Sam Wang's "saga" with the Little Faces prints at Clemson stared thusly ...
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24-JUN-2001 23:44:08.28
From: Sam Wang
Subject: Re: Experimental Portrait Photography exhibit available
Date: 24-JUN-2001
Hi Andy, I would like to show them at Clemson. We have a small gallery that
these will be perfect for. Please sign me up for a slot. I would prefer sometime
during the Fall semester: September or October, or later, would be great.
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From: Sam Wang
Subject: Re: Note from Liese re: little faces prints
Date: 30-NOV-2001
Hi Andy, The Little Face prints arrived. They are gems!
Since it's the end of semester for us, I plan to show them in
January. Do you have a date that I'll need to meet for forwarding
them on? Thanks! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
>Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 04:52:04 -0800
>From: "Liese A. Ricketts"
>Subject: Re: Little Faces inquiry
>Hi, Andy. The timing for viewing and discussing the work was perfect. On Friday
>I will be ready to send it to Sam. Thanks so much for the opportunity to open
>discussion about alternative work.
Sam Wang, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Art e-mail:
Clemson University voice: 864/656-3924
Art Dept - 142 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634 USA FAX: 864/656-7523
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From: Sam Wang
Subject: Little Faces
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002
Hi Andy,
Just wanted to let you know that we are showing your Little Faces in
our MFA Gallery this week. I'm attaching the announcement that I sent
out to colleagues.
There are some very nice images in the series. I'm sure our students
will enjoy them. Thanks.
Sam Wang, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Art e-mail:
Clemson University voice: 864/656-3924
Art Dept - 142 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634 USA FAX: 864/656-7523
Click on the thumbnail below to see a larger copy of the announcement mentioned by Sam.