Photographs by Andrew Davidhazy

all images copyrighted but commercial reproduction rights or individual prints may be obtained from the author

More Scientific and Technical Photographs

[liquid crystal thermography of human chest] [liquid crystal 
thermography of flat iron] [tennis ball bouncing on flat surface seen with stroboscope] [tennis ball about to hit tennis raquet] [tennis ball during impact with tennis raquet]
Liquid crystal
Liquid crystal
tennis ball
Tennis ball about
to hit raquet
Tennis ball
during raquet impact
[exploding soup can hit by bullet] [queen of hearts with broken heart] [a can of soda exploding when hit by .22 cal bullet] [marbles in motion] [supersonic bullet and shock wave in shadowgraph]
Soup can
Queen of Hearts
in two parts
Soda can
in motion
Supersonic bullet, shock wave
and trailing turbulence
[jumping girl] [jumping girl]
Jumping girl as seen
by stroboscopic light
Stroboscopic photo of
jumping girl in action
[individual droplets blur into what appears to be a continuous stream  as seen by a streak camera] [individual droplets making up a continuous stream separated out and visualized with a stroboscope onto moving film]
A pump produces what looks like
continuous streams recorded on moving film
Individual droplets in stream
visualized with stroboscope onto moving film

To send feedback on these photographs please drop me a line at my postoffice - thank you!