School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Imaging and Photographic Technology Department
Scientific and Technical Applications of Photography
I. Scientific and Technical Applications of Photography -
Technical and Creative Problem Solving
1.1 4 credit hours
1.2 3 lecture/lab hours per week
(additional darkroom time may be required)
1.3 Prerequisites: for upper division SPAS students.
II. Course Catalog Description
Introduction to special or unusual methods particularly useful in technical,
scientific or research photography. Emphasis on the student's development of
innovative solutions to a set of photographic problems. Topics to include such
subjects as High Speed Photography, Strip Photography, Velocity and Time
measurement cameras, Polarization, Time Lapse, Astrophotography and others.
First hand experience is encouraged by participation in simulated and
simplified approaches to more complex specialties.
III. Objectives
At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:
3.1 Understand the limits and the potential of specific photographic
techniques listed below in regards to their suitability for
specialized applications.
3.2 Identify the equipment necessary for undertaking these
photographic assignments.
3.3 Function in a more knowledgeable manner in future industrial
photographic situations.
IV. Course Outline
4.1 Examine and manipulate a shutter with the purpose of better
understanding its function and limitations. Learn a quanti-
tative approach to a photogaphic system through a basic
experiment in shutter calibration.
4.2 Apply photography to the purpose of making measurements. Students
will be involved in an experiment designed to estimate rate of
subject movement or rotation through deliberate introduction
of controlled blur in a photograph.
4.3 Review focal plane shutter distortion and relate a familiar
system to an unfamiliar one. Demonstrate simplified strip
photographic methods and experiment with photofinish type
4.4 Review the possibilities and present limits of ultraviolet and
infrared photography. Produce photographs with electromagnetic
radiation other than light. Demonstrate the transformation of
incident radiation by certain materials.
4.5 Photogaph constellations with a conventional camera with black
and white or color film. Photograph star trails with Tech Pan
2415. Demonstrate angle measurements of trails to determine
exposure time. Identify certain stars. Understand theory of
refractor and reflector telescopes.
4.6 Explore parameters involved in high speed photography. Review
historical aspects and modern applications. Investigate a
subject of interest using improvised "instrumentation".
4.8 Experiment with and understand basic concepts and principles of
stereoscopic vision, photography and presentation. Produce
photographs for a stereoscopic slide show to be presented in a
class show.
4.9 Polarization and polarization effects are introduced. Theory
and application of instances where polarized light is a
constructive technique or an unwelcome nuisance are described.
Experiment with various methods of photographing crystals by
transillumination with polarized light.
4.10 Other techniques and applications as deemed appropriate by the
instructor for the group. Some of above topics may not be covered
at the discretion of the instructor depending on the make-up of
the class.
V. Evaluation
5.1 Student evaluation is based on fulfillment of course objectives
through completion of specific assignments in an acceptable
manner at the discretion of the instructor and, optionally,
as additionally influenced by performance in a final exam.
To obtain grade of D at least 4 project reports must be turned in.
For a grade of C at least 6 project reports must be turned in.
For a grade of B at least 8 project reports must be turned in.
Highest grade possible through completion of course projects is
a B. Grade earned with projects can be raised one letter grade by
earning a grade of at least 85% in the optional final exam.
VI. Course texts
6.1 There are no texts required for this course. Instructor will make
appropriate printed information available to students whenever
filed as sci&tech.des
rev. 9-27-97