Rochester Institute of Technology - School of Photographic Arts and Sciences

Imaging and Photographic Technology students on Coop in 2000

A unique feature of the Imaging and Photographic Technology program is that graduates complete at least two required Cooperative Education work blocks prior to graduation. This page is here to give you some insight as to where the students are completing current coop experiences and recent full-time positions.

If you are interested in possibly hiring a current student looking for a coop or paid intern position, a graduating student ready for full-time employment or a graduate who is looking for new opportunities, check out a website where several students have included information about their background and aspirations. Choose Imaging and Photo Technology Situations Wanted!. Or, post an announcement on one of our Bulletin Boards if you have potentially applicable positions available now or will possibly have one in the future. Just choose Tech Bulletin Board

Please forgive the preformatted nature of this page at this time. It is in the process of being improved!

The following students are currently registered with the Registrar's office:

Jessica Boarman      Konica in NJ - remote minilab quality management
Jack Calcines        Eastman Kodak - electron microscopy
Krystyn Falkenstern  EI ETC in Boston
Ben Gershman         Pixel Physics, Rochester, NY
Joanne Gosselin      Pixel Physics, Rochester, NY
Conor Kelly          ASF in Austin, TX
Rose Klinger         dept coop with Bruce Kahn
Bianca Koscielski    LithoKrome in Columbus, GA making giclee prints and 
                     working on the Better Light program and scanner and 
                     talking to Michael Collette (the creator of the Better 
                     Light system) on nearly a daily basis.
Michelle Lavalette   Transportation Research Labs - Ohio
Tiana Lichtenau      Madison Photo in NJ
Logan Lindquist      Pixel Physics, Rochester, NY
Nicole Marousek      Fortune Magazine in NYC, working in the digital 
                     ad production dept.
Erin Murphy          Northtec in Philadelphia - Cosmetics Co.
Alicia Novi          Konica in NJ - remote minilab quality management
Andy Prasetio        Iris Graphics in MA as Chemistry Lab Technician, primary 
                     job is making test prints using hundreds of ink types.
Paul Reichert        NASA Langley LARSS program
Kerry Robarge        HP in Vancouver, WA
Zachary Schreiber    Camp Kingsmont in Stockbridge, MA teaching photography 
                     to the kids
Kim Sennett in Old Town Alexandria, VA doing a 
                     bit of web development and some marketing.
Anthony Tanbakuchi   Mount Rushmore National Park - webmaster
Garrett Vanderover   Estee Lauder on Long Island trying to find a way to make lipstick match between the actual product and a computer monitor
Robert Waugh         Bruce Bennett Fine Art Printing here in Rochester
Meredith Whitaker    HP in Boise, ID

.... below not registered but still engaged in a coop: 
(registration info at bottom of page!)

Joanne RIM           UofR / IDL programming
Anita Bauer          Foster Wheeler
Jason Peterson       Foster Wheeler
David Zwarg          Pixel Physics, Rochester, NY
Justin Laird         MuseumArchives in Seattle
Victor Trimarchi     MuseumArchives in Seattle
Liana Schuetz        going to school over summer
Mark Updegraff       ?
Peter Tate           Polaroid Corporation in Cambridge, MA 
Vincent Reich        ?
Kristen Kelly        nursing her knee back into shape!
Astrida Rideout      ?

recent full time employment reports have been received from the following:

Karen Dirkse         Polaroid
Kirsa Upton          Xerox
Patrick Harrington   Xerox  - Color Operations Xerox in Webster
Ryan Carson          ---?
Sam Hill             grad school
Jason Babcock        grad school
Ellen Day            Key Systems in Victor near Rochester
Bret E. Harmen       Fuji/Hunt in NJ
Gennelle Quintana 
Christine Pierce  
David Zwarg          Pixel Physics
Mike Kern            own software business
Shannon Eddy      
Sarah Arnold
Scott Bogart      

Here is some feedback from students currently on coop: From: Hi Andy, I'm doing a double block at Fortune Magazine in NYC. I work in the digital ad production dept. All is well here. I am having a great time in NY. My parents live about an hour outside of the city in Northern Westchester, so I am quite accustomed to the "New York City" lifestyle :) The only thing I don't really like is the commute, but hey, you have to deal with these things for free rent! Other than that, everything is well. I really like my job here - lots of deadlines and's right up my ally. It was good to hear from you, and I will see you in the fall! -Nicole
From: Andy Prasetio Dear Andy, HI, Sorry that I'm late in replying. I am doing my Co-op in Iris Graphics as a Chemistry Lab Technician. Primary job is making test prints using hundreds of ink types. I met several RIT graduates, including Dana Fokos ( IPT grad ). several already left the company. See you again next quarter, Andy Prasetio
From: David Zwarg Andy- You got me right, I'm at Pixel Physics for the time being...I am still waiting anxiously for some time on the water. So if you are going to bring your boat out for a weekend or evening, let me know. CYA dave
From: Hey Andy, Sorry, I've been really slack about my email since I got to Columbus, Georgia. But here I am in Columbus which is about an hour and a half from Atlanta. I'm working for a company, called LithoKrome, which deals with creating giclee and press lithographs of famous artists from all over the world. They are also responsible for printing Hallmark cards :) I really like it here and I'm learning A LOT!! The people are so very nice, as all the common thoughts of nice Southern folk would have it, and they are treating me very well. My boss, Mr. David Reynolds, is a graduate from the applied photography program at RIT (I can't remember the grad year), and it's fun hearing the stories about "the old days" at RIT from another '74 RIT grad, Mr. Jim Macky, who, as it turns out, is from a town only 20 minutes from my hometown in Maryland. He works the big drum scanners in the Hallmark prepress room. I'm currently working on the Better Light program and scanner and talking to Michael Collette (the creator of the Better Light system) on nearly a daily basis. I'm currently scanning, spotting and restoring pieces of fine art which eventually get turned into hundreds of thousands of lithographs. I'm troubleshooting through applescript and visual basic code, and working on profiling proofs of the art on Macs that have a mere 2 gigs of RAM alone! I have a lot more objectives set up for me in the near future and while I am here, which include Research and Development of the latest technology in digital photographic equipment, Color correcting the proofs of the art, and learning how to be a Hallmark Press Operator (a job that has its due respect for the level of difficulty it assumes). Well, that's all fer now! I'll see you with a brand new Georgia peach accent at RA training in mid-August! Bianca PS - regretfully, I am not sunburned.....yet....but it has reached over 110 degrees this whole week and Georgia is in a severe state of drought. We're back 15in. of much needed rain. No free film, but free (and very old) photo studio equipment. All that besides, everything else is just peachy!
From: Paul (Paul is working at teh NASA Langley Research Center in Hapton, VA) Hey Andy, I was talking to Rafaela Schwan today and she said that she ran into one of the Professors in our department over the weekend. I guess she was at a conference in Ohio. She coulden't remember who it was though, so I was just wondering who it was. I guess that she was handing out some information books about the LARSS program. If you get a chance to look at it please do because about 95% of the pictures in there are mine. I also got some work from last summer published in the Summer 1999 issue of Technica magazine. The pictures aren't so great, but it is kinda cool to have them published. I also wanted to tell you that I am playing with a Hulcherama panoramic camera. At first I couldn't get the camera's motor to work properly and after playing with it for a while I figured out that the battery connection was really bad. So they are going to get a new battery for the camera. Even though the motor wasn't working properly, I was able to twist the camera around with my finger and ended up getting some pretty good exposures. Well, I guess I'd better get back to work because we are just sooooo busy down here. Paul
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 23:05:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Anthony Tanbakuchi Andy, Just wanted to let you know all is well at Mount Rushmore! I am having a great time here. Not doing a ton of tech stuff, my primary duties are as a Park Naturalist or Interpretive Park Ranger giving guided walks, talks and evening programs (my last one last week has 2200 people in the audience). We just finished our fourth of july celebration, we has over 30,000 poeple here, we had 71 trips made by a freight helicoptor to deliver fire works to the top of the sculpture where they shot them off. All day we had a lot of bands including the United States Airforce Hartland of America Band. I am having a ton of fun here and loving the Black Hills of South Dakota, there is a ton of neat things to see and do here. Hope ya all in Rochester are well DoKtor Kuchi (Anthony Tanbakuchi)

And here is a form you can fill out right now! if you'd like to offer an opportunity for an interview to an Imaging and Photographic Technology student. You can use it for either Coop or Full-time positions anywhere in the US, or even overseas.

Tech students who need registration information: HERE IT IS!

This is a note intended for current students who need info about how to register with the Coop and Placement office as well as the RIT Registrar. You must register in both places!

If you forgot to register before taking the coop position and you are no longer in Rochester, you can register with the Coop and Placement office on line. Go to and click on "students and alumni", in the left hand column you will see "got a co-op job? register here" and the rest is up to you.

In terms of registering with the RIT registrar you can do that remotely as well exactly as you would normally register for a course, the course # is: 2076-499-01

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The Imaging and Photographic Technology program is part of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology.