School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Imaging and Photographic Technology Department

Scientific and Technical Applications of Photography

I. Scientific and Technical Applications of Photography - Technical and Creative Problem Solving

II. Course Catalog Description

Introduction to special or unusual methods particularly useful in technical, scientific or research photography. Emphasis on the student's development of innovative solutions to a set of photographic problems. Topics to include such subjects as High Speed Photography, Strip Photography, Velocity and Time measurement cameras, Polarization, Time Lapse, Astrophotography and others. First hand experience is encouraged by participation in simulated and simplified approaches to more complex specialties.

III. Objectives

At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:

IV. Course Outline

V. Evaluation

5.1 Student evaluation is based on fulfillment of course objectives through completion of specific assignments in an acceptable manner at the discretion of the instructor and, optionally, as additionally influenced by performance in a final exam. To obtain grade of D at least 4 project reports must be turned in. For a grade of C at least 6 project reports must be turned in. For a grade of B at least 8 project reports must be turned in. Highest grade possible through completion of course projects is a B. Grade earned with projects can be raised one letter grade by earning a grade of at least 85% in the optional final exam.

VI. Course texts

6.1 There are no texts required for this course. Instructor will make appropriate printed information available to students whenever possible.

filed as sci&tech.des
rev. 9-27-97