into my photographic life. Emily L. Ferguson - Cape Cod, Massachusetts Photographer, English Country Dance leader
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 23:30:51 -0800 From: Mike WalkerSubject: Re: help Andy, Problem solved and thanks for helping to make my educational experience dynamic. Oh, the thanks is for keeping photoforum up and running Mike Walker Art/Photo student San Diego City College
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 15:53:50 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: Question about site Thank you! You have been very helpful.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:23:19 -0500 From: CarolineSubject: Re: Automatic Removal from PhotoForum list Notification Dear Andy, Thanks for letting me know - I was wondering why I was unsubscribed. I just resubscribed - I hope this e-mail address does not cause any more problems for you. With best wishes, Sincerely, Caroline Finnegan
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:53:54 -0600 (CST) From: "taylor.collier"Subject: Re: High Speed Photography Mr. Davidhazy, Thanks for the tips. I read your article and I will be looking into the high speed flash technique you suggested. I'm going to check with our Physics Dept. on the availabilty of the flash (or similar flash) you mentioned. You don't know how much I appreciate your input and your time. I'll try to keep you posted of our success. Thanks again, Lance
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 16:05:38 -0700 From: Krista NebekerSubject: hello Hello Mr Davidhazey, My name is Krista Nebeker. I am Sidney Nebeker's daughter and am working here at Cordin Company with him. I found your "photography 101" website and am very impressed with it. It is the most comprehensive site I have seen on this topic. We at Cordin are trying to increase awareness of our company and I am looking to the internet to help us communicate to others what kinds of equipment we have. I am interested in providing a link to your photography 101 page from the Cordin page - would this be alright with you? Please let me know what you think- Thank you, Krista
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:02:17 -0500 (EST) From: Leonardo CardosoSubject: Re: Los certificados re: Expo Fotored Rochester Estimado Andrew, Es usted muy muy amable Gracias y un abrazo Leonardo -----Mensaje original----- Asunto: Los certificados re: Expo Fotored Rochester Estimados miebros de la lista y autores que participaron en el Expo Fotored en Rochester (que comenzo su gira mundial en el Club Fotografico de Mexico bajo la supervision de Leonardo Cardoso y que sigue esta gira con una inauguracion en Valencia a cargo de Miguel Angel Mun~oz) esto es para avisarles que los certificados de participacion ya estan en tramite. Dicen algo asi: Marzo 21, 1999 Certificado de Participacion Este certificado servira para comprobar que una seleccion de fotografias por Autor fue expuesta en una exposicion fotografica montada desde el 19 al 31 de Octubre 1998 en el School of Photographic Arts and Sciences del Rochester Institute of Technology. Esta universidad esta ubicada en la ciudad de Rochester, estado de Nueva York en los Estados Unidos. Los 18 autores de las fotografias incluidas en esa exposicion son miembros de una agrupacion fotografica mundial conocida como Fotored. Una lista de todos los integrantes en el expo y tambien de las imagenes expuestas se puede ver en el Internet a la siguiente direccion: Esta exposicion comenzo su gira mundial en el Club Fotografico de Mexico en Junio de 1998. Actualmente sigue en su gira por Valencia, España y luego viajara a otras partes del mundo. firma del coordinador los siguientes autores tendrian que recibir estos certificados a poco tiempo. Bueno, depndiendo en el servicio postal de localidades individuales! Santiago Gonzalez Hernando Miguel Angel Muñoz Pellicer. José Javier Soto Reola Mario Baigorria José Antonio Peñalta Morales Federico Ramirez Corona Leonardo Cardoso Lucas Riquelme ANGEL FRANCISCO SOLER CANO Joaquin Fernandez Gonzalez Si hay alguien que no me ha mandado su direccion postal y que quisiera todavia recibir un certificado por favor mandenme la direccion y se las mandare. Saludos cordiales, Andres
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:21:33 -0600 From: "M. Galbraith"Subject: Thank You! Awesome stuff! I appreciate you sharing your talent by allowing the world to view the photos. Is it permissible for me to use some of the shots as wallpaper for my monitor? I believe that the "wasp cruising" would be particularly suitable. Thanks again. Best Regards, Mike
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:08:39 +0800 From: ajungSubject: Re: hi...where are my portfolios? Andrew Davidhazy wrote: > Hsin-Jung, > > I am unfortunately not connected with the admissions department or the > fine art photography department here at RIT. I have forwarded your note to > the person in charge of the graduate admissions process and that is Prof. > Angela Kelly whose e-mail address is: > If I find out something in your behalf I shall communicate it to you as soon > as possible. regards, > > o o 0 0 o . o Andrew Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech > \/\/\/\/\/\/ 716-475-2592 > ________| |____________________________________________ Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 06:44:12 -0700 From: dalrympleSubject: Congratulations, Andy! I thought list members would like to know that a student of RIT--and a student Andy acted as faculty sponsor for--recently won second place in "single images" for the PIEA (Photo Imaging Education Association) Student-Teacher Photo Competition. Andy can't promise, but the student's (Anthony Tanbakuchi) work may be able to be viewed in a future Photoforum gallery. Refusing to take credit for any of this, Andy insists all credit should be given to Anthony and Steve Diehl ". . .who is an excellent nature photographer", and was Anthony's teacher when the winning image was produced. I think list participants will agree, however, that Andy's definitely got the "golden touch" as a teacher/mentor, and it is not an accident that good things happen to others whenever he's involved. Marilyn Dalrymple
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 15:40:06 -0300 From: Lucas RiquelmeSubject: Llego el sobre Don Andrés, Ayer he recibido el sobre con el certificado de participación de la muestra efectuada en el Rochester. Muchas gracias por todo. Saludos cordiales. _______________________________________________ Lucas Riquelme Córdoba - Argentina
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 12:23:56 +0000 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9_Javier_Soto?=Subject: El Certificado de Rochester. Buenos días amigo Andrés. Quisiera agradecerte por el envío del certificado de la exposición fotográfica en la que participé como miembro de Fotored. Me ha llegado hoy y me ha llenado de alegría, yo, que soy un principiante en esto de la fotografía y que cada día intento superarme, el tener un diploma o certificado de haber participado en una exposición a nivel mundial, me enorgullece y hace que aumenten mis ansias por el conocimiento del tema. Quiero decirte, como amigo que te tengo, que me dado d baja de Fotored, ya que el domingo me voy a Alemania, a pasar una semana con una hija que tengo estudio-trabajando en la zona de Baviera y que la siguiente semana a esta, me la pasaré en Avignon, conociendo por tercera vez sitios como Nîmes, Arlé, Les Baux y otros mas, en compañía de unos familiares que viven en Tarascón, en la zona de la Provenza, en cuanto vuelva me inscribiré otra vez, el darme de baja, es que el servidor de correo mío, solo me da tres megas de capacidad para el correo y tengo miedo que me pase lo del año pasado cuando fui a París, me lo saturaron y no pude recuperar ningún mensaje. Recuerdos a los de la lista y a ti, un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo. Saludos de Javier desde Vitoria. ICQ- 348753574 Visitad"f:8-@gencia Fotográfic@" en
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 19:55:24 -0700 From: Jeff SpirerSubject: Gallery Hi Andy - Maybe this will be an unwanted suggestion. I "watched" you put up the gallery tonight, and one thing that happens is that people can get a "broken" gallery, with a lot of bad links. Now it's not for a long time so it may not matter. But there is a way around it - if you load all of your images first, and then your html pages, you won't have any bad links for any period of time. Just an idea, and I certainly appreciate that you take the time to have the gallery. Regards, Jeff Spirer Color and B&W Photos: B&W Photos, Words: Axiom/Material:
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 22:58:51 -0700 From: Subject: Re: Simple Sound Synchronizers for Amateur High Speed Photography - FYI Thank you, Andrew, for making this wonderful bit of info available. I'm going to get out to play with thes various measures, and see what I can make viable for my work. I'm sure I can make a new method out of at least one! thanks Sam Turvey
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:35:04 -0500 From: Eugene KowalukSubject: PH XI I caught your post on PHOTOHST regarding a call for papers for PH XI. Thank you for doing so and providing a place on the web for their activities. I couldn't but smile last September when I saw their announcements on the Admissions desk at GEH. Was two years enough lead time? eugene
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 16:38:00 +1200 From: "Wardle, Alison"Subject: RE: Panoramic Photos Hi Andrew, Thank you very much for such a prompt reply. I am disappointed with the answer you gave though as I was hoping that I had a camera which was going to give me wonderful wide-angle shots if only I knew how to use it!! I'll just have to use my old method of taking several shots and joining them together! Thanks very much once again, Regards, Alison.
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:02:37 -0500 From: Carlos =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mart=EDnez?=Subject: Re: Trabajo para el coordinador Andrew Davidhazy escribió: > Estimado Eduardo, > > > Esta dejando de ser la lista de un grupo de amigos. > > Esto es lo que solamente se puede hacer si todos los miembros de la lista > personalmente lo quieren hacer y mantener. > > > Yo creo que la solucion debe estar por el lado del > > coordinador de la lista, que imagino debe tener facultades, > > herramientas y metodos para encausar la cosa. > > Fotored no es una lista moderada por un moderador sino por la voluntad de sus > miembros. Eso no es decir que de vez en cuando un pequen~o reproche no aparezca > en la lista por alguna razon u otra pero en fin la direccion y los temas estan > "a cargo" de los miembros. > > > No pretendo presionarlo ni decirle lo que debe hacer. > > Yo siempre recibo sugerencias y ayuda con gratitud. > > > Quizas el entiende que "la casa esta en orden" y el > > equivocado soy yo. > > No, no estas equivocado. Pero al mismo tiempo te aseguro que la situacion en la > lista no era algo de lo cual estaba yo ignorante. Durante las ultimas semanas > especialmente la lista estaba en una situacion muy dificil. Si no se oia de mi > no era porque estaba desconectado de los acontecimientos. Tambien la lista > estaba recibiendo un gran apoyo por sus miembros y pensaba que la "voluntad" de > ellos era aparente. Mientras tanto, varias opciones fueron investigadas .... > bueno, pero no es necesario de mi manera de pensar, explicarlo todo. Lo mejor > seria no continuar este tema sino concentrarnos en matener el rumbo y el > ambiente que queremos establece y mantener en la lista. > > Saludos cordiales, > > Andres Davidhazy, - por Fotored Andrés: Mis respetos y mi admiración, soy el coordinador de una lista de Socios de Clubes de Leones (el club de servicio mas grande del mundo, no se si lo conoces) de mas de 25 países, en los que me he topado con reacciones de muchos tipos, (nada tan fuerte como esto de Fotored), sin embargo te quiero decir que he aprendido mucho de tu forma de manejar las cosas, tu mesura y sutileza me han enseñado mucho. Muchas gracias. Saludos Carlos Martínez Villarreal - Secretario de CIRCLE Página del Club de Leones de General Zuazua, N.L.
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 09:26:10 +0200 From: Delvaux KoenSubject: guilty as charged: copying without crediting the author... Hello, Thanks for informing me. I got your articles in the pre-web time (at least for me) through a mailbot server. At the time I had a good time reading them, but now I couldn't find them on the internet no more. Therefore, I took my old diskettes and retrieved the plain ascii text from those and I did put them on the internet, without any editing. I felt it would be a shame to not have these documents publically available. I didn't know they where available via a web interface. I also didn't know about the RIT's web site, since the documents did not include a hyperlink when I originally got them. Now that you pointed out to me that you have your articles online at your own homepage, I have corrected the situation, by doing the following: index.html: included a link to as "Rochester Institute of Technology" infrared.htm : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" spec_ef.htm : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" hg_speed.htm : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" insects.htm : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" 2ndcurt.htm : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" shut_spd : included a link to as "Andrew Davidhazy" and included a link to as "RIT" I hope this is OK to you. Once again, sorry for the informal "some other guy"... greets, Koen Siemens Atea n.v. Tel. ++3214253553 Fax. ++3214222994 E-mail: Snail mail: Siemens Atea, Koen Delvaux 4-70, Atealaan 34, 2200 Herentals, Belgium Web: > -----Original Message----- > From: Andrew Davidhazy [] > Sent: Sunday, April 25, 1999 10:32 PM > To: > Subject: Mailform Feedback > > Hi Koen, > > While not copyrighted in a legal sense, the mere fact that the text is > connected with an author's name and is not just authorless text, is an > indication that probably some effort had to be made to include copies of > the articles in other than their original location. > > My articles are available on the web for the benefit and education of > everyone. It would be nice if you use copies of my articles on your > website if you could acknowledge their source (beyond simply including my > name as author) ... and a reference to me as "some other guy" ... hmmmmm > > Anyway you might include a live link to my homepage and/or the school I > work for. > > take care, > > Andrew Davidhazy, Professor > Imaging and Photographic Technology > School of Photographic Arts and Sciences/RIT >
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 20:34:38 -0500 From: Subject: Re[10]: Annual Field Trip Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Re[8]: Annual Field Trip Author: Andrew Davidhazyat Internet Date: 5/4/99 11:26 AM Patty, Things are cool. Plans are fine. See you in a few days! andy
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 17:55:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Photoart list. In a message dated 5/8/99 2:45:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << Fact is that two members stated they missed your stimulating and literary comments, even if they did often disagree with you... and asked wether anybody had recent news of you.. >> ------------------------------ Christiane, I thought that Photoart was extinct. If the folks there want to find me, I'm here at PhotoForum. So I'm not all that difficult to locate. I never unsubscribed from Photoart, and so I have no idea why I never received posts from it. I recall that it was owned and managed by someone in Australia. Photoart faded away because it didn't have an easy to use gallery. I think the heart of a first rate Photo list is a well maintained gallery run by an enthusiastic and knowledgable manager. Andy is head and shoulders above everyone else in that job. Best, Bob
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 09:51:34 -0700 From: Gregory David StempelSubject: Re: New Steve, Welcome to one of the more interesting lists I have ever been on! Take care, Gregory david Stempel FIREFRAME
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 15:39:41 -0400 (EDT) From: Luis Daniel ToucedaSubject: Re: Bienvenido Luis! Muchisimas Gracias!!! por esta calurosa bienvenida, sencilla, pero demuestra que leiste lo que escribí en el original, debe ser un poco difícil ser el coordinador de la lista, y obviamente por lo visto, estar al tanto de todos los mail que circulan por ella. La tuya por lo visto es una excelente labor. Adelante! y gracias nuevamente.- -----Mensaje original----- De: Andrew Davidhazy Para: Grupo de discusiones fotograficas CC: Fecha: Domingo, 16 de Mayo de 1999 05:22 a.m. Asunto: Bienvenido Luis! Bienvenido Luis (de Salta)! Espero que encuentres aqui muchos amigos y que te sirva esta lista para intercambiar ideas sobre la fotografia y el turismo. La verdad es que casi todos los turistas toman/hacen fotos y uno de los usos mas comunes de la fotografia es para hacer "recuerdos" de lugares que visitamos. A pesar de eso, me parece en mi limitada experiencia, que la mayoria de esas fotos se pierden el lugares oscuros de las habitaciones de las personas que las valorizaban tanto cuando las hicieron en primer lugar! Curioso esto! saludos cordiales, Andres
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 10:34:33 -0400 From: Kyoko IngallsSubject: Thank you! Professor Andrew Davidhazy, Chair Imaging & Photographic Technology Dear Professor Davidhazy: This is a long overdue thank you note for your having nominated Pilar Martinez for the Outstanding International Student Service Award. The members of the International Student Scholarship Committee thoroughly enjoyed meeting with Pilar. She is a delightful, exceptional student who works very hard toward her goal. We felt privileged to meet wonderful international students like Pilar. However, the selection for the Award was not an easy one, and she was not chosen for this year's award. She was notified of the result at the end of April. We appreciate your taking time from your busy schedule to nominate Pilar for the Award. Kind gestures like yours give international students special encouragement and self-esteem. Thank you again! Sincerely, Kyoko Ingalls International Student Scholarship Committee
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 17:15:29 -0400 From: Rocco F MonacoSubject: www article X-Juno-Att: 0 Neat article on the Nimslo camera mods. Mucho grasias!
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 22:32:44 -0400 From: (Stanley McKenzie) Subject: Re: Photoforum List Thanks for the input on Andrew Davidhazy. He is, of course, a highly valued faculty member, and I appreciate hearing great accounts about him. Many Thanks, Stan McKenzie Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs writes: >May 18, 1999 > >Dear Provost Stan McKenzie and Dr. Joan Stone: > >I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much we appreciate >the time and effort that Andy Davidhazy puts into the Photoforum list. >This has served as an invaluable tool for me, as I have learned more on >the list in the past 3 months than I have in any courses on photography. >Mr. Davidhazy runs a very professional list where he commends >insurmountable respect from his peers, professional photographers, >serious amateurs, amateurs, and students, just to name a few. He has >mentioned the possibility of the offering of an on-line photography >course. We are sure it will be well received. > >Photoforum has been a wonderful, worthwhile list where ideas are >exchanged freely, and learning something new is a daily occurrence. I >look forward to being a member of Photoforum for years to come. Anything >that we can do to support Mr. Davidhazy in his endeavors to continue his >fantastic job of running this list, and making on-line classes a reality, >please let us know. He has 100% of our support. > >Best Regards, >Colette M. Molyneaux > >
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 22:34:54 -0400 From: (Stanley McKenzie) Subject: Re: Andrew Davidhazy Thanks for the input on Andrew Davidhazy. He is, of course, a highly valued faculty member, and I appreciate hearing great accounts about him. Many Thanks, Stan McKenzie Provost and Vice Presidentfor Academic Affairs writes: >Dear Mr.McKenzie, > >Those of us who participate on Photoforum listserve just learned that >Andrew Davidhazy will be working with you at RIT. I just wanted to let >you know how much those of us on Photoforum enjoy and appreciate Andrew's >participation in this listserve. > >He is a joy to know, a tremendous teacher, tireless worker and very >special person. Through Photoforum and his teaching he has touched the >lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of photographers and the industry is >richer for it. > >Sincerely, Marilyn Dalrymple
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 15:44:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: field trip (webster) Thank you very much for taking the time out of your definetely busy schedule to show us around your facilites at RIT. I enjoyed seeing the various feilds of photography that were being taught at RIT. I escpecially liked your demonstrations at the end of the day. It's amazing what you can do to decieve someone so easliy or simply make a puzzling or interesting photograph. I love just taking pictures for fun, but it was wonderful to see the other various aspects of photography, too. I hope the group that went on Wednesday liked it as much as the group I went with on Tuesday did. Thank you once again. Sincerely, Christin Wilbert :-)
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:22:35 -0500 From: Bruce HarrisonSubject: Andrew Davidhazy I would like to take the opportunity to thank RIT and David especially for the work that he has done with the photoforum mailing list and web site. It is a significant contribution to photograpy education and is especially appreciated by those of us who live outside a metropolitan area. David has mentioned the possibility of an online course in the photography area from RIT. The idea has received a warm reception from the people on the photoforum mailing. I would like to encourage both David and RIT to offer this and other courses via the internet. Again, thanks for the work that RIT and David are doing. Bruce Harrison Jr. Univ. of Tennessee at Martin Computer Center
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 01:06:14 -0400 From: CJ PilzerSubject: Great job being done I am student photographer in my second year at Montgomery College. I have been using the Photo-forum for further education. It is a wonderful resource. I have found answers to all the questions that I need to know and have found the discussions to varied and valuable. Also I have found the technical papers that Andy has placed on the web a resource without equal. There is nothing like this anywhere else on the net. Andrew Davidhazy is a treasure. Thank you for supporting him and this web site. Charles Jay Pilzer
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 20:38:19 -0400 From: Michael KrauseSubject: Re: Did you get previous message? Received IPT News and enjoyed pictures and commentary. Thanks for the four great years for Keith. Mike -----Original Message----- From: Andrew Davidhazy To: Cc: Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 9:12 PM Subject: Did you get previous message? If you did not, please let me know. asta, andy
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 09:43:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Tim KohlbrennerSubject: Photo Techniques Hello, I am a photography teacher at Oneida High School and a PIEA member. I attended your photo workshop about 4 years ago. You stretched me to my limits and I am still trying to recover - once again, thanks. Since then I have implemented several of the photo techniques that you taught. We have built the device to photograph a balloon as it pops. We are completing a quite fancy array of mirrors to take high speed photographs with a regular 35mm SLR camera. Our latest challenges are - I am working with the physics teacher to photograph a droplet of water. I can not find the article. We are trying to set up a motion sensor to trip the strobe - similar to the balloon. The second thing we are trying is photographing stemware. I still have my negatives from the workshop. The background on the negative is dark which should produce a white background. How do I get a black background with the white/clear glass? We photographed with the stemware backlit through a piece of white paper. I have drawings of that setup from the workshop but think I may be missing something from the printing process. thanks, Tim === Timothy L. Kohlbrenner Technology Education Teacher Oneida City School District 560 Seneca Street Oneida, NY 13421 (315)737-8511 (H)
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 21:21:53 +0100 From: Sergio LopesSubject: Leaving Photoforum Dear Photoforum members, although I've never been a very active participant of this list, I want to say a few things before I leave. When I joined this list one year ago I knew nothing about photography and I still don't know much. Along the way, you shared with me your knowledge and sensibility. I've learned a lot, but I also discovered that there is still much more to learn. Thanks to you, I've found in photography another path to satisfaction and fulfillment in my life. It is with regret that I say goodbye, but I'm dedicating more time to this list than to my study and I must finish my post graduation. The subject has nothing to do with photography, its informatics. That is another issue: my passion for photography is making me reconsider my life. I'm having many doubts and finding myself different: more inclinated towards more artistic expressions and towards nature and people (that's exactly the opposite of informatics). I have a lot to think... To end this goodbye, I'll say that I'm very grateful to you and that this list has a place inside me and that I'll come back some day. All the best, Sergio Lopes.
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 11:02:24 -0700 From: De Anda StudiosSubject: De Anda Dear Mr. Davidhazy: I would like to thank you for including us in your list of 'The PhotoForum's Links to Photographers around the world'. We sincerely appreciate it very much and we will include your link in our pages also. Respectfully, Eduardo Marquez De Anda - Professional Imaging
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:21:26 -0400 From: Aileen FletcherSubject: potential student Hi Andy, just hoping you are around! I might have a student for you. One of my best photo students transferred to Virginia Tech this past fall to major in biology and become a biology teacher. She has now decided that photography is really her field and is interested in transferring to RIT. She is putting together a portfolio now. She was an outstanding student here in all subjects not just photography . We are both hoping you might have some words of advice about a portfolio or perhaps have some words of advice in general. Thanks for any help you can give her, Aileen Fletcher (from the spring workshop) Assistant Professor of Art New River community College
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 12:31:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Walter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Paul=F3n?=Subject: Re: sobre mensajes, reglas y desmadres Por favor no me cambien el foro!!!!!!! Aunque no sea perfecto, es de lo mejor que se puede encontrar en la Red. Saludos desde Santa Fe, Argentina. Walter Ariel Paulón Interno 1369 Sistemas - Milkaut S.A. > -----Mensaje original----- > De: Luis Fernando Vivas [] > Enviado el: Martes 8 de Junio de 1999 10:52 AM > Para: Grupo de discusiones fotograficas > Asunto: Re: sobre mensajes, reglas y desmadres > > Solo quería mostrar mi apoyo a estos consejos. A mí tampoco me gustaría que > el foro cambiara, me parece bien el número de mensajes, las bienvenidas, > etc. Pero reconozco que hay compañeros que tienen menos tiempo que yo.
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 20:14:07 -0500 From: Darrell McClanahanSubject: Re: Your message concerning misuse of the Forum Andrew: Thanks for the reply. Of course, I agree. Mine is mostly a knee-jerk reaction, I guess. I'm learning to scan and delete with great rapidity, so perhaps I can cope with the chatroom chatter. The substance is worth it. And, this IS such an immense information resource, one should resist throwing the baby out with the bathwater (at least as long as the baby is still alive and we're not totally awash in bathwater). I appreciate the job you do with the forum and realize that it was destined to be a difficult job from the first. Darrell McC ----- Original Message ----- From: Andrew Davidhazy To: Darrell McClanahan Cc: Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 2:02 PM Subject: Re: Your message concerning misuse of the Forum > Darrell, > > I would suggest that ther has to be some kind of balance between > " "gearhead" stuff and artictic "vision" stuff. One may have the most > impressive vision but if there is no idea of how to carry these out these > visions are essentially menaingless. On the other hand, one may have > tremendous technological know-how but no vision and this is equally > problematic. > > Anyway, I can't be too encouraging with respect for what you expect out of > PhotoForum. There are a number of strong wills present and one-upsmanship > often is a problem. I hate to say this but such attitudes tend to be prevalent > among the working pros and not the instructors and students. The list's goals > seem to be impractical or naive. One would think that pros and neophytes could > coexist but this seems like a far-fetched idea. I am not sure why this is so > but you may remain a list member long enough to see this happen. > > I have been criticized for being too lax, too lenient and not one to carry > out the "penalties" promised in the guidelines ... I am probably guilty of > this. I try to lead by example and try to remind members what civilized > bahavior and language are all about. I am reluctant to expell members but I > do welcome assistance from concerned members. > > Anyway, I hope you stay for a while but I would not be surprised if pretty > soon you find the volume and the topics ... stressful?? Maybe not ... > > take care and best wishes, > > Andy > Andrew Davidhazy, - for PhotoForum on the Internet
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:47:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: hsp I enjoyed your websight very much, the pictures using high speed photography were really great. I am very interested in high speed photography but my photos are still a long way from yours. What equipment do you use and how do you get such good results? thanks jeff
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 06:24:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Ricardo LopezSubject: Re: Muchas Gracias y operdoname el tiempo que ... Mas que perdonarte tengo que darte las gracias. Esta bien recibir mensajes que le recuerdan a uno que hay otras cosas pendientes, ademas del trabajo. De verdad que ha sido un placer hablar contigo. Saludos. Ricardo Lopez --- Andrew Davidhazy wrote: > Ricardo, > > ... perdoname el tiempo quen te robo de lo poco que tienes. Se exactamente > a lo que te refieres. Hasta deliberaba si te mandaria esta nota de > agradecimiento. Adios y buena suerte en tu "vida" ;-) > > Andres Davidhazy === Ricardo López FotoIndice:
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:06:32 -0400 From: Richard F Johnston IISubject: Thanks!! Awesome page man! Thanks! Ric
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:08:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Andrew DavidhazySubject: Re: query about Beckman and Whitley Dear Mr. Carlson, Well, I don't know details about the company but they were very influential in the photoinstrumentation field in the 50's and 60's ... and maybe earlier. Eventually some or all of their activities and products were taken over by the Cordin Corporation of Salt Lake City, Utah. Beckman and Whitley was an active participnat in the establishment of the SPIE (then called the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers and now the International Society for Optical Engineering located in Bellingham, Washington) and the SPSE (now the IS&T - the Society for Imaging Science and Technology located in Washington, DC). Their products and research efforts were published in the journals of both of these groups. They also published in the meetings of the High Speed Photography and Photonics conferences and that are held every couple of years in different locations around the world. BTW, I have some of these journals archived in my office and if I can help dig through them let me know. I have some URLs that may be of use ... especially the Cordin one. Cordin Corporation - manufacturer of high and ultra high speed cameras Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) href=" International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) let me know if I can be of further assistance. Andy o o 0 0 o . o Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech \/\/\/\/\/\/ ________| |_____________________________________ > Dear Professor Davidhazy, > On your web page you mention a Beckman & Whitley camera. I am currently > (for a museum exhibition of film technology) trying to find out something > about this company, since one of the exhibits appears to be from them. Can > you perhaps provide me with any information on this firm, or maybe tell me > where to look to find out more about them and their products? > I would be most appreciative for any help you could provide. > Very sincerely yours, > Christopher Carlson > Institut fuer den Wissenschaftlichen Film > Goettingen, Germany
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 14:59:12 +0200 From: Christopher CarlsonSubject: AW: query about Beckman and Whitley Dear Professor Davidhazy, I simply can't thank you enough for your most helpful information! Cordin has what appears to be the linear descendant of our camera (even retaining the same model number!). I've mailed their company archive to get the final word on this matter. I want you to know that your kind and prompt help was absolutely decisive here. Many thanks, C. Carlson
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 00:39:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Phoenix process article Dear Sir; I'm a commercial photographer in NYC and enjoy photo science very much. Came across your web site and I found the articles on your Phoenix process very interesting. I will be sure to check the site regularly now and I appreciate the work that you do a great deal. I have expiremented with a few high speed projects over the years. And your web site was a joy to come across. I'll look forward to visiting again. August Bandal
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:50:55 -0700 From: The BrentsSubject: thanks for interview(s) Mr. Davidhazy, Thanks again for doing the interview with me about the RIT program. And especially for sending so many students my way. I had more than enough graduates respond to my request and it has made for an interesting article. I needed the technical side since some of the other schools, especially in Canada, focused on photography as an art...for exhibits etc. Anyway, thanks again for your time and assistance. Eileen Brent Writer Bridges Initiative
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 20:57:36 -0300 From: (Bec) Subject: Re: oh oh ... II Maese Andrew: > >creo que estas inscrito como: >y estabas mandando un mensaje desde bec@fotomundo... Gracias. Sucede que tengo mas de una direccion de correo electronico. Ya he corregido ese error. >no tuve exito (como ya lo sabes!) en viajar al la ciudad por "interferencias locales" ... Me dejaron el mensaje pero yo, a su vez, no pude comunicarme con vos. Fue todo muy vertiginoso. Ademas, tuve algunos serios problemas que, mas adelante y con algo de tiempo, te los voy a contar. Estuve mas de dos dias sin poder dormir... muy angustiado... No te preocupes, todo ha sido superado. >bueno, te mandaria un besito tambien pero no se quien leeria >este mensaje asi que ... Jajajajajajajaajajaaaaaajajajajajjajajajaajaaaaaaaa Sos un tipo increible. Te quiero mucho. BeC
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 22:04:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Jose Carlos de UrquizaSubject: Re: Un millon de disculpas At 12:02 24/06/99 -0700, you wrote: >Bueno, para ahora ya etarán enterados de mi gran idea realizada... > >Estan aceptas Percy, sea bienvenido a la lista más original y democratica de toda Net. Creo que con el tiempo vais a ver que todas estas discussiones hacen parte de un estado de cordialidad y amistad, y la fotografia une a nosotros como personas amigas aunque de distintos paises y costumbres. Saludos hemanos de un listero brasileño. José Carlos de Urquiza desde Recife, Pernambuco. Brasil
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 00:10:54 +0200 From: Subject: RE: Anonymous Gallery A. Davidhazy answered to D. Bennet : > > Are the Anony gallery members going to "come out" at some point? Or was > > the point complete anony? > > It is my personal understanding that the agreement was that the anonymous > authors would remain anonymous (with only the author of a given image and > the gallery curator knowing who was connected with it). > > If there is a strong feeling otherwise please communicate that to me off > line. Hi Andy, First of all, many thanks for all the time you are devoting to this forum; I'm following the threads since about mai 1996 and do really enjoy this list. Since I'm on the Internet, it's the only list I've been following without interruptions... As for the Anonymous gallery... it should be up to the photographer to decide wether they want to show up in the open after the exhibition is closed down. Some may want it, other not.. Such a rule would also satisfy part of the curiousity of the other members ;-) I've tried to guess who were the photographers of the anonymous gallery .. and would enjoy to know if the guessing were right or not... so if some want to unveil their names I'd welcome it; but this shouldn't be an obligation for everyone... Have a nice week-end Christiane Roh ************************************************* C'est toujours a l'imparfait de l'objectif Que tu conjugues le verbe photographier (Jacques Prevert)
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 16:47:17 -0700 (PDT) From: sandra bestmannSubject: thank you very much Hi Andrwe, I got your mail tanke you very much for all the information i haven´t rede it all, my inglish it is not good enough and i need some time to understend it all, any way i will reed it and i will let you know wether i understend it or not. i wondre if you have a page were could see some of your work, if so please send me the adress. sandra
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 06:26:18 -0700 From: WDAVIDSubject: Thanks For A Beautiful Article I look forward to more on this. Two typos: This means that the sensor could also have been placed along the short dimension of the 35mm **camera;s** focal plane. One could easily be discouraged by such a shortcoming but my **advise** ... (advice) Thanks again... Best regards, W. David Schwaderer
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:55:37 -0400 From: Subject: Re: field trip Andy- thanks for yesterday. I apologize for the unruly students. I am dealing with that problem now.... Sarah Markham came up to me after we got off the bus and remarked how interesting the day was. You did a really good job. Thank you. - Robert
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 18:39:40 -0700 (PDT) From: Jennifer BraunSubject: Re: Dinner anyone? I'm just writing to thank you for the invitation to dinner the other night, but by the time I recieved your e-mail, I was out of the area. During orientation the past few days I got very excited about the Photo Tech. program and a life at RIT. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the fall, thanks again for the invite. Jen Braun
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 13:48:40 -0400 From: Nancy LyonSubject: Great work! Hi Andrew - wow I was really excited to see our work all in one place. It's WONDERFUL. I hope it gets around and around the world. Congratulations! What a great thing to use the web to creat a virtual gallery. I don't know if you will be making any changes or additions to the site, but if you do, I do have a web site, and if it's possible to make a hotlink to it, that would be great. I call it my "Cyber Launchpad" because it opens with a photo of a UFO -- or rather a house I shot in Gulf Breeze that looks like a UFO! happy travels, Nancy -- Nancy Lyon Manhattan tel/fax (212) 504-2725 Montreal tel/fax (514) 221-2090 Cyber Launchpad:
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 12:08:58 -0400 From: John-Allen PayneSubject: Thanks for Photos Hello Andy, Thank you for your time and consideration and your photographs of students in the Vomit Comet. They are exquisite. I have chosen two and formatted them and have included them in student's readers. Presently, there is some urgency to have the readers in print by the beginning of next quarter, but when I have more time I will do a more complicated spread. Sincerely, John-Allen Payne
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 14:31:54 -0400 From: Dawn MerrimanSubject: Lubitel Hey! I found you!.......i have said to my friends if i ever find out who he is i need to thank him!......Ok here's my name is Kim......I don't know how many years ago it was, it seems like a long time, my husband who teaches photography at GVSU here in Michigan recieved his Ilford instructor news letter.......since I am forever wanting new info... I always read his newsletters from various places .......WELL!...there it was talking about this plastico Lubitel camera and then ...I don't remember if it was in the same issue ar not.......there was this really cool way of taking pictures with 35mm film in this plastic i had him buy one for me and i learned the "technical" oddities of the Lubi...and since i only skimmed the article at the time and (we couldn't find the thing later so i could read it ) .....but i saw pictures ...and was inspired....i jammed the 35mm film canister in the back.... actually there really was no jamming it fits pretty well....... BUT!.. you are limited to who knows how many exposures (i got 6 once from a 36ex....eeww!) and have to have a dark bag with you to unload and rewind....not to mention a LOT of black tape for the exposure window....SO! i am cruising through the last few areas of the GAK site i find your name..... and your invention!!!!......Thank-you thank-you!!!!......because of you I was accepted into the "Krappy Kamera Show"( no really i am proud of that) in Soho, and now I am a finalist in the Photographers Forum Annual.....No wonder Harley Seeley e-mailed back to me that my images were..interesting use of 35mm film in a 120 camera....Harley is putting up a space for my Holga and Lubi images on the how cool ! i wish it hadn't taken me so long to get through the images and STUFF on the Gak site.....I surf during my lunch!!! i can give credit where credit is due ....besides it is a much shorter story.........THANKS AGAIN!!! Kim Taylor Lubitel shooter
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:36:46 +1000 From: Subject: Re: Photoform mailing list.... It doesn't look like I missed anything. Thanks Des PS: Love the list.
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 16:14:16 -0700 From: Deanan DaSilvaSubject: Re: Orthographics - 2 mile subject <> Andrew Davidhazy wrote: > > Deanan, > > Yup ... I have not yet been able to crack the system to make "streaming" > recording possible. It should be possible and I do not believe it would be >hard to do but for me it is. which scanners are you using?? > > I have been doing the scanner modification bit and am fairly successful but I > am trying to do it on a shoestring and that it harder to do ... guess that is > why some things just cost more! same here. I'm using old and used scanners. so far just hp ones. > I have a sample pan at great stuff! Cheers, Deanan
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 20:41:29 -0700 From: Sherri LibermanSubject: SPAS enrollment Thank you for your letter, I apologize for the delay in replying, as I just returned to the US recently after eight months travel in South East Asia, Nepal, and India. I originally wrote an inquiry requesting information about the Biomedical Photography Program, and did in fact receive an application and catalog. I just accepted and started a job with Scientific American magazine as a copy editor/assistant to photo editor, and plan to stick with it for a minimum of one year. I am however still interested in studying Biological Photography, it just may be a bit farther in the future than I originally anticipated. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response. Sincerely, Sherri Liberman Andrew Davidhazy wrote: > This is a brief follow-up to a message that you or somone using your address > sent to the Rochester Institute of Technology by way of filling out a form on > the Web requesting additional information about photographic programs at the > School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. > > This is just to check that the information you requested was sent to you and to > find out if there is anything else that would be helpful to you. Please note > that I am just a faculty member in the School who undertook doing this on my > own initiative so you are not communicating with an "admissions" department or > other official department at the school. However, it was me that requested that > admissions send you the printed info you requested and I would be glad to try > to assist further. If beyond my capability to provide such help I will forward > to an appropriate support division. > > BTW, I would like to share with you that the school now has an improved web > presence and you can find a faster and more complete school page at: > > htt:// > > regards, > > Andrew Davidhazy, Professor > School of Photographic Arts and Sciences - RIT
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 07:49:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Subject: Polaroid Emulsion Transfer X-Sender-Ip: Dear Andrew, Wow! Thanks for replying so quickly regarding the emulsion transfer process. I took your advice and saw the polaroid web site. I also did a search on this process and found lots of interesting sites. There are even books about it! Thanks again, Shay
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 22:47:57 -0500 From: Bailey DonnallySubject: A modest suggestion Hi Andy, Let me make a small suggestion about the Photoforum Gallery (which I enjoy quite a bit). When you see the thumbnails, you can click on the thumbnail to get a larger image or you can click on the name of the author to get more details about the photo and the author. However, most authors do not give additional details about their photo and so all you get when you click the name is standard info such as e-mail address and possibly a Web link. Therefore, mostly when the viewer clicks the name it only takes up time and doesn't yield information she/he could use in reacting to the photo. It strikes me that it would improve matters if you would put an asterisk by either the author's name or the photo title to indicate that there is more information specific to the author's photograph contained in the link. That way the viewer could choose to view the image but skip clicking on the author's name link if there are no additional info or comments there. As I said, this is a small matter. I am highly grateful for your enormous services in maintaining the Photoforum list, and I do not wish to add to your work. If this complicates your life in any way, or if it sounds stupid to you, just send this message to your electronic shredder. Bailey Donnally
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 17:59:34 +0000 From: Joe BalsamoSubject: A question regarding formal photographic education Andrew, I am a member of the Photo Forum list. First, let me say how much I appreciate this list. It is superb for an aspiring photographer such as myself to be able to list to true pros such as yourself, Jan Faul, Sam Turvey, Alan Zinn and others. It is a great thing and having run many mailing lists in my computing career, I know it is mainly a very thankless job. Regarding my primary reason for writing. While I would love to be able to attend a school like RIT or Brooks (and perhaps someday I shall), my current circumstances as a working professional with a small business as well as the only member of my family able and thus tasked with the care of my elderly mother, it simply is not practical for me to leave the San Diego area for an extended period of time. Thus, I have been seeking alternate forms of a formal photo education. I have been considering the local colleges, community and otherwise as well as a correspondence school such as NYIP. Basically, I'd like your professional photo educator's opinion as to my best course of action. Any suggestions and help you could offer on this matter would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance, and my best, Joe Balsamo
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 14:03:47 -0500 From: MichelleSubject: Re: GOT THE PROBLEM figured out!!! Thank you! Thank you! You have been a big help. Hope you have a nice week. Thanks again. Michelle
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 19:22:52 -0400 From: Bob RosemanSubject: Re: Monitored forum At 04:14 PM 8/10/99 -0500, you wrote: >I belong to the PHOTWED list and I believe it is moderated. I don't think it is censored, but the list modorator keeps things in check. The volume is low, but 98% of the messages have useful information. The listowner stops any bickering immediately. It works very well. Your messages even have to be properly formatted. > >There is a lot of blah blah blah on this list. I want photographic information! It amazes me that a photographic question can get less attention then some of these stupid opinion threads that don't have anything to do with photography. > >I'll take 98% over 30% any day!!! There is more to great photography than techno babble. Let the techies talk cameras, lenses, chemical formulae. I am more interested in what goes on behind the eyes and between the ears. That you can only get with alot of blah, blah, blah. There are plenty of lists that trade in technical info this one goes beyond that thanks to Andy. Bob Bob Roseman Atlanta, GA
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 20:11:13 -0600 From: jamiehySubject: #16 cirkut film /gearheads I just got a #16 cirkut (never thought I would see one on EBAY) which I plan on having running in two -four months. I have to make a reproduction gearhead (maybe a few). and order some film. I might end up ordering some film from kodak, and wonder if anyone else might be interested in some when/if I place the order. I will be getting B&W film and am leaning toward verichrome pan. Another of a few possibilities will be the bergger 200 film, but will partially depend on price per foot. If anyone is interested let me know. Andy Davidhazy (i took your industrial photo class around 1980- it was a great class!) - Do you ever use your #16 these days? Jamie Young Madison , WI
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 10:55:28 -0400 From: CarmanSubject: Unfortunate email Andy, Thank you. You made me feel a whole lot better. I know it's quite silly of me but I really don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. Nor do I want my own feelings hurt. It seems that I can take criticism of the photos quite nicely but somehow I am not that good with personal remarks. Thank you for that little bit of perspective which sometimes just gets lost. By the way, I think you do a great job with the forum. Candace Carman Carman Gallery From: Andrew Davidhazy To: Carman Cc: Subject: Re: Unfortunate email Date: Sunday, August 08, 1999 11:23 AM Candace, Misunderstandings over messages sent by e-mail are an unfortunate byproduct of the limitations of the technology. When written down and taken out of the context of "reality", words often fail to express the true meaning or intent of the speaker. I think that you are a fine, contributing member of the list and would not mean to attack anyone. Even so, I have seen this happen many times, some people have shorter fuses than others, others have egos that get easily damaged and still others think the world must listen only to their point of view (maybe that is a variation on the ego thing) and still others simply try take things in and learn from the experiences or at least experience them. I don't have the answers myself either. People would have me be much more rigorous about supervising the list and throw people off and not let them resubscribe ... but I am (unfortunately or fortunately) not prepared to do that. I will tolerate adults being adults ... within very broad limits. Well, I am rambling ... Candace, don't get all bothered by this is my advice to you. There are boors and diamonds on this list as well as in life in general. Take the latter and avoid the former. I am sorry for you having to deal with this issue in the first place. take care, Andy
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 11:15:14 -0700 From: "Robert A. Woodward"Subject: Re: Spiratone Extension tube Andy: I had assembled the extension tube to the camera but had not tried to take it apart on the camera. It does come apart one section at a time. Thank you very much. Robert A. Woodward
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 17:43:43 -0500 From: DANASubject: RE: photography help! Thanks a bunch. You're the greatest!!! > -----Original Message----- > From: Andrew Davidhazy [] > Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 5:16 PM > To: DANA > Cc: > Subject: RE: photography help! > > Dana, will do ... I will encourage list members to write to you directly. > > andy
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 21:20:45 -0300 From: Guacira e Jose LuizSubject: Identity crisis Hello Mr. Andrew: I am Jose Luiz Vasconcellos - the Biology teacher and photography lover. My wife is Guacira and she is my webmaster and runs the computer things around here. She is a teacher too - in the Math area. Guacira love to photograph with a digital camera ( a little Kodak DC-120 ) and I like my negs. But I am walking to the digital world. By the end of this year I will buy a film scanner and this way I will be able to send the gallery some pictures. We live in a small farm around Rio de Janeiro (+ - 40 km) a choice we made to escape the rat race of the big cities. Our oldest girl is already a MD (she graduated last year) and the yongest is 12 years old. That's life... Thank you for your kind answer. By the way, I decided for the Linhoff - I think it is more traditional and I will be at easy using it. Sincerely, Jose Luiz Vasconcellos
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 11:41:07 -0400 From: "Hilliard, Jamese [PRI]"Subject: PHOTOS Very nice images, my favorite is the focusing schlieren (B&W) of the candle. Jamese J. Hilliard, Ph.D R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute 1000 Route 202 Raritan NJ 08869 (908)704-4871 (908)526-3047 (FAX)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 11:29:30 -0500 From: Mary KeithanSubject: Hand Scan Your ideas are interesting and amazing! working with such economically available technology. I am an artist/ photographer and wish something like this was more available to me. Check out American Photo September/Oct 1999 issue. This issue is mostly on figure photography but on page 87 there is an article about Stephen Johnson who they call a digital pioneer. My question, Is there a fundamental difference between what you are doing what Johnson is doing ? I mean separate from the fact that you have developed this on your own and he is using digital technology made by Dicomed. He claims the cost is from $10,000-$20,000. If you don't want to buy the magazine you can look him up regards from David Rubello
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 06:50:25 -0400 From: Georgeanne DonnellySubject: RE: SPAS Photography Programs Info Requested - FYI Andrew, Thank you do much for all the inquiries. You are about the only person on campus to send me so many inquiries. I get approximatley 500-600 web inquiries a week and I do try hard to process your right away. Thank you Georgeanne -----Original Message----- From: Andrew Davidhazy [] Sent: August 15, 1999 4:52 PM To: georgeanne: ;bill: ;angela: ;willie: ;michael: ; Cc: Subject: SPAS Photography Programs Info Requested - FYI To: GEORGEANNE In: Admissions Fx: x7424 Fr: Andrew Davidhazy - Imaging and Photo Technology Ph: 475-2592 Fx:475-7750 email: Doing my bit for the recruitment effort ... another 5 days worth ... does this make any difference ..... nobody responded to my previous question so it seems to me that this is considered to be trivial, no? ........................................................................ Please send a package of info intended for students looking into a program in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences as described below. Please include any appropriate admissions and financial aid related information possibly useful to such a person. Information such as costs, fees, program requirements, scholarships available and a copy of the View Book featuring the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences (or whatever is available) to: (addresses removed to preserve privacy) name: RIE TOMITA name: Alexandra Olivar name: Bridget Mullen name: Robert Noonan name: Matt McDonald name: Megan Bergman name: Lisa Brodus name: Darrell Wright name: hester Esquenazi name: tashina singh name: Jackie Wilson name: Jennifer M. Halpern name: Ines Garcia Baltar name: HEATHER BLANTON name: jessica lynn fisher name: Nancy Lee Nihart name: Andrea Wildner name: Mauricio Montel name: Ashish Mendiratta name: shaun naylor name: Hagai Shapira name: Efren Aragundi name: shoshna sood name: Phil Hart name: MIGUEL LEYES name: Elizabeth Adessa name: Sarah R. Leone ........................................................................ on behalf of the persons making this request and myself: thanks much, Andy o o 0 0 o . o Andrew Davidhazy, at RIT's Imaging and Photo Tech Dept \/\/\/\/\/\/ High Speed Photography Lab ________| |__________________________________________________________
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:21:39 -0700 From: Ron SaldinoSubject: Re: AllExperts Question Hi David: Wow! I just spent a lot of time looking at your Web page, your articles, the links, etc. I wish I was into high speed bird photography. Actually, several photographers have mastered the art of hummingbird photography and of light-triggered self-made images of flying birds, but not being that technically motivated, I am looking for some other aspect of bird photography to do. Thanks for your comments on the use of flash. The answer is--get as close as you can and use as much flash as you can--for my purposes, that is enough general guideline to work with. Ron ----- Original Message ----- From: Andrew Davidhazy To: Cc: Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 5:31 AM Subject: Re: AllExperts Question > I am not quite sure what you want to do but the bottom line is that the closer > you can get the flash the better. 30 feet is pretty far. In any case, using two > flashes will give you one "stop" more light. Approaching the flash to a > distance of about 20 feet will also give you one stop increase in light. > > regards, > > Andy o o 0 0 o . o Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech > \/\/\/\/\/\/ > ________| |_____________________________________
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 13:49:25 -0400 (EDT) From: daniel rodriguezSubject: Re: Bienvenido ¡che! Dijo Santiago lo que dijo digo, lo dudo. daniel rodriguez. san telmo. -----Mensaje original----- De: Para: Grupo de discusiones fotograficas Fecha: Miércoles 18 de Agosto de 1999 11:51 AM Asunto: RE: Bienvenido dr dijo: > Siempre es más fácil discutir, así sea > livianamente esta tontera que pensar en por qué esa galería es temática, por > qué le cuelgan tan pocas fotos, siendo que somos tantos, y por qué nunca > hablamos de ella ni de ellas. Tienes razón en todo lo que dices pero se te olvida algo fundamental. Fotored es un foro muuuuuuy especial. Se supone que de fotografía, pero en realidad de fotógrafos. Hay más mensajes off-topic que on-topic. Tenemos un certamen en el que no se compite. Y una expo itinerante en la que ni pagamos ni nos pagan. Tenemos (al menos) un editor de una revista que no quiere hacer publicidad directa de su medio de vida. Tenemos otros editores de revistas que se apropian de las discusiones para publicarlas en sus medios de vida. Tenemos un alienígena hermafrodita, a Ripley la de las bragas más buscadas. Hubo una época en que había un inquisidor cibernético, un japonés suicida y hasta varios trolls que se fueron (¡cuándo han visto a un troll largarse!!!). Hasta tenemos un objetivo fetiche, al que le hemos puesto de nombre "el innombrable". Usted no lo conoció, pero tuvimos a un monje experto en el arte de degustar cervezas, pero al mismo tiempo tenemos al Maloso de las coronitas, a uno que salta verjas de cementerios y a un ser intemporal de apodo "El Pardo" y apellido "Menéndez". De vez en cuando, aparece la rana Gustavo, aunque luego se va, y hasta tenemos a un participante que gusta de firmar en minúsculas. Total, que para cuando uno se acostumbra a la idiosincrasia del foro, la misma idiosincrasia le atrapa y ya no puede escapar. Esa es la verdadera riqueza de Fotored. Saludos, Santiago.
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:12:20 +0000 From: CLAUDIA MURPHYSubject: Thanks so much Thank you so much for the prints . I really love them . I just have to find the strategic places in my apt to hang them now.;)...Hope all is well and I'll see you in october. Take Care, Claudia
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:33:02 -0700 (PDT) From: juan javierSubject: hola: me parecio muy interesante su material de fotografia, soy un estudiante de ingenieria civil apasionado con la fotografia. en este momento me encuentro organizando un grupo de fotografia en mi facultad, ya que aqui no existen medios de expresion artisticas, ademas espero crear un pequeño taller para enseñar las cosas basicas de fotografia en blanco y negro. si tienes tiempo me gustaria pedirte algunos consejos de vez en cuando. desde ya gracias atentamente jjavier
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:23:22 +0200 From: oscar clemente veraSubject: Agradecimiento desde =?iso-8859-1?Q?Espa=F1a?= Estimado Andrew, Muchas gracias por su prontitud en responderme, solamente reiterar mi ofrecimiento de ayuda para cualquier cosa que pudiera necesitar de España. Atentamente Oscar.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 09:06:08 -0600 From: Marco Antonio Hidalgo MolinaSubject: RE: Gracias Andres, ya he recibido la confirmación de RitPhoto, disculpa la pregunta pero de donde sos? Ya que tu apellido parece no ser latino, aunque tu nombre si lo es. Un saludo cordial desde tiquicia! Marco Antonio Hidalgo Molina ALAJUELA COSTA RICA TEL: 506-4403251
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 13:23:36 -0600 From: (Dennis Smalley) Subject: Schools back in session To all photoforum members, We are once again back in school teaching the youth of America. In the past, Photoforum, has been a great help to my photography program and students. I am looking forward to all the discussions and the help that you provide my students. Once again, thanks for all your help!! Dennis Smalley Westby Area High School - Technology Education School: Home: Phone: #608-634-7155 Fax: 608-634-7118 _____________________ ____|___Ô______Ô_Ô___|_____ ^^^^^^^^\_______________________|^^^^^^^ "Some are on the river, and some are not."
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:10:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Carles NualartSubject: Re: Ooorganicemosno (entropia y desorden) Hola, de Alejandro: >Yo propongo que, si el tema a tratar esta dirigido a una poblacion >especifica del Foro, por tratasrse de una quedada en algun punto especifico, >por ejemplo, pues que se haga en forma particular. > >Si se trata de Tecnica Fotografica, que se antepoga este titulo al mensage; >lo mismo si se trata sobre alguna marca especifica de camaras, etc. Si de lo que se trata es de discernir, creo que la única solución es la que se ha dicho muchas veces: tener cuidado en la elección del asunto para que no deje demasiadas dudas. Evidentemente, si un mensaje se titula "Goletas y galeones", lo más probable es que sea off topic, aunque bien podria tratarse de una expo fotográfica sobre este tema. En cambio, "OT: Goletas y galeones" probablemente sea una interesante disquisición off topic de Don BeC sobre veleros, "Expo: Goletas y galeones" no deja dudas sobre su contenido. Por otro lado, si un mensaje se titula "Cappa", me parece que la mayoría creerá que es on topic; mientras que otro titulado "La técnica del papel salado" tampoco va a hacer pensar que sea un tratado de cocina mexicana. En fin, que no se pueden poner puertas al campo, y que si damos por aceptada la pluralidad temática de la lista y al mismo tiempo hemos de ser respetuosos de los intereses de las minorías que no están demasiado de acuerdo con esto, nos encontramos ante un dilema de solución contradictoria. El universo tiende al desorden (entropía). Creo que Fotored forma parte inseparablemente del universo. Nos leemos. Carles Nualart. "El instinto de conversación es superior al instinto de conservación" J.Mª Valverde.
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 06:23:11 -0300 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hern=E1n_alejandro_Opitz?=Subject: digesto 1036 Jefe Andrew: Finalmente he recibido el dichoso digest 1036, aunque se han aunado los mensajes de dos días consecutivos en el mismo. ¿Es sólo en esta ocasión, o será una nueva forma de enviarlos? Saludos, Hernán Alejandro Opitz PD: pese a los "organicémosnos" que estuvieron pululando, le digo: el Foro es una joyita. Ojalá siga así.
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 10:57:41 -0400 From: Donald MacMillanSubject: Re: My Photo of the week Ernst wrote: >Pini, How long have you been with us? :-) Who's Andy? >Best Regards, Ernst-Ulrich Schafer ARE you with us ? Who's Andy ? St. Andrew D. : Keeper of lists Knower of stuff Hearder: (of photons and electrons) Benevolent shepard of photogs and wanna-bes He knows when you are sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake ! He brought you into THIS world and he can take you out ! He allows us to lead ourselves and each other out of the desert of our ignorance. He carved the word into the tablets to guide us in our behavior. Only he is More equal.+ His efforts allow us to see and show images ranging from the desicated, perfectly embalmed, to the flash and sparkle of diamonds in the rough, to the meerly cute. He lets us show our confusion, our arrogance, our ethnocentrism, our insecurity, our insanity, (why is it that the craziest guy ALWAYS wants to drive th bus ?), sadly, our meanness, and ocasionally our asses, or, sometimes, gladly, the Angels of our better nature. Out of this can come knowlege of our medium, our selves, and each other. The last week has been a celebration of decent and honorable exchange of views and knowlege, and ideas, and this is thanks to Andy for providing this endless sheet of blank "paper". He is our host at this veritable feast. Thanks to his efforts, I can, at almost the speed of light, let my words leap continents to say: Hello Veli, my name is Donald Who are you? Cheers DM3 PS And he is a person in his own right. Check out his site.
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:55:32 -0400 From: A PlecoSubject: photography page Hey there, I saw your photography exhibits on your page ( and I REALLY enjoyed them. I was wondering if you could tell me how you achieved such clairity on your shots of the wasp in flight and the bee on the clover, what kind of equipment were you using? Thanks! Jeremy
Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 00:19:17 -0300 From: LauraSubject: RE: Realmente hay problemas con Fotored Hola Andres: Yo sé que es una tontería lo que voy a decir, pero si pudiera ayudar en algo no hay problema, cuenta con migo. Saludos Laura ---------- > De: Andrew Davidhazy > A: > CC: > Asunto: Realmente hay problemas con Fotored > Fecha: Sábado 4 de Septiembre de 1999 12:31 > > Laura, > > Aunque tu estas reinscrita el servidor parece que perdio un monton de > direcciones asi que la historia de este problema todavia no se ha terminado. > Tu estas reinscrita si pero muchas otras personas no estan recibiendo correo. > Ahora que he "abierto" la lista ellos podran mandar mensajes pero no recibiran > copias. > > y ya estamos al fin de semana y no hay nadie por aqui en el Centro de > Computacion que me pueda ayudar. No me confian suficiente para dejarme a > cargo del servidor de la lista! > > saludos, > Andres
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 16:41:21 -0400 From: Steve KnoblockSubject: Re: The HPG matter Andy, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your article on strip photography (on the panorama photo site). I tend to perfectionism and would probably never have though of cranking the rewind knob to get that effect. I didn't realize there was so much interest in panoramic photography. I can see where the 3dQuickTime immersive panoramas have taken off. It's a big thing with realty. I have admired the little APS cameras that give you that format, but they do not have the quality my old SLR has. Best, Steve Steve Knoblock popular history of photography and genealogy
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:58:12 +0200 From: Carlos =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ang=EDlica?=Subject: Re: Problemas con el servidor de Fotored - Mensaje de Fotored Andrew Davidhazy wrote: > Resiben ustedes este mensaje porque estan inscritos en la lista Fotored de > manera "ack" o de manera "digest". > Andres Davidhazy - por Fotored Estimado Andrés: No sé que es estar inscrito en modo "ack", desde luego no estoy inscrito en modo "digest". Yo sigo recibiendo los mensajes de Fotored normalmente, así que creo que con mi dirección no debe haber ningún problema. Saludos, Carlos Angílica PD. Me gusta la lista y como la moderas, el único problema es que no tengo tiempo de leer todo el correo que me llega.
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 14:16:24 -0700 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o_Albino_Silva?=Subject: thank you for such beautiful photographs Hi, my name is nuno, and I am studying to become a good performer : dancer, singer, actor, choreographer... and I often need food for the eyes, the soul and the body. That was a wonderful meal !! bye, nuno
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:14:22 -0400 From: Dave MulvihillSubject: FW: SIGNOFF PHOTOFORUM -----Original Message----- From: Lawrence D'Attilio [] Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 10:50 PM To: Subject: Re: SIGNOFF PHOTOFORUM "Please contact the list owner or if you have problems with the list services." wrote: > Dear user, > Your request > > SIGNOFF PHOTOFORUM > > has been successfully processed. > You have been removed from list PHOTOFORUM ( > Thank you for being with us. Dave: Tried to sign off the list as will be in Europe for a few weeks. List message confirmed the sign off as of 9/3 but noticed I'm still getting the list e-mail as of Monday 9/6. Is delay normal? If not can you fix this? I have been subscribed to the list via this e-mail address Thanks and the lsit is great, thanks so much for the effort I'm sure it takes you. Larry D'Attilio
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:55:09 -0300 From: daniel rodriguezSubject: Despedida Estimado Andrew, estoy haciendome cargo de tareas un tanto complejas que exigen toda mi atención y motivan algunos viajecitos, cortos pero frecuentes. Ultimamente tenía poco tiempo para dedicarle a Fotored. Ahora ya no tengo ninguno. Este mensaje es para agradecerte especialmente por tu gentileza, tu inteligencia y tu fina sabiduría en estos menesteres de la comunicación y las incomunicaciones entre americanos y europeos. Disfruté de Fotored. Del espacio para la expresión que abre tu cordinación. Te recordaré. daniel rodriguez.
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 18:59:17 -0300 From: Subject: from Buenos Aires.. I was looking your photos in the IAPP web site. They are very interesting. You should come again to Buenos Aires. Alberto Gandsas
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 09:46:48 +0400 From: Denis BarmenkovSubject: !! HEllo! Veeery beauty photos! I'' never see something like this!! Denis __________________________________________ Denis Barmenkov work: (095) 20412-10/11/13/17 home: (095) 367-25-93
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:25:47 +1000 From: "Rushman, Clare"Subject: RE: Sneeze on the way Dear Andy, Thanks for letting me know. Despite great interest in your work, I've had no requests for unusual images from curators as yet. I think everyone is too busy to think about the possibilities. Anyway, we are exceptionally happy with the sneeze. Image Services will send official documentation to you in the next month or so, and will offer the opportunity to specify your details for the image credit. Thanks again for being so generous, I really appreciate your efforts on my behalf. All the best, Clare Rushman > ---------- > From: ADavidhazy[] > Sent: Tuesday, 21 September 1999 10:30 PM > To: Rushman, Clare > Cc: > Subject: Sneeze on the way > > Clare, > > I had to find the slide but I am taking the photo to the shipping > department today. You should have it shortly. > > regards, > > Andrew o o 0 0 o . o Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech > \/\/\/\/\/\/ > __________| |_____________________________________
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:10:24 -0400 From: Eugene KowalukSubject: Your PhotoForum update Hi Andy, Thank you so much for your recent "Stuff to see and do on the PhotoForum website" posting. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting your site. It will take me weeks just to get through some of its sections. And thank you for maintaining such an important and useful site. eugene
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 21:35:10 -0400 From: Subject: PPIC Mr. Davidhazy: I was at your lecture today for science educators, I enjoyed the demonstrations very much and hope to use some of your ideas in class. I enjoyed looking at the pictures on the web site also, high speed photography has interested me since I first saw it many years ago. I noticed on the web that you worked with NASA, do you make astrophotos? That is an area I am interested in trying also. I own an 8" SC telescope which could be adapted for a camera. Any tips on how to begin and what (inexpensive) equipment would be useful would be greatly appreciated. The PPIC sounds like fun My students love to talk about UFO's and extra terrestrial life, it's hard to make them understand how difficult space travel would be. They'd rather believe Star Wars than science. Thanks again for an interesting presentation. Tim Williamson
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 10:41:45 -0700 From: Michael GeorgoffSubject: The Crossed-Slit Anamorphoser Andrew Davidhazy Professor Imaging and Photographic Technology Rochester Institute of Technology 70 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 Professor, First of all, let me say huge thanks, gigantic thanks, exceedingly large format thanks for a great website! I've been back again and again over the years to explore the fascination corners of photography that only you seem to have. Not done yet drinking from your well of experience and photgraphic wonder! Now, I do have a question that I'm sure you must know the answer to. The reference is from Rudolf Kingslake, who I'm sure you are very well aware of. Hell, you probably know him and have him over the house for backyard barbeques in the summer! Now, I read in his "Optics in Photography" (SPIE 1992, from his "Lenses in Photography" 1951 and 1963) in Chapter 3, page 64... The Crossed-Slit Anamorphoser (following his section on The Pinhole Camera) - An interesting device, credited to Ducos du Hauron, is the crossed-slit anamorphoser. This is a modified pinhole camera in which the pinhole has been replaced by a pair of narrow, perpendicularly crossed slits spaced apart along the camera axis (Fig. 3.3). The horizontal scale of the picture is obviously determined by fh [distance from horizontal slit to film plane], which is the distance from the vertical slit to the film, but the vertical scale is defined by the distance fv [distance from vertical slit to film plane] of the film from the horizontal slit. The pair of slits working together thus constitutes a pinhole camera in which the image is stretched or compressed in one direction more than in the other. This type of distortion is called "anamorphic" or "anamorphotic" and the degree of anamorphic compression can obviously be varied over a wide range by merely changing the separation of the slits or by moving the pair of slits closer to or further from the film plane. Given your experience with slit scan, panoramic, peripheral and linear, as well as pin-hole, just how wide do you suppose the slits should be? I'm guessing that slit width should approximately equal pinhole diameter (for the same focal length). Any ideas, or should I just start there? I just figure you'd have to know. You appear to be one of the smartest cookies in the jar! Thanks, Michael Georgoff San Jose, CA PS: Do you have for sale copies of works like "Panning Peripheral Portrait of Annie, 1990 or so "? PSS: Do you know where the average guy might be able to buy prints of famous works like Henri Lartigue's speeding racecar or Robert Doisneau's dancers?
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:16:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Stefan DavidsonSubject: Hello Dear Mr. Davidhazy, Hello, my name is Stefan Davidson, I'm a fellow photographer and also a member of PhotoForum. I am writing to you because you have been very helpful to me in the past when I was looking for information on RIT. I am a young amateur photographer who is very interested in going to a photography school in the US. Unfortunately, my first choice RIT, was too expensive for me as a International student(Canada). What I was wondering was if you could suggest any schools in the North-Eastern US states that I may want to look into(that are reasonably priced and have a good rep). A lady in NJ suggested Cooper Union(in NY i think), have you heard of this school? I am sorry to bother you like this, but being a professor in that part of the country I feel that your advice/suggestions would be extremely valuable. Thanks so much, Stefan Davidson
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 09:59:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Eduardo GuerreroSubject: Mundo Fotored Hola compañeros del foro: Reciban un cordial saludo, quiero contarles algo sobre mi participación en el foro, si bien no he intercambiado muchos mensajes, he estado visitando varias páginas relacionadas con Fotored. Entre ellas la página de nuestro moderador Andrew Davidhazy, la página de Fotored por supuesto, el Certamen tan bien administrado por Jose Luis Vivas, el archivo de los mensajes en Egroup, la página con los retratos de los miembros del foro, la página de Encuentros, el repositorio, el Halo, Zona V, y el Webring de Fotored, y a decir verdad estoy gratamente sorprendido de todo lo que ofrece esta gran comunidad, a la cual empiezo a desarrollar un gran apego, estoy disfrutando muchísimo de esta relación, me estoy divirtiendo y aprendiendo como nunca. La página de los retratos me gustó me ayudó a "conocer" un poco más a los integrantes de este faabuloso foro, definitivamente la imagen tiene un poder de grandes alcances. Los Encuentros me dejaron un grato sabor de boca al saber que Fotored no solo es intercambio de mensajes por correo sino mucho más, significa también encuentros entre personas reales, compartiendo experiencias. Me agrada mucho el ambiente de camadería y amistad que se respira en el ambiente. El repositorio es un lugar de mucha utilidad, gracias por compartir los retratos B/N los cuales bajé de inmediato a mi disco duro, gracias a Sergio Rivero. El webring de Fotored es una excelente idea ya que une varias páginas dde los miembros del foro que tienen páginas web y tiene un directorio de los miembros enlazados, por el visité la página de la Nave Nostromo en la cual me he divertido muchísimo con su sección de "frases celebres" del foro además de apreciar su excelente fotografia "Girona 1997", un saludo a Ricardo Pardo, y desde luego a Santiago G.H. promotor del webring por tan brillante idea. El Halo. el sitio de Lucas Riquelme es un sitio que ya conocía desde antes del foro y el responsable de que yo me haya inscrito a Fotored. Es un sitio con un gran contenido y diseño. Al fin pude ver las fotos de Lucas R., sus imágenes contienen un gran lirismo, algo de lo que yo carezco, saludos a Lucas Riquelme. El Certamen es también un gran lugar, desde luego al principio pensé que se trataba de un concurso pero no me fué dificil descubrir lo contrario, al cual envié una fotografía mía, "Caribe", personalmente me han gustado las fotografías de Carles Nualart y de Mariano Roldán. Un cordial saludo a Jose Luis Vivas por este sitio, me fascina su diseño, su claridad y su rapidez. Como ven he dedicado gran parte de mi tiempo compenetrándome con Fotored, quisiera tener más, estoy aprendiendo mucho y en verdad les digo que lo estoy disfrutando. A su salud. Eduardo Guerrero.
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 20:21:42 -0400 From: ""Subject: Andrew, Just checked out your website and forwarded it to friends interested in photography, engineering, and optics. Excellent site! Respectfully yours, Michael Scott Alarice Multimedia's (tm) Reading Teacher Resources 1-877-575-2538 (toll free) 1-423-929-7696 (fax)
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 10:45:19 -0400 From: Georgeanne DonnellySubject: RE: Want to help Imaging and Photo Tech recruitment? Dear Andrew Boy you are something else! Again, I have to say you are among the few on campus who continually sends me inquiries, and because of your dedication, I see to it that your inquiries always go on right away. I wish others were as dedicated to the cause. Georgeanne Admissions -----Original Message----- From: ADavidhazy [] Sent: October 01, 1999 4:48 PM To: ritstaff Cc: ANDPPH Subject: Want to help Imaging and Photo Tech recruitment? SUCCESSFUL REFERRALS GET DINNER AS REWARD! Several times in the past I have received tremendous cooperation and support from all of you who are members of this distribution list. I am here to once again ask for your assistance in disseminating information about this new brainstorm. It has to do with doing something about "recruitment". Here goes: I will reimburse ANYONE who is directly responsible for the addition of a new student (from outside RIT) to the Imaging and Photographic Technology program between January 1 and July 1, 2000 the expenses for a dinner for two (up to $100 value) at any restaurant. Just to be clear, this is not something that will be charged against any RIT budget line. This is a personal project of mine to see if I can do something personally to maintain or increase enrollment figures in my department. This offer is limited to the first 7 "recruits" during that time period who will need to provide a letter stating the direct connection between their decision to enroll in the Imaging and Photographic Technology program and the referrer. Referrers do not have to be RIT employees. Counselors, teachers, employers or simply interested individuals from anywhere in the world are eligible. Our Department URL is and is given here to help you direct potential students there. So, please help me get the word out! Bring a brand new student to Imaging and Photographic Technology dept. of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences and win a free dinner! (BTW, internal transfers are worth a free lunch at the College Alumni Union! ;-) - contact me for details at: I hope you smile - thanks much for your understanding and cooperation ;-) Andrew o o 0 0 o . o Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Technology \/\/\/\/\/\/ __________| |___________________________________________ (I guess if someone tells me this can not be done I may have to withdraw this offer ... but it would not be for lack of trying to help and do something positive. Thanks for your patience.)
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:49:12 -0500 From: Kim MosleySubject: Re: May I? Thanks. I didn't have grey hair then... >Kim, > >absolutely ... best wishes with the book! >remember when all this started!!?? > >;-) >andy (Mr.) Kim Mosley, Professor, Art Program Coordinator, Photography Coordinator, Webcourses St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley | Bid now on a painting!
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:31:30 -0500 From: Kim MosleySubject: Re: Need suggestions I'm using all three...thanks as usual... >Kim, > >If I may be so bold as to suggest these URLs ... which were all designed to >be helpful to the photography educator: > >a eclectic collection of instructional materials related to photography > > >a listing of schools offering photographic instruction (worldwide listing!) > > >a compilation of how-to, explanatory and exploratory files on a wide variety >of photographic topics > > >all of these are associated in a loose sense with the PhotoForum mail list but >I would not list that mail list specifically as its longevity may not be as >predicatble as that of the instructional files listed above. > >hope this helps, > >Andy >Andrew o o 0 0 o . o Davidhazy, Imaging and Photo Tech > \/\/\/\/\/\/ >__________| |_____________________________________ (Mr.) Kim Mosley, Professor, Art Program Coordinator, Photography Coordinator, Webcourses St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley | Bid now on a painting! "Learning occurs in the mind, independent of time and place." -- Plato
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 12:55:25 -0500 From: Kim MosleySubject: Re: PhotoForum Member's Exhibit 10-16-99 This is a great idea...I'm adding this to the list. >The PhotoForum member's gallery/exhibition space has been updated. Authors >with work now on display at include: > > Christopher A. Scott - Stairs > Karen Habbestad - The Eye of a Horse > Elson T. Elizaga - Two Goldfish > Paolo Cardone - Untitled > David Small - Pictures at an Exhibition > Randall Robinson - Break > James Griffin - Musician, Central Park > Bob Roseman - A Walk on the Edge > Gerard Notenboom - Bridge > Dan McCormack - Untitled > Rodolfo Rodriguez - Angry look > Manuela Federella - Arabian dance > >Currently there are 3 photographs enqueued for future inclusion and work is >being solicited. Complete directions for sending contributions are given at: > > > >Thanks much, the PhotoForum staff (Mr.) Kim Mosley, Professor, Art Program Coordinator, Photography Coordinator, Webcourses St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley | Bid now on a painting! "Learning occurs in the mind, independent of time and place." -- Plato
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:48:09 -0500 (CDT) From: Robert MonaghanSubject: nifty - thanks! Re: Pano modifications thanks for the pointer and the article! nifty ;-) I esp. like the 1:3 conversion, fits in with some of our other lens/camera hacking projects! I added links to the popular medium format cameras listing at and the homebrew lenses page at and homebrew cameras page at regards! bobm * Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 * * Medium Format Cameras: megasite*
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:28:36 -0400 From: Eric WiestSubject: Camcorder's Infrared filter Hello Andrew I was recalling from the workshop for educators last spring that you stated all camcorders have an infrared filter built into them. I would like to convert a camcorder to infrared capabilities, but haven't found where they have placed the filter. It's an 8mm sony camcorder. Is it possible? or is this a wild goose chase? Thanks for your time, Eric Wiest Conval regional high school Peterborough, NH P.S. By the way, from last years workshop, I've developed a new course called advanced photo technology. The students do all the projects I saw at the workshop. Last year I had 1 class with 8 students, this year I have 2 classes with 18 students each. Thanks to you and you colleagues.
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:39:41 +0800 (U) From: Toshia McCabeSubject: Re: test RE>>test 10/21/1999 You SHOULD feel very special... Because you ARE! -------------------------------------- Date: 10/21/1999 1:29 PM To: Toshia McCabe From: ADavidhazy Hi Toshia, I am pleasantly surprised that of all the people that you could have selected to send a TEST message you chose me! I feel very special indeed! You are cute! ;-) andy
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 10:23:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Eddie Adams - Visiting Photographer lecture at Eastman House thanx for that info, if you could I am interested in more of this type of thing thanx walter murdock wsm9560
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:21:35 +1000 From: "Garbutt, Robert"Subject: RE: attempts to sign off from PhotoForum Thanks Andrew. You are right, my old address was either, or possibly I have enjoyed the group and have scanned it for a while but am leaving this job. I'll hook up again from my new mail address. I have especially enjoyed the knowledge you have brought to the group on technical matters. In particular, your articles on strip photography have opened up lots of ideas to explore. The great thing is that the technical detail you give enables me to cut straight to the chase, and rather than go through experiments that fail (that admittedly are sometimes the source of joy) get into experiments with a greater chance of success and with an understanding of the issues involved. Thanks for your help and generous willingness to share, Regards, Rob Garbutt. (
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 02:12:55 -0400 From: "james."Subject: Re: Eddie Adams - Visiting Photographer lecture at Eastman House Prof. Davidhazy, I'm a first year MFA in Jeff Weiss's core class. I'm working on some panoramic landscapes and Jeff suggested I talk to you about slit cameras, etc. I was wondering if I could come in and speak with you about some of that stuff. thanks, -- james johnson.
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:13:08 -0500 From: "M. Galbraith"Subject: Appreciation I marvel at the impressive artwork. Thank you for sharing. Do you ever add to, or change photos on this site? I appreciate your work. Thank You - Mike
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:45:29 -0500 From: Ken KosakoffSubject: Photo Expo Hi, I met you at photo expo in NYC really like your work it was worth the price of admission. thanks again, ken
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 11:12:41 -0600 (CST) From: =?iso-8859-1?q?mar=EDa=20rosalva=20venancio=20ju=E1rez?=Hola: profesor Andres, mi nombre es María Rosalva Venancio Juárez, tengo 20 años, soy de Colima y actualmente estudio en la facultad de Letras y Comunicación en la Universidad de Colima. Le escribo para felicitarlo por toda su carrera que ha sido bastante amplia. En la escuela llevo la materia de fotografía y apenas nos estan enseñando a tomar fotofrafías y me paso algo muy curioso y más al ver su exposición en el internet, al ver la fotografía del insecto a un lado de las flores, yo quería tomar una similar pero no resulto sólo tome todo el paisaje y menos la mariposa, me gustaría que mediera un consejo ó técnicas. espero su respuesta pronto. rosalva
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 20:22:52 -0500 From: Bill TroopSubject: your site I've been greatly enjoying browsing through your wonderful site at What a marvellous collection of disparate articles, all of them interesting in one way or another! Bill Troop POB 1618 31 Abrahams Landing Road Amagansett, NY 11930-1618 Tel 516 267 9730
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:50:06 -0200 From: Roque BoeiraSubject: Re: Help me, please. Dear Professor Thank you for the information. If any day you wants to come to Brazil, in Porto Alegre we will be at your disposal. It will be a great pleasure for us. A hug... ..Roque. Roque Santos Boeira Av. Nilo Peçanha 2863/1002 91.330-001 PORTO ALEGRE - RS - BRAZIL Phone: 0XX51-328-1907 -----Mensagem Original----- De: ADavidhazy Para: Roque Boeira Cc: Enviada em: Quinta-feira, 11 de Novembro de 1999 02:37 Assunto: Re: Help me, please. > Estimado Roque Boeira, > > > 1. Which the curve of the spectrum (nm) of DCS420C? > > 2. Which the curve of the spectrum (nm) of back Phase One? > > Desafortunadamente no tengo los datos especificos sobre la sensibilidad a > traves de las ondas electromagneticas de estas camaras. En relaidad no tengo > datos como esto por ninguna camara. > > Lo que se por cierto es que tienen ambos sensibilidad en el infrarojo ya que se > pueden usar para fotografiar a traves de filtros como el Wratten 87A, 87B, y > 87C. > > --- > > Unfortunately I do not have specific data about the spectral response of these > cameras. In fact I do not have such data for any camera. > > All I know is that both of these have a sensitivity in the infrared since you > can photograph through filters such as the 87A, 87B and 87C. > > regards - saludos, Andrew(s) Davidhazy
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:26:07 -0500 From: "richard d. zakia"Subject: Web page Andy, It has been a while since I have visited your web page and as usual was delighted to find new images and content. The 'Improved digital strip Camera' on the first page is great. It is amazing how well the images blend together and how looking at if for a while one begins to piece it together as if it were a strip Picasso or Kertez. Nice also to see some of the Emeriti exhibition photos. No problem in picking out the Charles Arnold image. And that winter shot of Charlie will remind me of what I am going to be missing this winter. All the best, Dr.Z
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:16:02 -0700 From: J & BSubject: Andy, When Willie Osterman was here two weeks ago in Denver for Ron Wohlauer's Creativity in Photography Conference, I asked him for news of you, and he shared what happened to your home. I wanted to say that I feel for you on the loss of your collection, and also send my hopes and energy to you for rebuilding. Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. Jim Austin Denver
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 16:54:11 -0800 (PST) From: Richard MartinSubject: Re: Few Posts Dear Colleagues: Without mentioning anyone in particular, I would like to see less in the way of personal attacks and "attitude" on this list. I get more than enough adolescent posturing from some of the high schoolers I have to deal with. However, I'm aware that this list is essentially an open one and not every member will agree with me. My suggestion for those that do is the following: don't respond to flames or personal attacks - it only feeds the beast. Stick to the discussion at hand and, if necessary, take it off the list. Some of my most fruitful communications have been with members via private email. A final note: I know some people have left this list because of the tone it sometimes takes on (we all know this because sometimes these individuals send a final post saying so). My advice to anyone contemplating the same is to stick with it. There are many people here who don't feel the need to indulge their emotions. In short, the adults. Best wishes to all and Andy, my hat's off to you. You must have the patience of Job! Richard ===== Richard Martin specializes in Cityscape and Waterscape stock photography as well as Children's Portraiture. E-mail: for more information.
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 09:08:30 -0500 From: Eugene KowalukSubject: TPHS talk What a turnout last night! You can really bring them in. And of course there was every reason why I saw more autograph seekers there than at any other place. :) Thank you for a great and interesting talk. eugene
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:44:06 -0500 From: Eugene KowalukSubject: First digital infrared panorama From a previous post with subject "Andy's Flashers"? > > Was this what Andy was up to? > > I'm not surprised what with all the demands put on Andy Davidhazy's time that many could be attributed to him. Although the Big Shot is one of the few Andy hasn't been up to, there are many others, including a recent local photo-historical society mtg, where your list owner took the time to provide the below-described, most entertaining presentation. A member of the audience, referring to one of the displayed images, even suggested that it was probably the first digital infrared panorama ever taken. Any nay-sayers out there? You can view this image and information on the unique camera at with another "improvised" example at his home site BTW, at this meeting Andy was kind enough to bring a printer, along with his laptop and unique camera, to provide hard copies. On the way out, I noticed a long line forming with visitors getting their hard copies autographed by him. I couldn't help but think that there was yet another group putting their demands on Andy's time -- autograph seekers! I wonder if he has to put up with that in his classes? :) eugene kowaluk ____________________________ "Introduction to Digital Cameras: An Improvisation" The Photographic Historical Society Thursday, Nov. 18, 1999, 7:30, Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave., Brighton NY It is said that "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" and in this lecture/demonstration Prof. Andrew Davidhazy of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at RIT, will show how an inexpensive print scanner can be converted into a rudimentary digital camera suitable for digital experimentation in areas as diverse as panoramic and peripheral photography, focal plane scanning photography, and infrared photography.
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 20:46:03 -0600 (CST) From: Eduardo GuerreroSubject: Ch@t Fotored / Gracias Estimado Profesor Andrew: Le agradezco el haber colocado el enlace al chat en su pagina de Fotored. Quiero decirle que he encontrado en la lista no solo una fuente inagotable de informacion sino un magnifico medio que me ha permitido mejorar como fotografo asi como enriquecerme interiormente gracias al contacto e intercambio con los compañeros del foro. Reciba un afectuoso saludo y gracias!! Amistosamente Eduardo Guerrero Chat Fotored Servidor en Mexico: Servidor en Argentina: Servidor en España: Ayuda, sugerencias, comentarios:
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 06:40:23 -0800 From: Wendel WhiteSubject: SPE Link Hi Andy; I have a question--What sort of permission do I need to share printed copies of the articles on your site with students in my classes? Please update the link to Society for Photographic Education - Great stuff. Thanks Wendel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wendel White
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 10:54:26 -0500 (EST) From: "E. Carroll Hale II"Subject: Re: A brief progress report on improvised digital camera Andy, Very interesting image acquisition. I really liked the multiple self-portrait. Thanks for sharing this with the list. I hope you publish the plans for this wonder you've created. Carroll Hale Professor-Art Eastern Kentucky university
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 16:03:13 +0100 From: "Santiago G.H."Subject: Re: El asunto ese en Fotored Andrés, Quiero agradecerte personalmente el mensaje, y decirte que, probablemente, tienes razón en todo. De todos modos, no tienes que convencerme, yo ya estaba convencido de eso que me dices. Normalmente las cosas me resbalan un poquito. Teniendo 300 alumnos que quieren siempre una fecha de examen adaptada a sus necesidades particulares uno aprende a mandarlos a paseo interiormente, esto es, a decir NO mientras piensas para ti "serás caradura". Ocurre que ayer llevaba demasiadas horas en el despacho y que el día no había sido todo lo productivo que debiera. Como eran las 21:30, lo único que me faltaba era un patán criticando así que me tomé el gusto de descargar mi tensión con él. Un poco de enfado, encauzado convenientemente, puede ser bueno, en mi opinión. La lástima es que así se enrarece un poco el ambiente del foro, y lo siento por eso. Mira, Fotored no es perfecto. Pero ES gracias a ti. Gracias a tu esfuerzo (grande o pequeño, qué más da) yo he conocido a gente maravillosa. Eso es lo verdaderamente importante. En cuanto a mis aportaciones a Fotored son ínfimas en comparación con las de otros suscritos, empezando por la tuya que permites que exista. Por cierto, estuve suscrito a Photoforum unos quince días y no me gustó demasiado, supongo que me entretienen más los off-topic de Fotored :-). Un saludo, Santiago.
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 20:02:23 +0100 From: =?iso-8859-1?B?Sm9z6SBMdWlzIE1hcnTtbg==?=Subject: RE: Amabilidad Amabilidad debería figurar grabada en plata en los marcos de las pantallas de nuestros ordenadores. ----- Original Message ----- From: ADavidhazy To: Grupo de discusiones fotograficas Cc: Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 3:06 PM Subject: Amabilidad > Esta es una palabra muy interesante y no la he usado mucho en mi vida > asi que la menciono aqui con un poco de temor porque no se si la voy a > usar bien en esta situacion. > > Quisiera simplemente mencionar que ademas de intercambiar ideas, mensajes, > etc. a traves de este medio tan global en su alcance me parece que uno > llega a una comunicacion mas completa no solamente expresando respeto por > los otros miembros de la lista sino tambien demostrando un poco de > amabilidad! > > Bueno, ahi esta! La he usado a esta palabra tan interesante por primera > vez en muchos an~os! > > Saludos cordiales, > Andres Davidhazy