First of all I would like to thank the Club Fotografico de Mexico for the opportunity to share my photographs with you. I would like to especially thank Leonardo Cardoso for his efforts and exchanges that resulted in bringing the exhibition to you. We communicated almost daily though e-mail and this serves to illustrate how the world is being changed by the Internet which is compressing distances and in reality bringing us all closer together.
I realize that there are many people involved in the activities of the CFM but I would like to especially mention and thank the contributions of Jose Brener, the current president of the CFM for his part in organizing the exhibition. I also owe a great debt of gratitude to Monica Castillo Bravo who was responsible for the installation of the work and also to Rogelio Leon, who assisted with with the hanging. I also want to thank Aide Morales who was responsible for the invitations and the press releases.
These photographs are part of a theme or project that is concerned with the application of improvised, home made, strip, or streak, cameras to develop, research, exhibit and share a very personal point of view. In my opinion, this point of view includes the manifestation, the pictorial representation, of time itself as a major and integral part of the images themselves. I generally am not overly concerned with how the images are interpreted by an audience since I expect that the diversity of interpretation will probably match the diversity of the individuals that interact with the images. I do hope, however, that the photographs will be the cause of introspection, questioning and discussion, even if it is within a single person.
Since the time I became aware of this process or technique during the mid '60s, through the work of George Silk of Life magazine I have tried to publish and disseminate information and examples related to strip photography. Especially that which is related to panoramic and peripheral applications.
I hope that through these few examples you will be able to share with me in this "voyage of visual discovery". I would think that you might have questions not only about the operation of cameras but also about the meaning of the images. I hope that you can separate the two concerns and if in some manner these photographs make you think of more interesting things than those we encounter in our daily lives, then I will consider my purpose in sharing them with you successful.
Again, thank you very much for the invitation. I would very much like to be with you during the opening and hope that someday in the future this will be possible. Then we could sit around a table, share stories and enjoy a sip of coffee while the sun sets in the afternoon. I would like this very much. In the meantime, if you would like to write to me, my e-mail address is and you can also visit my website on the Web at
Andrew Davidhazy
Rochester, New York