Selecting the file highlighted below will take you to a Bulletin Board associated with the PhotoForum mail list where positions available and positions wanted can be reviewed. These include full time, part time or internships and coops. This is a free service provided by the RIT's School of Photographic Arts and Sciences to the photo/imaging profession at large.
Anyone who has or knows of a position open may post to this bulletin board. Also those seeking opportunities may do so too. Submissions are accepted at the discretion of the moderator.
You can also place your notice of positions _available_ in this listing by sending a message to JOBS HERE with the word "employment" in the Subject: line of the message and the substance of the "ad" in the message body.
Your submission will be acknowledged and posted soon after submission.
Job Categories are:
Positions Available (Full and Part time)
Internships and Coops Available
If you are an employer, posting an announcement on the Bulletin Board should not preclude contacting the RIT's Office of Coop and Placement which is the official group connected with placement of RIT grads. E-mail Lisa Vasaturo or call her at (716)475-2301
need help? contact