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PhotoForum's Gallery - Images by Student Groups

Special Effects in Photography

This is a selection of photographs from Andrew Davidhazy's course on Special Effects photography
at the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at RIT

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Matt Byers
- solarization
Kenyon Cooke
- solarized hand
Sabrina Fairclough
Sara Strom
- solarization
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Adam Dore
- solarized
Matt Berkman
- mattebox photo
Kevin Schelkun
- splash
Mari M.
- linear strip photo
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Sang-Kook Park
- linear strip car photo
Sang-Kook Park
- combined negatives
Tiana Lichtenau
- high speed egg photograph
Mari. M.
- splash photo
Sara Strom
- stroboscopic model

Contact the Andrew Davidhazy if you have feedback for the students, other comments or suggestions about this course.

The PhotoForum list's Gallery S is an exhibit space dedicated to exhibit up to 15 pieces of work by current students in an educational institution on a rotating basis. "Click" on the thumbnail images to see a larger version. If you are a PhotoForum list member you can post comments about these photographs to the list. To do so select SEND COMMENT TO LIST! Please include gallery's URL and state something like "Review: "school name" photographs" as the subject line of the message.

Select Submission Guidelines for instructions on how to contribute images to this exhibit.
Choose PhotoForum Member's Gallery to review that exhibit.

To become a PhotoForum list member state SUBSCRIBE PhotoForum YOUR-NAME in a message sent to listserv@rit.edu (substituting your real name where it says YOUR-NAME).

Contact the Exhibit Coordinator if you have comments or suggestions about this project.

This activity is made possible by the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology