At this time we have thirty files for distribution. Most of these files are material that was posted on the PhotoForum mail list and although at one time we tried getting permission from all authors of interesting articles to include their messages here we did not reach all (especially recently - post 2000). Authorship of most information is included but sometimes non-list originated material arrived here stripped of original author's name. If we have not contacted you to specifically ask for your permission to include one of your contributions to cyberspace in this "educational archive", we apologize and ask that you allow us to include your piece here with your by-line attached. However, if you would like your text to be removed please contact Andrew Davidhazy at RIT,, indicating items to be removed and it will be done immediately. (Note that the PhotoForum list is archived by several organizations and all past list postings may be retrieved from such archives)
Special note to AOL members and others who might have difficulty obtaining these files using their browsers: If this applies to you then please note the address for a given file and use the FTP system to retrieve it. If this fails also, then you can get the files by e-mail (using section 15 as an example) as follows:
1. address a message to: . . 2. For SUBJECT say this: . . .faq-15$txt 3. in BODY say: . . . . . . ..send 4. send it
Shortly afterwards you should receive in your e-mail the section you asked for. You can do the same with the other sections as well.
Choose IMAGING and PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY for info about this unique program.
This gets you to the PHOTOFORUM's main page.
There are also several articles available if you choose ARTICLES for list -
The contents of the twenty-seven FAQ files available are described below.
Select FAQ-15 to obtain content listed below
15.01 -( Make Slides from Negatives using Kodak SO-279 )-
15.02 -( What is Angle of View of any Lens on any Camera? )-
15.03 -( Color Crossover, Color Conversion and Temperature )-
15.04 -( 5 vs. 7 sprocket format stereo cameras )-
15.05 -( Several observations about Kodak B&W IR film )-
15.06 -( Precision Pinhole Parts for Pinhole Photographers )-
15.07 -( Reversal Processing of Black and White paper )-
15.08 -( Making POLAROID Color Transfer Prints )-
15.09 -( Sample Model Release )-
Select FAQ-16 to obtain content listed below
16.01 -( More Model Releases )-
16.02 -( Pinout Layout for Kodak Projector's remote control )-
16.03 -( PINHOLE Photography Book List )-
16.04 -( Reciprocity Failure - Folk and Real Description )-
16.05 -( Toners - home made stuff )-
16.06 -( Thermography = Infrared Photography of Hot Objects )-
16.07 -( Reverse Text Slides on Vericolor Slide Film )-
16.08 -( Flange to Film Distances for Photo Hackers )-
16.09 -( EV or Exposure Values Explained )-
16.10 -( How to process with Rodinal )-
16.11 -( Processing B&W Film in various developers )-
16.12 -( Making Polycontrast Filters with CC filtration )-
16.13 -( How to use Direct Positive Film )-
Select FAQ-17 to obtain content listed below
17.01 -( Infrared - basic information )-
17.02 -( Stereo Photography Discussion )-
17.03 -( Compensation for Enlarger Magnification in "C" )-
17.04 -( Pinhole Photography Primer )-
17.05 -( Processing Infrared Film - How To )-
17.06 -( How to use Tech Pan in Medium Format )-
17.07 -( How to determine intermediate f stops )-
17.08 -( Making a home-made light slave trigger for flashes )-
17.09 -( FTP file for material in Rec.Photo )-
Select FAQ-18 to obtain content listed below
18.01 -( Depth of Field Calculation )-
18.02 -( How to Dispose of Darkroom Chemicals Safely )-
18.03 -( Depth of Field in C )-
18.04 -( Basic Stereo and Parallax Concepts )-
18.05 -( More Advanced Stereo Concepts and Stereo FTP site )-
18.06 -( Photometry and Light Meters Primer )-
18.07 -( More on Polaroid Transfer Process )-
18.08 -( Tailflash Synchronizer Circuits )-
18.09 -( Some aerial photography Tips )-
18.10 -( Where to get film for SUBMINIATURE cameras )-
Select FAQ-19 to obtain content listed below
19.01 -( Making an Improvised Infrared Transmitting Filter )-
19.02 -( Fishing for a lost Leader! )-
19.03 -( Some Basic Infrared Photography Information )-
19.04 -( Checklists for Wedding Photography )-
19.05 -( Standardized Mounting of Stereo Slides )-
19.06 -( Wedding Photography - More Tips )-
19.07 -( Using "flash" exposure to lower print contrast )-
19.08 -( Reloading One-Use Cameras )-
19.09 -( What is DENSITY? )-
19.10 -( Discontinued Film Sizes @ Film for Classics )-
Select FAQ-20 to obtain content listed below
20.01 -( Flash Sync Speed Question and Answer )-
20.02 -( Kodak Lenses - characteristics and applications )-
20.03 -( Masking to change contrast esp. for Ilfochrome use )-
20.04 -( 3D FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions about stereo )-
20.05 -( Making Color out of B&W! )-
20.06 -( Variable Contrast Filter Settings and Color Heads )-
20.07 -( Tech Pan Exposure/Processing Info )-
20.08 -( Sound Synchronizers - Cheap and Simple )-
20.09 -( Convenient Pulfrich Effect 3D Viewing )-
20.10 -( What is EV (Exposure Value)? )-
20.11 -( Info on Film and Video Resources on the Internet )-
Select FAQ-21 to obtain content listed below
21.01 -( A DOF program written in C FYI )-
21.02 -( Polaroid batteries and accessories )-
21.03 -( Infrared Ektachrome Processing in E-6 chemicals )-
21.04 -( New f# when using bellows extension )-
21.05 -( Data on Wratten Filters by the Numbers )-
21.06 -( CHEAP IR Filters - experimental quality )-
21.07 -( UV and IR Technique Basics )-
21.08 -( Solarization Tip )-
21.09 -( Create-a-Print used for B&W printing )-
21.10 -( Decoding De DX Code )-
21.11 -( IR Ektachrome Processing in cool E6 chemicals )-
Select FAQ-22 to obtain content listed below
22.01 -( Sunrise/Sunset location finder BASIC program )-
22.02 -( Simple Sound Switch to trigger Flash )-
22.03 -( Make Black Borders or Lines around your images )-
22.04 -( Sound Synchronizer for ECM application )-
22.05 -( Pinout Layout for Carousel Projector Receptacle )-
22.06 -( Foot-candles - how to measure them? )-
22.07 -( Film Acceleration )-
22.08 -( IR Film Data Sheet )-
22.09 -( Circular Polarizers - better than square ones? )-
Select FAQ-23 to obtain content listed below
23.01 -( Speed Graphic FAQ file )-
23.02 -( Physical Development Process )-
23.03 -( Electronic Flash Circuit - fundamental )-
23.04 -( DX demystified and controlled )-
23.05 -( Photo Discussion Groups on the Internet )-
23.06 -( Sprayable B&W emulsion Source )-
23.07 -( Guide Numbers - what are they? )-
Select FAQ-24 to obtain content listed below
24.01 -( Harris Shutter - making and using it! )-
24.02 -( Electronic Visualization of Color Negatives )-
24.03 -( Film Codes Demystified )-
24.04 -( Obsolete Film Processing )-
24.05 -( Canon A1 control contacts described )-
24.06 -( Copyright - basic information )-
24.07 -( Bellows Source )-
24.08 -( Cross Processing Benchmark )-
24.09 -( Postcard Printer Pointer )-
24.10 -( Hyperfocal Distances for short 35mm lenses )-
24.11 -( Photo Manufacturers and Distributors list )-
Select FAQ-25 to obtain content listed below
25.01 -( Daguerreotype Info from 1858 available on-line )-
25.02 -( List of Photo/Imaging Books, Magazines, etc. )-
25.03 -( Basic Photo Lesson w/pinhole camera )-
25.04 -( Tips for use of PhotoFlo )-
25.05 -( Remote Camera Triggering Discussion )-
25.06 -( More on Polarizing Filters! )-
25.07 -( Kodak 2481 HS Infrared Film Data Sheet )-
Select FAQ-26 to obtain content listed below
26.01 -( Aluminum Frames - where to buy them? )-
26.02 -( Polarizing and UV filters - Q and A )-
26.03 -( Diffraction, Depth of Field, Color Temp. and Common Sense )-
26.04 -( Guide for Forte Films used in Kodak Developers )-
26.05 -( Making Duplicate Slides with Enlarger )-
26.06 -( Duplicating Slides - Procedures and Films )-
26.07 -( 18% Gray Card Reference Articles )-
26.08 -( Cross-processing - what goes on? )-
26.09 -( Commercial Silver Recovery Units FYI )-
Select FAQ-27 to obtain content listed below
27.01 -( BIG photographers databank!!!! )-
27.02 -( California Museum of Photography on Internet )-
27.03 -( Dealing with VERY contrasty negatives )-
27.04 -( Contrast Control with the Sterry Process )-
27.05 -( PSA (Photo Society of America) address )-
27.06 -( Comprehensive Copyright Info Source )-
27.07 -( Photokina address in US )-
27.08 -( Basic Astrophotography Pointers and Info )-
27.09 -( Image Usage Rights - A primer )-
27.10 -( Photo Artisans Guild info )-
27.11 -( Reversal Processing of Ilford Films )-
27.12 -( Bellows - basic instruction in making one )-
27.13 -( Kodak's Ultra Fast and Ultra Grainy Recording Film )-
Select FAQ-28 to obtain content listed below
28.01 -( Lost Film Leader Retriever - Making Improvised One )-
28.02 -( Using Camera Meter to determine Foot Candles )-
28.03 -( Reloading Unreloadable Cassettes with Bulk Film )-
28.04 -( Circular vs. Linear Polarizers - more scoop )-
28.05 -( Depth of Field - a formula approach )-
28.06 -( pointer on better photographs of nudes )-
28.07 -( Exposure Correction in Enlarging )-
28.08 -( Pinholes, f#s and proper exposure Determination )-
28.09 -( Optimum Pinhole Diameter - Further Suggestions )-
28.10 -( Painting with Light basics )-
28.11 -( IR _BLOCKING_ filters - what/where/why? )-
28.12 -( Underwater Dome Ports - a mathematical approach )-
28.13 -( Catadioptric Lenses - brief description )-
28.14 -( Tintype Parlor - tintype materials suppliers )-
28.15 -( Adhering Liquid Light to Glass )-
28.16 -( Pro School Photographers Association info )-
28.17 -( ISO, DIN and ASA speed relationships )-
Select FAQ-29 to obtain content listed below
29.01 -( Where to process Infrared Color Film )-
29.02 -( 3D Processing and Finishing Laboratories )-
29.03 -( Star Trail Control with Exposure Time )-
29.04 -( Problem with Glass Carriers and Rings on Prints )-
29.05 -( Black Light )-
29.06 -( Minox Cameras Dated and Described )-
29.07 -( Filter Primer )-
29.08 -( Is Photography a Language? )-
29.09 -( Hundreds of Film/Developer Processing Instructions )-
Select FAQ-30 to obtain content listed below
30.01 -( Making Masks to Make Money w/ Trading Cards )-
30.02 -( More Wedding Photography Tips )-
30.03 -( Photo Archives of an old Photo Discussion list )-
30.04 -( 8mm and 16mm film source and brief movie primer )-
30.05 -( Pinhole Cameras and Supplies Source )-
30.06 -( What shutter speed to STOP motion? )-
30.07 -( Filter to make color scene look as B&W sees it! )-
30.08 -( Polarizers for Infrared Photography - Q&A )-
30.09 -( What makes a macro photograph? )-
30.10 -( Making B&W slides from B&W negatives )-
30.11 -( Photo Attractions in Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas & Mobile )-
30.12 -( Favorite Textbooks of PhotoForum readers )-
30.13 -( The Argyrotype Process )-
Select FAQ-31 to obtain content listed below
31.01 -( Porter's Camera Store and Catalogue info )-
31.02 -( Light/Dark and Sound Sync w/delay & intervalometer )-
31.03 -( Kodak B&W Sheet Film notch codes )-
31.04 -( US Photography Related Magazines List )-
31.05 -( X-Ray machines at airports )-
31.06 -( Testing Shutters the SIMPLE way )-
31.07 -( Copying Artwork with Tungsten Lights discussion )-
31.08 -( What is a TLR in reference to a camera? )-
31.09 -( Another note on 2nd curtain sync )-
31.10 -( Photo Related URLS - HUGE list )-
Select FAQ-32 to obtain content listed below
32.01 -( Manufacturers and Distributors of Rotating Panoramic Cameras )-
32.02 -( Several observations on rotating panoramic cameras )-
32.03 -( Comments on panoramic photography requirements )-
32.04 -( Pointers on drying Fiber Based papers )-
32.05 -( Dividing 1 gal E-6 for small batch processing )-
32.06 -( High Speed Photography Sample Exam - Questions and Answers )-
32.07 -( The Royal Photographic Society - Info )-
32.08 -( More panoramic photography material ... )-
32.09 -( How to determine the aperture and f# of a lens? )-
32.10 -( Pointers for including the moon in a photograph )-
32.11 -( Sun and Moon rise/set locator program retrievable from Net )-
Select FAQ-33 to obtain content listed below
33.01 -( Starting points for using Konica and Kodak Infrared films )-
33.02 -( Intro to Gross Specimen and General Photography - tutorial )-
33.03 -( UK Company that makes microscope (and other?) adapers )-
33.04 -( Improvised Contrast Control filters from Rosco materials )-
33.05 -( Reducing overexposed IR film and others too )-
33.06 -( Tips for photographing the sun )-
33.07 -( Stage Photography Recommendations )-
33.08 -( Photographing Soccer Recommendations )-
33.09 -( Sprint Photographic Chemicals )-
33.10 -( Artcraft Chemicals - Photo Chemicals Supplier )-
33.11 -( A few non-US magazine recommendations )-
Select FAQ-34 to obtain content listed below
34.01 -( Accounting for extension tubes and exposure factors )-
34.02 -( Developing Tech Pan film recommendations )-
34.03 -( Managing Polaroid Type 55 Pos/Neg film in the field )-
34.04 -( Pinhole Resources and the Hole Thing )-
34.05 -( Multiple Exposure Capability - what good is it? )-
34.06 -( How are higher flash sync speeds achieved )-
34.07 -( Front projection for professional backgrounds )-
34.08 -( Desensitizing film for development by inspection )-
34.09 -( How much light does it take to expose film properly? )-
34.10 -( What is a diopter? )-
34.11 -( Daylight balanced fluorescent tubes and correction filters )-
34.12 -( How are the faster X sync speeds achieved these days? )-
34.13 -( How to adjust the tension on a Graflex Focal Plane shutter )-
34.14 -( How does a teleconverter change Depth of Field? )-
34.15 -( Title slides with BLUE backgrounds - how to make them? )-
Select FAQ-35 to obtain content listed below
35.01 -( Where to get photo jigsaw puzzles made )-
35.02 -( What to do with a camera that took a dip in the sea? )-
35.03 -( Russion Horizon(t) rotating lens panoramic cameras )-
35.04 -( How to expose, process and use Kodak Pro Copy film 4125 )-
35.05 -( Tips for Winning Photo Contests )-
35.06 -( Restoring faded photos by copying )-
35.07 -( Poop sheet on processing outdated Agfa Superpan Press )-
35.08 -( T-mounts, what are they? )-
35.09 -( Photography - the 8th art - article by Robert Fournier )-
35.10 -( Developing stacks of prints simultaneously )-
35.11 -( Quick and easy "X" sync flash test for field use )-
35.12 -( How to compensate for exposure using extension tubes )-
Select FAQ-36 to obtain content listed below
36.01 -( How do Filters and Variable Contrast papers work? )-
36.02 -( Partial Stop Push/Pull Small Batch processing times )-
36.03 -( Memorable Photographs and Photographers - partial list )-
36.04 -( Photographing a total solar eclipse )-
36.05 -( Photo Mailer (envelopes to mail photos in) Supplier )-
36.06 -( Minox film supplier )-
36.07 -( Two comments on Pricing Weddings )-
36.08 -( Basics of Unsharp Masking - what it is and how to do it )-
36.09 -( Reversal Procesing of B&W Infrared Film for Speed and Slides)-
36.10 -( Pellicle mirrors in fast motor drive cameras - disadvantages? )-
36.11 -( Setting up a basic B&W darkroom with color possibility )-
Select FAQ-37 to obtain content listed below
37.01 -( Is Photography Finished? )-
37.02 -( Pointers on making image files for Web use )-
37.03 -( Further Notes on Polaroid Emulsion Transfer >
37.04 -( Where to get obsolete or hard-to-find lightbulbs in US )-
37.05 -( Where to have self-promotional postcards printed in US )-
37.06 -( Lens mount diameters / clearances for various cameras )-
37.07 -( Light trap overlap designs for darkroom access )-
37.08 -( Pointers for making a view camera from almost scratch )-
37.09 -( The Usenet groups - how many are there? )-
37.10 -( Pointers for students seeking assistant's jobs )-
37.11 -( Bogen adapter for mercury battery using items )-
37.12 -( A personal approach to Reversal B&W Processing )-
37.13 -( Rodinal: Conversation, Observation and Formulation )-
37.14 -( Where to convert Nikon lenses to AIS mount? )-
37.15 -( Omega Enlargers - where to get parts? )-
37.16 -( More Pinhole camera tips - SPECIAL for TEACHERS! )-
Select FAQ-38 to obtain content listed below
38.01 -( Improvised IR filter and Wratten IR filter transmission data )-
38.02 -( Getting rid of green looking lights in night shots )-
38.03 -( Brief Basic Discussion on Film Speeds )-
38.04 -( Instructions Making a simple CLOSE-UP stand )-
38.05 -( 300mm lenses )-
38.06 -( Twin Lens Reflex Pros and Cons plus dealing with Parallax )-
38.07 -( Where to obtain bulk photographic chemicals )-
38.08 -( More Wedding Photography Tips for a beginner )-
38.09 -( Making an improvised densitometer from a light meter )-
38.10 -( Night photography shooting and exposure tips )-
38.11 -( E-Mail addresses within the RPS )-
Select FAQ-39 to obtain content listed below
39.01 -( Recommendation on Photo Journalism schools? )-
39.02 -( Brief description of Panoramic camera systems )-
39.03 -( Photographing of a whole train using a Cirkut camera )-
39.04 -( Where to catch romantic moods in Paris )-
39.05 -( How do you make good pictures of reluctant models? )-
39.06 -( Is digital imaging art? Can it be art? )-
39.07 -( Comments on Electronic/Digital wedding/portrait proofs )-
39.08 -( How do focal length doublers/triplers work? )-
39.09 -( Developing film in sheet film tanks )-
39.10 -( Making reticulation and grain happen )-
39.11 -( Who makes 3D prints from Nimslo or Nishika negs? )-
39.12 -( Home made print washer instructions )-
39.13 -( Making positive B&W slides from B&W negatives )-
39.14 -( What is a good place to have light meters repaired? )-
39.15 -( 35mm film without perforations )-
Select FAQ-40 to obtain content listed below
40.01 -< A bibliography on Pinhole Books >-
40.02 -< Ethics at an accident or crime scene >-
40.03 -< A personal brown toner formulation >-
40.04 -< PJ Position Interviewing Advice - applicable elsewhere too! >-
40.05 -< Good Book recommendation - The Art of Photography >-
40.06 -< Putting pizzaz in a photography curriculum >-
40.07 -< Three Most Important Highlights in History of Photography >-
40.08 -< A couple more labs that process IR Ektachrome (E-4) >-
40.09 -< Hand Coloring - materials and instructions >-
40.10 -< Making your own bellows - instructions, supplies >-
Select FAQ-41 to obtain content listed below
41.01 -< Photography related quotations >-
41.02 -< How to make successful slides from prints >-
41.03 -< PPofA Certified Professional Photographer Exam Details >-
41.04 -< Listing the world's great living photographers (1996) >-
41.05 -< Mary Ellen Mark - brief history >-
41.06 -< Repairing/Cleaning a Schneider lens >-
41.07 -< Film expiration and storage tips >-
41.08 -< Making 3D pictures with ONE camera >-
41.09 -< Split development - what is it? >-
Select FAQ-42 to obtain content listed below
42.01 -< How to make a 620 camera take 120 film >-
42.02 -< Slide Labeling and Archiving Software for Stock Photos >-
42.03 -< Where do pros buy albums and frames >-
42.04 -< Star Tracking Platform instructions >-
42.05 -< Processing Forte B&W films in Kodak developers >-
42.06 -< Determining lens focal length simply >-
42.07 -< Where can one get royalty-free background music? >-
42.08 -< Robot camera company address >-
42.09 -< Split Grade Printing by Max Ferguson >-
42.10 -< Guide Number when flashes are combined >-
42.11 -< Some places that process Super-8 motion picture film >-
42.12 -< Bulkfilm loading without a loader >-
42.13 -< How do flashbulbs work? >-
42.14 -< Tripod Tips >-
42.15 -< Some chit chat on camera lenses used for UV photography >-
Select FAQ-43 to obtain content listed below
43.01 -< Instructions for using a Gossen Luna Pro F light meter >-
43.02 -< On Taking Yourself Seriously by David Vestal >-
43.03 -< MacGyverish tools used by photographers >-
43.04 -< How to make Public Relations photographs at school >-
43.05 -< How to compensate for use of "minus" diopter lenses? >-
43.06 -< Instructions for making one's own print washer >-
43.07 -< Processing FORTE film in Kodak developers >-
43.08 -< Determination of actual focal length of view camera lenses >-
43.09 -< Are obsolete flashbulbs available anywhere? >-
43.10 -< Another go at Film Acceleration >-
43.11 -< Developing in ascorbic acid - tips and hints >-
43.12 -< D-25 developer >-
Select FAQ-44 to obtain content listed below
44.01 -< Color Correction Conundrum >-
44.02 -< Removing Dye Layers from Color Film One at a Time >-
44.03 -< What is the actual f stop given by lightmeters? >-
44.04 -< The Arnold Gassan Method for HC-110 >-
44.05 -< Photos of your "aura" ... Kirlian Photography >-
44.06 -< How to expose Night Scenes properly, a guide >-
44.07 -< Removing Scratches from lenses ... regrinding surface? >-
44.08 -< Shooting digital or scanning film, which is better? >-
44.09 -< Split Toning advice >-
44.10 -< Photographing (shooting) with a steady hand, how? >-
Select FAQ-45 to obtain content listed below
45.01 -< The "Color Wheel" and RGB/CMY >-
45.02 -< Cameras for school use to replace the K1000 >-
45.03 -< The Business of Youth Sports / Teams Photography >-
45.04 -< Speaking engagement about photography and careers >-
45.05 -< Advice for a Figure Study Photo Workshop >-
45.06 -< Suggestions for Content of a Portfolio for Transfer Credit >-
45.07 -< Some chit chat on Fundamental Principles in Polarization >-
45.08 -< Panoramic Stitching Software - PTStitcher >-
45.09 -< Flashbulbs NOT a lost art yet >-
45.10 -< Fake Ice Cubes for studio prop >-
45.11 -< Polaroid Emulsion Lift-off Prints, short instructions >-
45.12 -< Finding the F number - instructions >-
45.13 -< Guide Numbers with multiple flashes - how? >-
45.14 -< Getting started with Volunteer Photo Teaching >-
There are also some specialized FAQ files that refer to specific topics:
NIKON-FAQ Nikon camera models and related matters
POLAROID-FAQ listing of Polaroid cameras and characteristics
OLYMPUS-FAQ some Olympus cameras and characteristics
LENSES-FAQ lenses faq and brief tutorial on lens facts
MEMBERS-NEWS member bios
TRAVEL-TIPS photo info for travel to locations worldwide
PHOTONEWS new products and services releases and info
contributions and corrections welcome! send to PhotoForum's POSTOFFICE
by the way... if you want to subscribe to the PhotoForum list for photo and imaging educators, students and others interested in the topics that might be discussed by such a group just state SUBSCRIBE PhotoForum "your-name" (place your real name in place of "your-name") on the first line of mail sent to the
This page is maintained by Andrew Davidhazy, Professor, Imaging and Photographic Technology, RIT, to whom you can send contributions, corrections and other communications related to these FAQ files.