I. Introduction to Holography JPHT 341
1.2 Lectures: Two per week, Tuesday/Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm
Laboratory: One 4-hour hands-on laboratory sessions on either T OR Th 7:00-11:00 pm
NOTE: Currently this course is scheduled for a three hour laboratory in addition to the 2 hours of lecture. Since this is a 4 credit hour course the 3 hour lab requirement does not legally qualify it for for the awarding of 4 credits. This proposal's objective is to rectify the situation by raising the laboratory to 4 hours per week from the insufficient 3 hours per week that somehow are scheduled for this course in the course schedule.
1.3 the prerequisite is at least second year in IPT program or permission of instructor.
1.4 one quarter in duration
Enrollment: 12 student maximum
Text: Saxby and reserved references
Instructor: Terry Kessler, Group Leader of Optics and Imaging Sciences,
University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE/UR)
Phone: 275-2315, E-mail address: jude@lle.rochester.edu
Grading: Prelab assignments, laboratory reports, class presentation, and final exam.
II. Course catalog description
Holography I is a laboratory-oriented course designed to provide the student with a first-hand understanding of producing and viewing holographic images. This course involves experimental investigations of optics, lasers, and chemistry as they relate to holographic recording, information storage, metrology, and visual display. An introduction to optics and lasers will be provided through lectures and video demonstrations of laser diffraction and interference phenomena. In-class demonstrations will be performed for topics of special interest.
Laboratory experiments, involving lasers, light phenomena, and material processing, will provide the student with a working knowledge of the basic aspects of making holograms. Several types of holograms will be generated and evaluated by the students. Additionally, students participating in this course will be given the opportunity to visit the Holographic Optical Technologies (HOT) Laboratory at LLE/UR.
III. Objectives
At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:
3.1 demonstrate knowledge in the principles and practices of holography in a variety of applications such as enumerated in the weekly lectures and laboratories described in detail below.
IV. Course Outline
Week 1
Lecture 1 - Course requirements, Holography versus Photography
Lecture 2 - Lasers, laser light, wave optics, mathematical tools
Laboratory 1 - Laser, optical and mechanical set-up and alignment
Week 2
Lecture 3 - Temporal and spatial coherence, light interference, interferometry
Lecture 4 - Fringe visibility; mechanical, polarization, coherence requirements
Laboratory 2 - Laser coherence and interferometry
Week 3
Lecture 5 - Diffraction grating formation, grating dispersion
Lecture 6 - Short-cut complex notation, phase and image encoding
Laboratory 3 - Holographic Grating Generation
Week 4
Lecture 7 - Holographic image storage and retrieval, object
Lecture 8 - Virtual, real, orthoscopic, pseudoscopic, aerial
projection images
Laboratory 4 - Transmission Hologram Viewing and Object Preparation
Week 5
Lecture 9 - Laser radiometry, dimensional analysis,
laboratory report review
Lecture 10 - Direct, projection, and transfer holographic
Laboratory 5 - Transmission Hologram Generation-Part I
Week 6
Lecture 11 - Reflection, transmission, and reflected
transmission holograms
Lecture 12 - Silver halide chemical processing, bleaching, cleaning
Laboratory 6 - Transmission Hologram Generation-Part II
Week 7
Lecture 13 - Recording materials; photoresists, photopolymers,
Lecture 14 - Rainbow and white light holography, hologram printing
Laboratory 7 - Dispersive Photography
Week 8
Lecture 15 - Multiplex holography, color holography
Lecture 16 - Applications of holography; science, engineering,
medicine, art
Laboratory 8 - White light Hologram Generation
Week 9
Lecture 17 - Computer generated holograms, holographic kiniforms
Lecture 18 - Special topics, recent developments, student
presentations-Part I
Laboratory 9 - Reflection Hologram Generation
Week 10
Lecture 19 - Special topics, recent developments, student
presentations-Part II
Lecture 20 - Course review, question and answer session for
final exam
Laboratory 10 - Computer Generated Kinoform Generation