Posted by Andrew Davidhazy on December 09, 19101 at 15:23:56:
I received a message from a friend at Fuji who asked me if I would bring to your attention a competition where the prizes are tuition at several photo workshops plus Fuji product awards. Categories to enter: Advertising / Editorial / Social / Digital / Fine Arts.
Within each category the Grand Prize is a Maine Photo Workshop scholarship*, plus $500.00 worth of Fujifilm Professional Products, the Category 1st Prize is a PPA Affiliate School Workshop scholarship*, plus $375.00 worth of Fujifilm Professional Products and Category 2nd Prize L.L. Bean Outdoor Adventure Photography School Scholarship*, plus $250.00 worth of Fujifilm Professional Products. There is no entry fee. See website for details.
Get details at the following website:
Also, the student's school wins as well as Fuji has a "matching" product prize for the school. Further, the instructors of the winning students win as well as they qualify for matching prizes.
I thought all you teachers and students out there might like to know about this!
Andrew Davidhazy, Professor
School of Photo Arts and Sciences/RIT