Next batch of books in trade for pet toys

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Posted by Marilyn Dalrymple on August 28, 192002 at 09:11:02:

These books will go up for auction in exchange for pet toys starting Tuesday, September 3.
There is no minimum bid, but the auction is for a good cause and the books are very nice. Website address at the end of each book description is for the address for that book and is for further information.
Book Description The Art of Photographing Water by Cub Kahn
The field techniques photographers need to photograph water with pleasing results, including motion control when photographing running water, lighting, shutter speed, and framing and perspective, are explained in this guide. Designed for outdoor enthusiasts of all abilities, ages, and experience levels, five major photographic themes are presented through clear instruction and series of photographic comparisons that illustrate the varying results of decisions photographers make. The creative process, equipment, and techniques by which each photo is produced are described, and film and exposure information is given throughout.

About the Author
Cub Kahn is the author of Essential Skills for Nature Photography. His photos have appeared in numerous publications, including Audubon, Backpacker, National Wildlife, Sierra, and the New York Times. He lives in Forest Grove, Oregon.
Book Description: Photograph’s Guide to Shooting Model and Actor Portfolios, Elfont, Lowy, Elfont.
Reviewer: 1. Marilyn Dalrymple (see more about me) from California, USA
"There is more to successfully shooting and producing a model's portfolio than taking good photographs of people. It requires a combination of artistic talent, technical knowledge business and communication skills, basic psychology, and imagination." This first paragraph of the introduction to the Photographer's Guide to Shooting Model and Actor Portfolio tells photographers right up front that the business of portfolio work is not to be taken lightly. It's hard work. If you decide this is the work in which you want to be proficient, however, this soft cover book can be a definite asset to your library. The book covers subjects such as how attract clients and how to best serve and build a professional relationship with your client and their agency. Chapter two gives pointers on preparing the contract, " . . . the most significant piece of paperwork you can generate." A list is presented stating all the things that need to be discussed and put in the contract to protect yourself and your client. Along with this information pricing practices are suggested. Preparation for the shoot, the shoot and how to handle the film after the shoot are covered in detail. The use of props, posing and lighting and how to use each to best show case your clients are discussed in detail and generously illustrated. Lighting set-ups are diagramed with photographs showing the effect of each set-up. The last chapter is about the design, printing, packaging and delivery of the portfolio. Written in clear and concise terms, words are not wasted. Subjects, however, are covered thoroughly. If you had no other material but this book to refer to for your first portfolio shoot, I think you could successfully handle the job from start to finish.
Book Description:Lighting Techniques for High Key Portrait Photography, Phillips
Photographers will learn from a master the impact and beauty that can be created through the precision creation of high key portraits. In photography, the word key is used to describe the overall tonal range in which the photograph is created-including the background, subject, props, and clothing. If the tones are very light, the image is called "high key." Because photographers often neglect to consider the impact of creating images in a controlled key, many portraits fall short of their potential. This book provides helpful guidelines for selecting the best lighting equipment and light modifiers for efficiently creating high key portraits, as well as detailing techniques needed to select the perfect clothes and props for a high key portrait.

About the Author
Norman Phillips is a master photographer who is the recipient of more than 150 awards, including the Accolade of Outstanding Photographic Excellence in Recognition of Contribution to the Industry. He lives in Highland Park, Illinois.
Book Description: Group Portrait Photography Handbook, Hurter
Photographers of human subjects will appreciate the advice in this guide for capturing groups on film. From basics such as posing and composition to technical aspects of focusing and lighting, this handbook address concerns for both professionals and amateurs. Indoor and outdoor situations are discussed, as are tips for working with subjects to capture a variety of emotions and personalities. From wedding parties to company portraits, this advice covers a wide range of potential client demands.
About the Author
Bill Hurter is the author of The Portrait Photographer's Handbook and is the editor of Rangefinder. He lives in West Covina, California.
Book Description: Professional Digital Photography, Montizambert
Going beyond a basic introduction to digital equipment, this book teaches photographers how to achieve high-quality, professional results with digital equipment and the application of traditional photographic techniques. It serves as a sourcebook for professionals who are ready to complement their traditional images with digital imaging techniques. Explained are how color balancing can be altered with a dial on a camera; how to effectively light subjects for digital capture; and how to enhance, highlight, shadow, and sharpen fuzzy images. Whether working with a Mac or PC, photographers will learn to use the tools in Photoshop to fully realize their artistic and professional potential.

About the AuthorDave Montizambert is the author of Creative Lighting Techniques for Studio Photographers. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Book Description: Photographer’s Lighting Handbook, Jacobs
Professional photographers have access to specialized and often expensive lighting equipment, but amateurs can take great photographs with much simpler setups or even just available light. This guide explains how to get the best results from the most minimal investment with plenty of patience and practice. Photography is the art of capturing light on paper, and all that is needed to take wonderful pictures is a sophisticated understanding of how light works. This handbook provides that knowledge, starting with technical explanations of film and lenses and moving through different general scenarios (indoor, outdoor, nighttime) to specific case histories.

About the Author
Lou Jacobs is the author of How to Take Great Pictures with Your SLR and The Secrets of Close-Up Photography. He is a professional photographer whose articles have appeared in Popular Photography, Petersen's PhotoGraphic, and Modern Photography. He lives in Cathedral City, California.
Book Description: Professional Secrets for Photographing Children, Box
Photographing children can be a challenge, requiring patience and a healthy dose of playfulness. This book works through nearly 60 images, providing lighting diagrams and step-by-step instructions for using poses, props, and backgrounds that help make photographing children easier. Tips are given on how to choose clothing that best focuses the viewer's attention on the child, photographic techniques used to capture images, and psychology used when working with children-such as never scheduling a portrait session near nap or mealtimes. Included are tips for good exposure, equipment selection, use of light meters and lighting, outdoor situations, and special-occasion photography.

About the Author
Douglas Allen Box lectures extensively on photographing children, weddings, and portraiture and is the author of Professional Secrets of Wedding Photography and Natural Light Portrait Photography. He lives in Caldwell, Texas.
Book Description: Master Posing Guide, Wacker
Photographers are guided through every aspect of posing-beginning with the consultation and continuing with specific tips for posing children, high school seniors, wedding parties, families, events, teams, groups, and pets-in this comprehensive manual. Maintaining that good posing is 80 percent mental and only 20 percent technical, this guide stresses the importance of communication between photographer and subject to creating a portrait that not only captures the subject's personality but also makes the subject comfortable, fostering repeat business.

About the Author
J. D. Wacker, winner of the 1999 Kodak Gallery Elite Grand Award, holds a masters degree in photography and electronic imaging. He lives in Clintonville, Wisconsin.
Book Description: How to Operate a Successful Photo Portrait Studio, Giolas
All aspects of running a portrait studio are detailed in this book, from buying equipment to getting people to come to the studio by using marketing and special promotions such as frame sales, restoration deals, or holiday bargains. It demonstrates techniques for photographing weddings, families, children, seniors, proms, and provides essential information for professional lighting and posing. This book is for the photographer who wants to know how to get into the business, or for those professionals needing a quick refresher course.
Book Description: Macro & Close-up Photography Handbook, Sholik and Eggers
Macro and close-up photography allow photographers to explore a world that few people ever experience: the delicate stamens of flowers, crystals, the texture of a butterfly's wing, stamps, or minute details on a piece of jewelry. With careful attention to the techniques taught in this book, photographers will learn how to capture these highly detailed, small-scale subjects on film, creating fascinating images of features too small to be adequately observed by the unaided human eye. With the advice in this book on selecting the latest 35mm equipment, and field versus studio considerations like focusing, lighting, film, and filters, consistent results will come easily to both the novice and professional photographer.

About the Author
Stan Sholik has written on photography for View Camera Magazine, Camera Arts, Photo Lab Management, and Petersen's Photographic. He lives in Santa Ana, California. Ron Eggers is a contributing editor with Rangefinder Magazine and a senior editor with NewsWatch Service. He lives in Costa Mesa, California.
Book Description: High Impact Portrait Photography, Brystan
Examining the creative process behind portrait photography for media and advertising, this book will help photographers create and sell portraits that look like they were pulled from the latest fashion magazine. Creating portraits of men, women, couples, teens, children, and families, this guide explores a variety of simple techniques for adding a high-impact feel to photography. In some instances, unconventional posing adds the right flair to a shot; in others, alternative processing of the film adds a dramatic blast of color. Creative props, action shots, and clothing selection also help add impact to portraits. Also shown is how these techniques can easily be implemented in either the studio or on location.

About the Author
Lori Brystan is a professional portrait photographer and former model. She lives in Laguna Hills, California.

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