The History of Photography Group, organized in October 1986, tries to facilitate communication among historians of photography by compiling a directory listing areas of interest and ways to make contact
This directory is being compiled by William Allen, Art Department, Arkansas State University
PO Box 1920, State University, AR 72467 To access a searchable and updateable version of the list on the web go to:
For a plain text verson of the list go to:
You can also obtain a version from an FTP site at the School of Photographic
Arts and Sciences at RIT
Finally, you can also obtain the list by e-mail, send mail to: and making sure the
subject line of the mail is HPG-LIST simply ask for it
in the body of the message.
Anyone may join the list who has an interest in the History of Photography
If you do decide to join the list note that the information contained in
the HPG Directory is available to anyone net-wide who chooses to access it
This may influence how much contact information you provide. But remember
that with less information it may be more difficult for someone interested
in your field to contact you.
To add yourself to the directory or update an entry simply fill out the
form below and select the SUBMIT button below to forward the information to the
compiler of this list.
If you want to send this information by snail mail (postal service!) then
send it to: Report any problems with this form to
Information and Registration Procedure
Register in HPG Directory
William Allen
Art Department
Arkansas State University
State University, AR 72467
Last Updated:12/31/00