Posted by Emily L.Ferguson on June 27, 1999 at 16:25:26:
I'm a middle aged woman who has been taking photographs for a long time,
nearly 40 years. My father did that before me, and left me 10,000 slides to edit
and a lifetime (90 years) of negatives in a variety of formats from Brownie to
35 mm.
I live in a beautiful place and have loved it all my life. In my landscape photo-
graphy I try to convey the deep satisfaction I get from the beauty of this place. That
satisfaction ranges from placid to invigorating, but it is imbued with happiness
and a strong feeling of home.
As a press photographer for my local twice-a-week paper, I try to capture the essence
of what is happening at the assignment. If it's a grip&grin, that's what's happening,
if it's a football game, that is what's happening, if it's a day at the beach, that's it. The
story is in the occasion and my job is to find it and convey it accurately. Some stories
I have to repress my attitude, too, but many I can do without compromise.
Sometimes I seen in motion, but mostly I see in color and black and white.
Sometimes I see in digital, too.
I live with three cats and no television. I am in to French Baroque and German 19th C
classical music, and also, and for my entire life since birth, the music of Johann Sebastian
Bach. I wear hearing protectors at basketball games and HS dances!