If you are already in college and contemplating to transfer or simply want to gain basic knowledge about the practice and technology of photography and imaging, then you might look into the Summer Transfer Program offered by the Imaging and Photographic Technology department at the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences.
The Imaging and Photographic Technology Summer Program is an intensive 10 week long experience. It is, however, open to anyone with an interest in an introduction to professional/commercial photography and to the technology of photography. A background including basic mathematics is recommended.
Presumably you have already seen a detailed description of its goals and objectives but in case you have not I'd like to recommend that you visit the following website: http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/ipt.html.
While it is possible to transfer during the academic year, (and we accept most transfers for entry at that time) due to the specialized nature of the program, the most time-effective way of doing it is by completing an intensive Summer Transfer program that starts in early June and goes for about 10 weeks till early August.
So, in addition to Fall transfers the Imaging and Photographic Technology program also accepts a significant number of new students as Summer Transfers who complete what we figuratively call "photo boot camp". Again, this is a 10 week intensive applied program consisting of a professional photography course combined with a course in the fundamentals of technology and science.
Again, if you are contemplating transfer, it is recommended that you prepare by taking courses in basic Calculus, Physics and Liberal Arts. Unless you complete a very strong program in photography elsewhere and it is oriented towards studio skills and general commercial or industrial photography, probably any other photo courses would not transfer. Note that in order to transfer photography course credits, a high quality portfolio demonstrating diverse commercial-level skills in professional photography must be submitted. Otherwise you must either start with our Photo Tech Photo 1 course in the Fall or complete Photo 1 during the Summer Transfer program.
The Freshman year of the program has a course called Materials and Processes of Photography that in most cases is not offered anywhere else and which is a prerequisite to all upperclass IPT courses. Because of its special nature you must take this course starting in the Fall or complete it during the Summer Transfer program.
If your ultimate goal is to transfer to the Imaging and Photographic Technology BS undergraduate program then it is recommended that during the time that you are preparing for transfer at another institution you consider taking courses such as College Physics (generally a 1 year course including lab) and 2 courses in Introductory Calculus or Engineering Calculus 1 and 2. Programming language courses (C++ or Visual Basic) can also be transfered easily.
Advanced Placement high school courses and courses completed at accredited Community Colleges or Universities also reduce the time it takes to finish this program or at least provide additional time that a student can devote to studies or cooperative employment experiences (which are a required part of the IPT program).
Of course, standard 1st year Liberal Arts courses such as Psychology, Economics, Literature, etc. will stand you in good stead during the transfer process.
The IPT program has a significant number of transfer students. The comprehensive Summer Transfer Program prepares you for entry into the Sophomore year of the program in the Fall assuming you are bringing with you transfer credits for liberal arts, math, computer programming and/or science courses.
Let me summarize. Our IPT Summer Program consists of two courses. Technical Photo 1 (6 hours per day) is a comprehensive photography course with emphasis on technical aspects (as opposed to expressive, fine art, aspects) and Materials and Processes of Photography (two hours per day) that covers fundamental concepts in photographic technology. It is possible, if you are so interested, to only enroll in one of these courses. If you enroll only in the M&P course you would be registering for 9 quarter credit hours.
For further information or to simply discuss your options concerning transfer and the Summer Transfer Program please contact:
Andrew Davidhazy, Professor
Chairman, Imaging and Photographic Technoloy
School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
ph: (716)475-2592 .....email: andpph@rit.edu