I. Survey of Non-Conventional Imaging 20-76-504
1.1 3 credit hours
1.2 2 hour per week lecture - 2 hours/week outside of class
1.3 Prerequisites: for upper division JPHT students. Others may register with instructor approval.
II. Course Catalog Description
A survey of imaging methods and imaging systems not usually encountered in other technical photography courses possibly including infrared, ultraviolet, three-dimensional photography, schlieren, thermography, underwater, electrophotography, X-ray and other specialized applications.
III. Objectives
At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:
3.1 Describe a variety of techniques for the recording of electromagnetic images.
3.2 Apply selected methods and systems in industrial, technical or scientific endeavors.
3.3 Demonstrate basic familiarity associated with recording systems for various imaging situations.
3.4 Summarize and communicate the basic concepts underlying several non-conventional imaging systems.
IV. Course Outline and Syllabus
The course in Spring Quarter 2001-2002 will consist of lectures and demonstrations on the following topics:
Course instructor: Andrew Davidhazy office 07-2244 phone 475-2592
Syllabus and Schedule of Topics
Monday 4.01 MARCH 11 * Introduction to Shadowgraph and Schlieren Imaging
Monday 4.02 MARCH 18 * Reflection Schlieren Systems
Monday 4.03 MARCH 25 * Focusing Schlieren Systems
Monday 4.04 APRIL 01 * Oblique Aerial Photography
Monday 4.05 APRIL 08 * Vertical Aerial Photography
Monday 4.06 APRIL 15 * midterm
Monday 4.07 APRIL 22 * Stereo Photography
Monday 4.08 APRIL 29 * Infrared and Ultraviolet Imaging
Monday 4.09 MAY 07 * Simultaneity detection with Streak Cameras
Monday 4.10 MAY 14 * Thermography
V. Evaluation of Performance
5.1 In order to receive a passing grade of "C" for this course students are asked to write at least 8 summary reports on the topics that will be presented during this quarter. These must be of acceptable quality to the coordinator who may find summaries or reports unacceptable due to such reasons as poor grammar, style, presentation or other objective or subjective causes. If less than 8 are found acceptable the starting grade is a "D". Earning a grade above 50% in the midterm is the equivalent of an acceptable topic summary report.
In addition to the written report on a particular week's topic, students are asked to append to it a copy of an article or other text (and related to the material discussed) found in a magazine, on the web or in a book. This must not be connected to an "inside" source such as handouts provided in class or work by the course coordinator or other members of the Imaging and Photographic Technology faculty. This should show outside research on the topic conducted by the individual student.
5.2 Students can raise either of these grades one grade higher by passing the final exam with at least a grade of 75%, and a starting grade of D or C two grades higher with a grade of 85% or higher. Students do not have to take this final and it can not lower whatever grade is earned based on writing alone. The final exam will only be given during the designated time period. Should you chose to receive a grade of Incomplete this will automatically result in a lowering of 1 letter grade.
5.3 Students are allowed to bring one 8.5 x 11 inch page of notes to the final exam. Information may be written on both sides.
5.4 Note that the schedule of topics/speakers in any given year is subject to changes pending availability of specialized equipment and guest speakers.
VI. Instructional Techniques
6.1 Lectures
6.1 Demonstrations
6.2 Guest speakers (if available)
VII. Text
7.1 Technical information selected by coordinator and guest instructor
7.2 Selected readings according to project
filed under des-nonconve.html
rev. 03-10-02