Posted by Rob Miracle on June 28, 1999 at 16:21:39:
Well, my bio is a bit much to fill this space, but here goes.
I started as a kid loving photography. By High School,
I had moved from the 126 instamatics and Poloroids to a 35mm
Yashica Range Finder, then to a Yashica 35mm. I shot for
my HS Year book and this is were I learned on my own Darkroom
Techniques and stuff.
In the fall 1979, it was off to the University of Kentucky to
persue my life long dream of being a fighter pilot (via ROTC and
an Electical Engineering Degree). The offer of a lovely missle
silo and this thing called Calculus quickly changed my perspective.
I loved two things, photography and computers. The finanical stability
of computers seemed to make more sense, so thats what I majored in.
That didn't stop the photography though. I shot for the UK Yearbook
and the UK School paper and took photo classes where possible. I
eventually transfered to Eastern KY University where I shot for the
school paper, and continued working towards a journalism minor.
A wife, a job, two kids and 12 years later, I decide to pickup the
camera for real again (no more being a tourist/family photo dude)
and I get a job with a weekly paper in Key West, marketing myself
as a freelance photojournalist.
Since then, I've been published in the New York Times, in two
childrens books, a video sleeve, and have done various
pay gigs, like team photos and action photos.
Now I sit in a lovely office in the Raleigh-Durham area
and my camera has found its way back to the shelves, though
I'm trying despiratly to get active again.
Oh, and here is a self portrait.