Re: Around the world...

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Posted by esa sepp�nen on April 02, 192002 at 01:16:03:

In Reply to: Around the world... posted by Henriette Sophie Tondering on August 20, 19100 at 10:43:20:

: 'Around the world'......'cause that's what I love to do. To travel and bring along my camera, to capture those special moments, happenings, everyday life, people, etc.

: Photography has been my deepest interest as long as I can remember. After high school I thought it was about time to get serious. An introduction course into the field of photography in Denmark led to further my studies at the University of Westminster in London, UK, where I've just completed a three year BSc (hons) degree in 'Photography & Electronic Imaging Science'. During that time I spend one semester as an exchange student at the University of Miami, which was an invaluable experience.

: At the moment I'm exploding with excitement to find out what the future has to offer me. I'm a very spontaneous person who doesn't hesitate if the possibility of adventuring comes up. But the student life isn't really a gold-mine, so right now I'm working on getting my financial situation on a 'liveable' level.

: Photojournalism is what attracts me most, so I'm hoping to come across some opportunities within that field in the near future.

: Until luck to little me!!

: Sophie

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