Imaging and Photographic Technology
students fly on NASA's Vomit Comet!
Crystal Embrey, Jason Babcock, Keith Krause and Sam Hill proposed an experiment to the NASA Microgravity Research Flight Opportunity for college students and in a competition involving 60 universities nationwide they were selected to be among the 23 student teams to be invited to fly on NASA's famed Boeing 707, KC-135, "Vomit Comet", at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. The Imaging and Photographic Technology team was selected along with student teams from Texas A&M, Purdue, Georgia Tech, University of Washington, University of Utah, and others.
The four members of the team are seen above as they prepare and conduct their experiment involving the application of high speed motion picture photography at 2,000 pictures per second of bursting (on command) balloons filled with water, carbonated water and a mixture of oil and water. After their assignments were completed they took a few relaxing minutes off to enjoy a breathtaking ride as close as one can get to space conditions while still remaining within the atmosphere. After some fun in the near zero gravity environment chasing water drops and doing multiple flips in midair, some members of the team wished for the whole experiment to come to a prompt conclusion and, in fact, were wishing they had never set foot on the plane in the first place ... as those little white bags sticking out of their flight-suit pockets started to overflow.
At last report the crew was able to photograph the bursting of four out of the 10 balloons they had planned to carry on the two missions that they flew in groups of two. Design and performance improvements are already being contemplated!
The team wrapped up their visit to NASA's Ellington Field and the Johnson Space Center and arrived on the RIT campus on Sunday, April 20,1997. Since that time they have been extensively interviewed by local press and television and several programs about their mission will be aired on Rochester's WOKR-13 during the evening news of May 12 and 13, 1997.
The photographs above were made by a graduate of the Imaging and Photographic Technology program, Robert Markowitz, who is a regular NASA photographer on the Vomit Comet. Among other graduates of the program who provided the visitors with a behind-the-scenes look at the NASA/JSC Photography Lab, barbecues at home, meetings with a Russian cosmonaut, an outing to Galveston, etc. were Sheri Dunnette and Mark Sowa. Their assistance and hospitality for the members of the IPT team is gratefully appreciated.
Enclosed Baloon Mechanism - a microgravity based liquid behavior experiment
Jason Babcock, Keith Krause, Crystal Embrey, Sam Hill
Advisor: Prof. Andrew Davidhazy
Imaging and Photographic Technology Department
School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
Four RIT undergraduate students designed a project to be flown on the NASA KC-135 plane located at Johnson Space Center as part of a NASA sponsored program designed to bring students nationwide to Houston for a near-space flight experience while flying on this plane capable of simulating microgravity conditions. 25 teams from across the country, including the RIT team,were selected to participate in this unique opportunity.
The RIT project entailed studying and characterizing the behavior of 2.5 liters of water stored in a tightly stretched elastic rubber container and suddenly exposed to ambient conditions under 1g and microgravity conditions basing their analyisis on data acquired with high speed motion picture photography. High speed filming enabled a time expansion of almost 100 times and still images allowed frame-by-frame analysis of the events following the sudden bursting of the rubber enclosure.
Results of the experiment indicate that under microgravity conditions the water mass retains the spherical shape of the original enclosure although initial events associated with the bursting container are quite similar under 1g and microgravity conditions.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent by NASA to colleges around the United States inviting them to organize teams of students who would prepare a project proposal for flying an experiment on a special plane that is able to achieve microgravity conditions for periods of up to a half a minute. This plane is known as the (in)famous Vomit Comet, the KC-135a plane located in Houston, Texas.
The conditions were simple. Submit a well designed proposal, meet all deadlines and identify finacial support to allow the teams build their experimetal package, finance physicals for up to four fliers and provide assurances that the teams could travel and live in Houston for a period of two weeks. Then NASA would pick up to 25 teams to participate in this project at no additional cost to the schools or teams. NASA not only would provide the flight opportunity for 4 members of each team but also provide all the required pre-flight training for the missions.
This was a chance of a lifetime for students to experience microgravity as well as to visit NASA at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas and carry out an experiment from initial design through conclusion.
The Imaging and Photographic Technology department at RIT learned about this opportunity very late but with only a few hours left before the deadline they ultimately got a letter of intent in with only hours to spare. This was enough to enable a group of 4 students to spend the next month finalizing a proposal. The experiment would center about visualizing a high speed phenomenon associated with liquids suddenly being released from an elastic enclosure and their subsequent behavior. In short, they were going to burst water balloons and analyze the results. An added twist was that the balloons would contain two liquids with different characteristics, such as oil and water, and the reaction of these would be analyzed during the bursting process.
Their proposal was accepted by NASA and during the nextr 3 months the team built and tested the experimental package and preparedfor the trip. Long nights were devoted to sitting in Tech Alley planning, discussing unanticipated problems and building their experimental package, the Enclosed Balloon Mechanism (EBM) described below.
Finally, on Saturday, April 5th, the team was ready for the trip. Two days later, after visits to family en-route, they arrived in Houston and were ready to face microgravity.
Day one at NASA began at 6am. The registration at Ellington field was in hanger 990 alongside the KC-135a. The project was assembled on the working table along with the other 23 colleges. Day two entailed several hours of lectures on physiological training. The lectures began at 8am and ended at 3pm with a break for lunch. One day after the lectures, Mark Sowa and Sheri Dunnette, RIT Imaging and Photo Tech grads from 1986, gave the team a behind the scenes look at NASA's Photo Lab and other imaging research areas.
During the next several days the students attended additional lectures, demonstrations, and tours and experienced hypoxia demonstrations and the experience itself first-hand in the same flight chamber that every past astronaut has experienced it.
Then came the Flight Test Readiness Review during which the KC-135a pilots and several NASA engineers checked the equipment over to make sure the experiment was safe to fly. They were approved for flight with minor adjustments and on April 16th the first half of the team, Sam Hill and Keith Krause, were ready to fly. They were issued flight suits, steal toe boots, anti-nausea drugs, and vomit bags. They managed to film one of the five balloons. This was a water filled balloon. There were some complications in the set-up and the procedure, which were discussed and changes were made. April 17th, Jason Babcock and Crystal Embrey, successfully filmed three of the five balloons. These were two water balloons and one filled with soda water.
Experimental apparatus
The Enclosed Balloon Mechanism (EBM) is constructed from combination of plexiglass and plywood materials. In total, the device stands at 24 inches tall, 10.5 inches wide, and is 40 inches long. The upper section is divided into two parts with one being a plexiglass box (12" tall X 10.5'' wide X 20.5" in length) which is used to hold the water-filled balloons. The other half includes a pedestal onto which the camera is secured and it is equipped with a hinged protective cover.
Inside the plexiglass container (15 inches from the wall closest to the camera) is a clear cylindrical column about 3 inches in diameter. On top of this cylinder is a small dish which is about an inch wider than the bottom column. The total height of the column and dish is about 5 1/2 inches. This platform is used to hold the balloon and also to provide support for the balloon puncturing mechanism.
A second column and dish, attached to the removable lid of the clear box, serves as the final element to secure the balloon. When the liquid volume is 2.5 liters, and the lid is in position, the top dish applies pressure and forces the balloon to bulge slightly outward. The added pressure assures that the balloon is flush with the puncture site. Bungee cords are used keep the lid pressed firmly down onto the balloon.
The plexiglass box is bolted onto the bottom half of the plywood base with 1/4 by 1 1/2 inch screws. Both rubber and stainless steal washers are used to prevent any liquid from leaking outside of the box. A 1 inch diameter tube, 3 inchs long, acts as a drain leading the liquid from the clear experimetnal chamber into a reservoir (a collapsible water jug capable of holding up to 10 liters of liquid) located directly below it. Foam padding is packed around the reservoir to eliminate any shifting during flight. Once the jug is connected to the drain tube, the hinged door of the storage compartment is secured shut with wood screws to prevent the reservoir from leaking or accidental puncturing.
The photographic side of the EBM is designed to securely support a 16mm Fastax II high speed camera. Weighing approximately 15 lbs, this camera is capable of recording the subject under study at rates up to 7,000 fps. Mounted to the top of the camera is a 650 watt tungsten lamp (Sun Gun) which serves as the main light source. Because this light produces extreme heat, the illumination time is limited to a maximum of 15 seconds. Anything longer than this will melt the pleaxigalss top of the experiemntal chamber.
The camera itself is bolted to a small wooden platform on the camera side of the apparatus. A wooden shell, hinged at the rear, folds over the unit to protect the camera and lens from any unforeseen hazards.
The electronic circuit designed to automatically puncture the balloon after receiving a signal from the camera's film counter circuit is located directly below the camera, within the confines of the camera supporting structure. Essentially a simple linearly moving solenoid, it is activated by a capacitor discharged through its coil in response to the camera providing a circuit "close" signal after 20 feet of film have passed through the camera.
In this type of solenoid a metal rod is free to slide through a coil axis under the influence of a magnetic field. The solenoid rod rests against a photographic cable release. From there the cable is fed through the plexiglass wall into a cable release screw mount attached to the support dish. When the solenoid is activated its rod pushes against the cable release (whose end has been filed to a very sharp point), the water filled balloon pops, and the information associated with the burst is recorded onto the film.
After the balloon has popped, and gravity has been restored on the plane, the liquid drains into the reservoir housed in the plywood base. A small stopper inserted after the water has drined into the reservoir is used to cover the drain hole to prevent any liquid from returning into the experimental chamber. After the liquid is drained, one crew member wipes down the observation window and reloads the new balloon while the other team member removes and reloads new film.
A total of five balloons, equaling approximately 2.5 liters each, can be taken with each flight. Four balloons are stored in a storage area equipped with a hinged door and secured with locking snap clips at all times other than during retrieval of new balloons. This area holds four balloons during flight. The fifth balloon is installed in the experimental chamber previous to the KC-135 taking off. By having the fifth balloon in the transparent test area, the effects of various g forces on the balloon can be observed and it also provides the team with an initial test for which no in-flight preparations are necessary.
All electrical requirements are met by on-board power supplies. On the EBM itself, the camera, the light and the solenoid are all connected to a single power strip so that only a single power connection tothe plane's systems needs to be made. A "panic switch" allows the EBM to be quickly disconnected from the plane's supply if needed.
Equipment and experimental conditions
The high speed motion picture camera that was used in this project was a Fastax II operating at 2,000 fps and giving an effective exposure time of about 1/6000 second. The illumination at the balloon's surface, provided by a single 650 watt tungsten halogen bulb in reflector, was approximately 8,000 foot candles and the film that was used was Ektachrome VNF, 400 ISO tungsten speed, for the film made under 1g conditions. The 1g film was made at an aperture of f/4.
The films under microgravity conditions, made in the KC-135, were made on Kodak 2994 film, with a tungsten speed of 320. The exposure conditions for this film are detailed below.
The lens used was a Sigma 16mm f/2.8 whose mount was modified to fit onto the Fastax II camera. This lens is designed to be used on 35 mm cameras and provides a slight "fisheye" effect when used on a 24x36 mm format. However, when attached to the Fastax and used with a 16 mm film format no fisheye distortion was apparent.
In addition, it should be noted that between the 1g and the 0g conditions the camera distance was adjusted to include a slightly larger field of view resulting in a slight decrease in balloon image size. Also, while the 1g experiment was conducted with a white reflecting material installed at either side of the balloon, in the experiment conducted on the KC-135 these reflective panels were left off for the sake of better visibility by human observers.
Exposure of photographic material
Unfortunately, during set-up of the equipment or in flight, the aperture ring of the lens was most likely misaligned and this was not noticed by either flight team. The checklist indicated that the lens should be set to its maximum aperture which would have provided about one half stop overexposure to the film even though the film 1/3 stop slower than the VNF film used for the 1g reference film.
However, a record of the aperture setting on the lens just after the removal of the equipment from the plane was not made. Further, the actual setting on the lens during flight operations could not be determined with certainty since the camera system was disassembled prior to return shipping.
The consequence of the above mentioned oversight, and the lack of reflecting side panels during high speed filming, is that the film exhibits a level of underexposure of about two stops. Fortunately, the Kodak EXR 7296 film has some underexposure latitude and the films did yield useful data as described below. However, the frames could not satisfactorily be enlarged into high quality still images.
Data Analysis
Neither team was able to photograph the balloons filled with the mixture of water and oil due to premature breakage or the onset of nausea and so this analysis centers on the behavior of ballons filled only with water. The soda water filled balloon did not look unlike those filled with plain water.
The analysis of the experiemntal data, therefore, is based on the visual records obtained throuhh high spped motion picture photography and for the purposes of this paper illustrated with the two typical sequences included above as illustrations.
The interpretation of the events associated with the rupture of the rubber envelope encompassing a mass of approximately 2.5 liters of water is broken down into two time periods. A "near burst" period covering the first .1 second or so and a "far burst" period extending out to about .25 seconds.
First, it should be reiterated that the films of the bursting balloons were produced under very similar but not exactly identical condition. It is unfortunately that it is so, since the original plan called for the conditions to be exactly the same. Nevertheless, significant information can still be derived from the data acquired in this experiment.
That said, as stated above, two representative films were chosen to illustrate this paper and in both cases the start of the burst sequence was located about 20 feet from the time the camera was turned on. This, based on manufacturer supplied data, assures that the camera's framing was up to the specified rate of 2000 fps before the events took place.
As for timing, the frame in which burst initiation was detected is included in the first strip of 5 frames. The next set of 5 frames is a sample set taken from a region on the film 130 frames later in time or at .065 seconds after event initiation. The next set of 5 frames is from a region of the film 120 further into the film or .12 seconds after event initiation. The fourth set of 5 frames was taken from a region 300 frames after the previous set, or .15 seconds after third set and a total of .275 seconds after the start of the burst.
The last location on the film was chosen simply because an additional external light source (an electronic flash associated with a still camera) accidentally momentarily increased the illumination level to a point where a fair still image could be extracted from the film.
It is evident from the first strip that the character of the burst initiation process is very similar under 1g and microgravity conditions. In both cases as the rip proceeds a darker central "line" is seen forming on the newly exposed water surface along the same line that the rip pattern took. This darker, smooth area is surrounded by a white region made up of a highly unstable, rippled surface condition from which many small droplets are being ejected. This character of the exposed surface remains evident until the mass starts to fall in the 1g film, after about .1 second after burst initiation, at which time the surface becomes smoother and crystalline but is still highly rippled and unstable.
In the 0 g film the highly rippled surface from which very small droplets are ejected, settles down to a smooth, crystalline surface after about .05 second have elapsed. In fact, some areas loose their rough texture probably within .02 second after the rubber membrane exposed it to the surrounding atmosphere. Further studies would have to be conducted to determine a more precise timing of the actual events in the "near burst" time period.
An additional observation still concerned with the behavior of the burst in the "near burst" time frame is that although the balloon burst in "0g" was not the same volume as the one burst under 1 g, there seems to be a decrease in the rupture velocity of the rubber membrane when one compares the rate of rip increase between the two conditions. Having made this unexpected observation, it is suggested that a this effect be further investigated for assignable cause in a future experiment.
Now for the "far burst" time illustrated with photographs excerpted from the films and included below. In the enlargement from the sequence made under microgravity conditions it is evident that the 2.5 liter mass of liquid still retains it's general shape .25 seconds after the burst initiation. It is evident from the accompanying image made after the same elapsed time but under 1g the situation is quite different.
As can be seen, in .25 seconds, under 1g the liquid mass has completely fallen off the balloon supporting armature and has, in fact, already traveled along the length of the enclosure and is splashing upwards upon hitting the rear wall of the containment vessel and is starting to cover up the forward view of the camera.
On the photograph made under microgravity conditions it is also evident that the surface of the water has acquired a smooth, crystalline surface and that its shape has been slightly distorted by the drag associated with the motion of the rubber peeling away during the rupturing process. This is even more apparent in a second photograph (not yet available) extracted from a second film.
Below are the close-ups extracted from the first film. The first two images are from the film produced under microgravity conditions. They are the same frame, from a time about 1/4 second after the initiation of the burst. The third image is from the film produced of the event under 1g and showing the appearance of the scene also 1/4 second after burst initiation. The color thumbnail takes you to a 4x5 inch enlargement of that frame.
While several of the specific objectives of the project as designed by the authors were not realized, if one considers the fact that the major goal of the NASA Microgravity Opportunity Project was to encourage university student teams to design and execute a particular project and to give the students an opportunity to fly on a seldom accessible airplane conducting their own experiment, then the outcome of this project must be considered an unqualified success.
As for the results of their experiments related to bursting water filled balloons, the analysis above is certainly proof of the fact that the behavior of liquids when these become freed of enclosures under microgravity conditions is significanlty different than if the same event takes place under the influence of gravity. Not only does surface tension hold the mass together but it was observed that even after the bulk liquid moves about freely within the enclosing chamber it behaves as a very sticky, crystalline mass that does not seem to produce much "splash" when encoutenring objects in its way but that it simply wraps itself around or onto the interfering object. When the liquid mass came in contact with the chamber walls it seemd to form a bond and attached itself to it much like a very viscous substance. It was not until gravity was reestablished in the plane that the liquid would de-attach from the chamber walls and cause a familiar "splash" associated with liquid impact on a surface under gravity.
These 4 Imaging and Photographic Technology students met and solved every hurdle that came their way as they dealt with each and every eventuality and problem on their way to NASA Johnson Space Center and microgravity flight. They even learned from and dealt with each and every one of the 40 parabolas hurled their way by the Vomit Comet!
Acknolwedgements The authors thankfully acknowledge the support they received from family, friends and faculty. In addition, a very special note of thanks go to the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, to the Division of Student Affairs at RIT and the Biological Photographic Association's Endowment Fund for Education for significant financial support for this project which the students recognize is something that will probably be "the" experience of a lifetime for most.
As part of this project the students performed several outreach activities to meet the requirements of the NASA proposal. A two page article about their adventure was published in the Reporter magazine, the weekly student publication at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
They set-up and "manned" a booth at the 25th Annual Science Exploration Days held at St. John Fisher College for high school age students. As part of this booth they demonstrated how the balloon ruptured under gravity conditions. Their presentation, over the two days of this science fair, was very well received. They interacted with approximately 250 students during the fair.
They made a presentation to the Technical Photography Student Association relating their experiences and findings. The attendance at this event was approximately 50 students and faculty.
In addition, they were the subject of three broadcasts of the local TV ABS affiliate station, WOKR. They also were interviewd and appeared on Time-Warner's Rochester Cable 9 channel and were interviewed by the local educational channel WXXI but this piece did not air although it is being held for airing in the Fall.
A paper is being prepared for publication in the Journal of the Biomedical Photographers Association and also in Optical Engineering Reports, a publication of the International Society for Optical Engineering. Photographs of them in "action" will be published in the Careers in Optics and Optical Engineering booklet published by the SPIE.
Further, thank you notes were sent to all groups and individuals that provided financial support so that the direct expenses to students were reduced.
Additional illustrations currently available in files sizes of about 50K .jpg compressed but also available as 500K and larger Photo-CD PICT files.
Zero G and a Scientific Adventure
by Jason Babcock
At exactly 4:37 PM on the 18 day of October, a mass email sent by the department chairman hit the Imaging and Photographic Technology students of RIT. A chance of a lifetime was in store for four lucky students who chose to make it happen. NASA was sponsoring a competition for groups of university students to design a project that would be tested aboard the KC-135a. Now, for those who might not know, this jazzed up Boeing 707 is one of three aircraft in the world that can simulate a "weightless" environment much like that experienced by astronauts.
Termed the "Vomit Comet" by the locals at NASA Johnson Space Center, a ride in this plane would prove to be quite an experience. There was one catch, and professor Davidhazy's email said it best: "Most of the projects would be supported by grants from a NASA/Space Grant Consortium but since RIT was not a part of that group we will have to proceed on our own as far as funding is concerned. Further, I don't have a project already designed so it will be up to the team to help design one. Plus, the deadline to submit a letter of intent is only 12 hours from NOW!"
Given the financial and time demands that were required from participating students it was no surprise that only two students actually expressed an interest and showed up for an initial meeting. A scholarly sophomore, Keith Krause, and a young chap by the name of Jason Babcock made their way over to Tech Alley to meet with Prof. Davidhazy. Lacking a full team of four students, the decision was made to go ahead anyway with the letter of intent hoping that minor details, such as deciding what the project would ultimately entail, would be worked out in due time.
The letter of intent was short but to the point and apparently satisfied NASA for the moment. In the following period of about four weeks, the final proposal would have to be produced and the team expanded to four and the assistance of a local journalist secured. Time rushed by in a blur. The third member, Sam Hill made his way onto the team.
During late hours of the evening, the group along with Prof. Davidhazy sat on the rusty couches of tech alley to discuss project possibilities. Numerous projects were proposed, evaluated and rejected. Eventually the group settled on designing a project where high-speed photography would be used as a diagnostic or visualization tool. The subject of their study? Popping water balloons in zero gravity.
The final outcome was a catchy little proposal labeled "Liquid Distribution in a Weightless Environment". They would film water balloons bursting in zero gravity at an amazing 2,000 frames per second. Channel 13 in Rochester was approached for interest in going along to Houston with the students. They amazingly agreed to send a reporter along. At the very last moment before their proposal had to be submitted to NASA, Heather Penk, a senior in the imaging and photo tech department happened to come by Tech Alley. She was asked if she might be interested in joining the team. She vacillated a minute which was just long enough to copy her driver's license and include it in the team project proposal as the fourth member of the team. On November 22nd, with fingers tightly crossed, ten copies of the proposal were sent to the big shots at NASA.
On Friday December 20th, a message arrived from Burke Fort, a NASA Reduced Gravity Project official, informing Prof. Davidhazy that the Imaging and Photographic Technology team's proposal had been accepted among 24 other teams from all over the US. Although very excited, the team had a whole new list of requirements and deadlines that would ultimately determine their chances of flying. Heather was hired by Kodak and had to leave the team. Once again, the group was forced to find a new team member. Word of the successful proposal had gotten around by now and numerous Tech students showed an interest in filling this suddenly open position.
After a random selection process, the always cheerful Crystal Embrey joined RIT's first zero gravity team. From then on it was a race against deadlines.
As the weeks progressed, each member had to undergo rigorous USAF class III physicals required by NASA before anyone was to set foot on the KC-135. On top of all this, the team worked around the clock developing and building a reliable balloon handling system that could not only safely contain but also pop a water balloon in zero gravity. After several weeks of developing a nameless "box", Jason came up with an acronym to describe the project. The EBM, or Enclosed Balloon Mechanism, was born.
The all important matter of supplementary funding for their anticipated expenses was also resolved during this time and grants from the RIT's Office of Student Affairs, the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, the Biological Photographic Association's Endowment Fund for Educationas well as many small contributions from individual faculty members helped defray some of the major costs associated with traveling and living for two weeks in balmy Houston.
On Saturday, April 5th, Jason, Sam, Crystal and Keith slapped on their camera straps and grabbed a monstrous pile of baggage that would last them for two weeks in Houston. They had made it. They were ready to go. The contrail of the Vomit Comet was finally visible in the distance. As Crystal's red Mitsubishi Galant sat in the parking lot of NRH, they loaded half of RIT into the trunk of her car. Room was minimal and the trip would be interesting. To save money, the plan was to commute to Pittsburgh, fly to Dallas and meet up with Jason's grandma Blakely. The drive to Pittsburgh lasted approximately four and a half hours with Jason "acting like some kinda DJ and Sam driving like a maniac." After an "intriguing visit filled with tasty southern food " Jason's grandma drove the team to Houston where they would spend their next two weeks learning what NASA and zero gravity are really about.
April 7th, day one at NASA, began at 6 am. The team packed the car with their experiment and drove to Ellington Field. Prof. Davidhazy pulled into a small parking lot that overlooked hangar 990. This would serve as the universal workstation during their stay at NASA. Crystal writes about her first encounter with the hangar: "All the other students were assembling their projects. There were many schools like Purdue, Texas A&M, Rice, University of Maryland, and University of Michigan. The KC-135 was a spectacular sight. There was a short introduction and then a tour of the plane."
Day two entailed several hours of lectures on physiological training. All the teams were shuttled over to a large classroom at Johnson Space Center. The lectures began at 8 am and ended at 3 pm with an hour break for lunch. These guys were getting a taste of astronaut training!. NASA was taking every precaution to make sure the students could handle an emergency in a high altitude situation. After the lecture, Mark Sowa and Sheri Dunnette, RIT Photo Tech grads from 1986, gave the students a behind the scene look at NASA's photo lab and other imaging research areas.
Day three was devoted to hypoxia demonstrations in the chamber flight. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, hypoxia means lack of oxygen. At altitudes 10,000 feet or greater, oxygen becomes scarce and we need supplementary oxygen in order to breathe. Basically, NASA was going to let these students observe the signs of hypoxia in a pressurized flight chamber which simulates high altitudes. Once the masks were issued, the students stepped into the chamber and connected their hoses. The first fifteen minutes was devoted to "pre-breathing" of 100% pure oxygen. Basically, this prevents nitrogen bubbles from building up in the system and causing the "bends". At a simulated 25,000 feet above sea level, the director told the team to drop their masks. Jason Babcock recalls his experience: "After the first two minutes things seemed quite normal. Then as the third minute rolled around all the colors began to loose their saturation and everything turned grey. At minute four, the lips and fingertips turn a deep blue and one begins to experience euphoria. At minute five I had no control over my motor skills. Movement was slow and erratic. The next thing I know my oxygen mask was back on. A NASA official had replaced it for me." After the chamber "flight", the students went back to the briefing room to take a written exam. This was the final stage in the physiological certification.
Day four, the Flight Test Readiness Review was scheduled for the morning. The KC-135 pilots and several engineers from NASA checked over the equipment to make sure RIT's experimental package was safe to fly. During this process they learned how the various mechanisms worked and discussions took place as to what precautions would be used during the flight. After a first-hand, nervewracking demonstration of experiment they proposed to take into microgravity, the EBM was approved for flight with minor adjustments the team would incorporate during the next few days.
April 15 the crew was at the hangar early and final modification and adjustments to the EBM were made. Each experiment was carefully weighed and then loaded on to the KC-135a. There was much excitement among this team. RIT's first group would fly the next day.
Wednesday, April 16 would prove to be one of the most exciting days of the trip. The first half of the team, Sam Hill and Keith Krause, were preparing to fly. The experiment was ready and they were in their NASA-issued flight suits. Crystal writes, "We watched them take off and waited for them to return. As Sam and Keith got off the plane, we knew something had gone wrong. They didn't look too happy. Zero G had presented problems that we couldn't begin to imagine." They managed to film only one of the five balloons they had taken on that flight. Keith had one comment as he held the white vomit bag in hand, "It was interesting, very interesting." Yet, among all the experimental chaos, both members managed to enjoy the thrill of weightlessness. Sam even managed a few flips here and there.
It was up to Crystal and Jason to learn from the first flight and finish the job. There was work to be done. By taking into account the problems that Sam and Keith had encountered, the second group decided to simplify and modified the earlier in-flight procedures. The team drilled the plan for several hours the night before their turn on the plane. They were ready.
On Thursday, April 17, at 9 am Crystal and Jason boarded the aircraft for the last opportunity to complete the experiment. There was pressure on these two, and the warm green flight suits didn't make things any easier. The plane took off and everyone hoped for the best. Apparently all the modifications payed off. Team two successfully filmed three balloons bursting in zero gravity. "Liquid is a beautiful sight when it doesn't have to compete with gravity" says Jason Babcock. Toward the last fifteen minutes of the flight, Jason enjoyed the taste of a little white barf bag while Crystal played Superwoman in the background. They don't call it the Vomit Comet for nothing!
The second half of the project is now about to start. The team will be preparing mission reports and is in the process of writing several articles for various technical and general magazines, visiting local schools and participating in science fairs, etc. They are obviously already planning their next NASA "Vomit Comet" proposal.
A unique Zero Gravity experience
Crystal Embrey and Jason Babcock
Imaging and Photographic Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent by NASA to colleges around the United
States. The RFP was then sent out to all Imaging and Photo Technology students
by the chairperson, Andrew Davidhazy. The RFP was for students to design their
own projects that would be tested in a microgravity environment aboard the
KC-135a. This was a chance of a lifetime for students to experience
microgravity as well as to visit NASA at the Johnson Space Center in Houston,
Prof. Andrew Davidhazy's email closed by saying: "Most of the projects would be supported by grants from a NASA/Space Grant Consortium but since RIT was not a part of that group we will have to proceed on our own as far as funding is concerned. Plus, the deadline to submit a letter of intent is only 12 hours from NOW!" As could be expected only 2 students responded. Jason Babcock and Keith Krause were the first to sign up. After the letter of intent was sent and Sam Hill decided he wanted to join the project. With only three students and a fourth needed the project was decided upon and a student standing by was added to the list to make everything official. One month later, the fourth team member needed to be determined, so another email was sent. This email produced a large response, therefor the person would have to be randomly picked. The winner was Crystal Embrey. The team had officially been determined.
The proposal needed to be written and the project needed to be built. The team gathered most nights after classes and worked on the proposal. Once the calculations for the box were completed, the finished proposal was sent to NASA. After the Christmas break, the team had 3 months to build and test the project and prepare for the trip. Long nights were devoted to sitting in Tech Alley discussing problems and building the Enclosed Balloon Mechanism (EBM). USAF class II physicals were required as well.
On Saturday, April 5th, the team was ready for the trip. The bags were packed and the car was loaded. The trip to the Philadelphia airport took about 4 hours. The plane ride to Dallas took about 3 hours. Once in Dallas, Jasons grandmother took care of us for the night. The next morning was the 5 hour drive to Houston. The team had finally arrived and was ready to face microgravity.
Day one at NASA began at 6am. The registration at Ellington field was in hanger 990 along with the KC-135a. The project was assembled on the working table along with the other 23 colleges.
Day two entailed several hours of lectures on physiological training. The lectures began at 8am and ended at 3pm with a break for lunch. After the lecture, Mark Sowa and Sheri Dunnette, RIT Imaging and Photo Tech grads from 1986, gave the team a behind the scene look at NASAs photo lab and other imaging research areas.
Day three was devoted to hypoxia demonstrations in the chamber flight. Hypoxia means lack of oxygen. At altitudes 10,000 feet or greater, oxygen becomes scarce and supplementary oxygen is needed in order to breathe. NASA was going to let the team experience the signs of hypoxia in a pressurized flight chamber which simulates high altitudes.
Day four, the Flight Test Readiness Review was scheduled for the morning. The KC-135a pilots and several engineers checked over the equipment to make sure the experiment was safe to fly. The EBM was approved for flight with minor adjustments the team would incorporate during the next few days.
April 16th the first half of the team, Sam Hill and Keith Krause, were ready to fly. They were issued flight suits, steal toe boots, anti-nausea drugs, and vomit bags. They managed to film one of the five balloons. There were some complications in the set-up and the procedure, which were discussed and changes were made. April 17th, Jason Babcock and Crystal Embrey, successfully filmed three of the five balloons.
The isolation of the different effects on liquids by the atmosphere, gravity
and microgravity were compared. The liquids in microgravity maintain a similar
shape to the original container. When liquids come in contact with a surface,
the liquid form a strong bond and remain attached to the surface.
Upon reviewing the design elements and discussing many technical aspects of
this project, a polished version of the test product was finally completed in
late March. The enclosed balloon mechanism, or EBM as we like to call it, is a
self-contained test box designed to observe the distribution of liquid from a
rupturing balloon.
The following is an outline of the equipment used in our design:
1) Structural Elements:
a. A rectangular plexi-glass box with walls 1/4 of an inch thick.
b. A plywood structure with walls 3/4 of an inch thick.
c. A plastic tank that holds approximately 10 liters of liquid.
2) Electrical Elements:
a. A Fastax high-speed camera: weight 15 lbs.
b. A computer type power strip with six three pronged sockets: weight 4lbs
c. A solenoid device that will aid in puncturing the balloon: weight 2 lbs.
d. One 500 watt exterior light to illuminate the filming area: weight 1 lb.
The following is a detailed description of our prototype:
The basic structure of the EBM is a combination of plexi-glass and plywood. In
total, it stands at 24 inches tall, 10.5 inches wide, and runs lengthwise about
40 inches long. The upper left section is a plexiglass box (12" tall X 10.5''
wide X 20.5" in length) which is used to hold the balloon while the camera is
filming. Inside the plexi container (15 inches from the wall closest to the
camera) is a clear cylindrical column about 3 inches in diameter. On top of
this cylinder is a small dish which is about an inch wider than the bottom
column. The total height of the column and dish is about 5 1/2 inches tall.
This platform is used to hold the balloon and also provides a screw mount for
the puncturing mechanism. A second dish, adhered to the plexi-lid, serves to as
the final element to secure the balloon. Keeping the liquid volume at 2.5
liters, when the lid is in position, the top dish applies pressure and forces
the balloon to bulge outward. The added pressure assures us that the balloon is
flush with the puncture site. Bungee cords are used to keep the lid pressed
firmly down onto the balloon. This becomes an important factor when popping the
balloon in zero gravity.
The plexiglass box is bolted onto the top half of the plywood base with 1/4 by 1 1/2 inch screws. Both rubber and stainless steal washers are used to prevent any liquid from leaking outside of the box. A three inch tube connects the box with a drainage reservoir device found in the lower section of the plywood structure. The reservoir is a collapsible water jug capable of holding up to 10 liters of liquid. Foam padding is then packed around the reservoir to eliminate any shifting during flight. Once the jug is screwed into the connecting tube, the hinged door is closed and locked with additional screws.
The core element of the EBM is designed to house a 16mm Fastax high speed camera. Weighing approximately 15 lbs., this camera films the liquid at about 2000 frames per second. Mounted to the top of the camera is a 500 watt tungsten lamp which serves as the main light source. Because this light produces extreme heat, the illumination time is limited to a maximum of 15 seconds. Both the camera and light are then bolted to a small wooden platform on the upper right portion of the plywood base. Using a 16mm Sigma lens with a Canon type mount, the aperture was determined to be f2.8.
Finally, a wooden shell, hinged at the rear of the plywood base, folds over the unit to protect the camera and lens from any additional hazards. The cover also reduces flare caused by the overhead light source. Several rolls of color ektachrome VNF 16 mm film rated at 400 ISO serve as the recording media for this experiment.
Initially, we thought of hard wiring all the electronic devices into a central location, but upon further investigation found it easier to use a power strip as our main outlet. The strip is mounted horizontally (approximately 11" long) to the lower right side of the plywood base. All electronic plugs feed into this power strip. The plugs are secured to the power strip frame with cable ties and duct tape. The unused sockets are covered with child proof safety caps to avoid any unnecessary electrical contact. A small square opening at the rear of the camera sheath will allow the power cord to feed into the electrical interface provided by the KC135a. The advantage to using a power strip is that we have a single power switch that can serve as a panic button if any problems occur.
Mounted between the vertical wall of the plexiglass box and camera is a solenoid trigger. Basically, this device consists of a metal rod which is free to slide through a coil axis under the influence of a magnetic field. The solenoid rod rests against a sharpened cable release. From there the cable is fed through the plexiglass wall into the screw mount that is attached to the support dish. Immediately as the camera begins filming an electrical current is sent to the solenoid. The rod pushes against the cable release and the balloon pops. As the balloon bursts the information is recorded onto the film. This series of events happens in under two seconds.
After the balloon has popped, the liquid drains down into the plastic reservoir which is housed inside the plywood base. A small stopper covering the drainage area will prevent any liquid from resurfacing back into the filming zone. After the liquid is drained, one member wipes down the observation window and reloads the new balloon while the other team member removes and reloads new film.
A total of five balloons, equaling approximately 2.5 liters each, can be taken with each flight. Four balloons will be stored in the bottom right section of the plywood base. The fifth balloon is stored in the actual plexi-box. By having the fifth balloon in the visible test area, one observes the effects of 2 g's on the balloon and is also prepared to initiate the first film run.
The 16mm films of the gravity and microgravity experiment were viewed and
compared. Under the gravity conditions, the liquid from the balloon expelled
out to the sides and was immediately pulled down by gravity. Under the
microgravity conditions, the liquid from the balloon was suspended and stayed
in a similar formation of the original balloon. The plexiglass served as a
means for containing the liquid, but also as a way of viewing important
information. Once the liquids came in contact with the walls, the liquids
formed a bond and attached like a sticky substance. The liquids would move over
the surface but not de-attaching until gravity was again in effect.
Overall, the experiment was a success. The microgravity had the effects on the liquid that were expected. Some of the knowledge that was gained will be helpful to future microgravity experiments. Film on a reel will unwind when exposed to a microgravity environment. Liquids are uncontrollable in a microgravity environment.
Additional Information and Photos available at:
Enclosed Balloon Mechanism
Jason Babcock on behalf of the Vomit Comet Team
Upon reviewing the design elements and discussing many technical aspects of this project, a polished version of our test product was finally completed in late March. The enclosed balloon mechanism, or EBM as we like to call it, is a self-contained test box designed to observe the distribution of liquid from a rupturing balloon.
The following is an outline of the equipment used in our design:
1) Structural Elements:
a. A rectangular plexi-glass box with walls 1/4 of an inch thick.
b. A plywood structure with walls 3/4 of an inch thick.
c. A plastic tank that holds approximately 10 liters of liquid.
2) Electrical Elements:
a. A Fastax high-speed camera: weight 15 lbs.
b. A computer type power strip with six three pronged sockets: weight 4lbs
c. A solenoid device that will aid in puncturing the balloon: weight 2 lbs
d. One 500 watt exterior light to illuminate the filming area: weight 1 lb
The following is a detailed description of our prototype:
The basic structure of the EBM is a combination of plexi-glass and plywood. In total, it stands at 24 inches tall, 10.5 inches wide, and runs lengthwise about 40 inches long. The upper left section is a plexiglass box (12" tall X 10.5'' wide X 20.5" in length) which is used to hold the balloon while the camera is filming. Inside the plexi container (15 inches from the wall closest to the camera) is a clear cylindrical column about 3 inches in diameter. On top of this cylinder is a small dish which is about an inch wider than the bottom column. The total height of the column and dish is about 5 1/2 inches tall. This platform is used to hold the balloon and also provides a screw mount for the puncturing mechanism. A second dish, adhered to the plexi-lid, serves to as the final element to secure the balloon. Keeping the liquid volume at 2.5 liters, when the lid is in position, the top dish applies pressure and forces the balloon to bulge outward. The added pressure assures us that the balloon is flush with the puncture site. Bungee cords are used keep the lid pressed firmly down onto the balloon. This becomes an important factor when popping the balloon in zero gravity.
The plexiglass box is bolted onto the bottom half of the plywood base with 1/4 by 1 1/2 inch screws. Both rubber and stainless steal washers are used to prevent any liquid from leaking outside of the box. A three inch tube connects the box with a drainage device found in the lower section of the plywood structure. The reservoir is a collapsible water jug capable of holding up to 10 liters of liquid. Foam padding is then packed around the reservoir to eliminate any shifting during flight. Once the jug is screwed into the connecting tube, the hinged door is closed and locked with additional screws.
The core element of the EBM is designed to house a 16mm Fastax high speed camera. Weighing approximately 15lbs, this camera films the liquid at about 2000 frames per second. Mounted to the top of the camera is a 500 watt tungsten lamp which serves as the main light source. Because this light produces extreme heat, the illumination time is limited to a maximum of 15 seconds. Both the camera and light are then bolted to a small wooden platform on the upper right portion of the plywood base. Using a 16mm Sigma lens with a Canon type mount, the aperture was determined to be f2.8. Finally, a wooden shell, hinged at the rear of the plywood base, folds over the unit to protect the camera and lens from any additional hazards. The cover also reduces flare caused by the overhead light source. Several rolls of color ektachrome VNF 16 mm film rated at 400 ISO serve as the recording media for this experiment.
Initially, we thought of hard wiring all the electronic devices into a central location, but upon further investigation found it easier to use a power strip as our main outlet. The strip is mounted horizontally (approximately 11" long) to the lower right side of the plywood base. All electronic plugs feed into this power strip. The plugs are secured to the power strip frame with cable ties duct tape. The unused sockets are covered with child proof safety caps to avoid any unnecessary electrical contact.
Mounted between the vertical wall of the plexiglass box and camera is a solenoid trigger. Basically, this device consists a metal rod which is free to slide through a coil axis under the influence of a magnetic field. The solenoid rod rests against a sharpened cable release. From there the cable is fed through the plexiglass wall into the screw mount that is attached to the support dish. Immediately as camera begins filming an electrical current is sent to the solenoid. The rod pushes against the cable release and the balloon pops. As the balloon bursts the information is recorded onto the film. This series of events happens in under two seconds.
After the balloon has popped, the liquid drains down into the plastic reservoir which is housed inside the plywood base. A small stopper covering the drainage area will prevent any liquid from resurfacing back into the filming zone. After the liquid is drained, one member wipes down the observation window and reloads the new balloon while the other team member removes and reloads new film.
A total of five balloons, equaling approximately 2.5 liters each, can be taken with each flight. Four balloons will be stored in the bottom right section of the plywood base. The interior storage area holds four balloons during flight. The fifth balloon is stored in the actual plexi-box. By having the fifth balloon in the visible test area, one observes the effects of 2 g's on the balloon and is also prepared initiate the first film run.
A small square opening at the rear of the camera sheath will allow the power cord to feed into any electrical interface provided by the KC135a. The advantage to using a power strip is that we have a single power switch that can serve as a panic button if any problems occur.