Photographic Information Request Form
This service is available to individuals everywhere who might need some assistance with a question related to photography in general. Just so you are aware of this right off, there is a limited number of faculty to answer all the questions that come in through this form to the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. We will try to answer your question promptly or at least tell you if we can not help with a given problem.
If for some reason you do not hear from us in more than two weeks, feel free to contact the coordiantor of this service, Professor Andrew Davidhazy at
After filling out this form select "SUBMIT" and your question will be forwarded to a group faculty who have volunteered to provide assistance within the areas of their expertise and a reply will be returned to you. Once you receive an answer you can provide feedback on its value to you, its completeness, timeliness, etc. by filling out this brief Feedback Form.
PLEASE NOTE: You MUST PROVIDE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS otherwise we have no way of sending the information to you. If, in addition, you would like a catalog listing all the programs of photographic study in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences then please include your postal address.
Or, send your question by email directly to a specific person:
Owen Butler - digital photography and bookmaking
Guenther Cartwright - photojournalism and general photography
Andrew Davidhazy - technical/scientific and high speed photography
Michael Dear - digital and general photography
Steve Diehl - scenic, landscape and nature photography
Bruce Kahn - photographic chemistry and optics
Angela Kelly - Practice and Theory of Fine Art Photography .
Russell Kraus - forensic and general photography
Howard LeVant - studio/advertising photography and lighting
Elaine O'Neil - non-silver and alternative processes
Michael Peres - photomicrography and medical photography
John Retallack - advertising/commercial and business practices.
Karina Shumanski - photo student life and course info/registration
Christye Sisson - biomedical and opthalmic photography
Bill Springer - quality control and photofinishing lab matters
Loret Gnivecki Steinberg - documentary photography, photojournalism, ethics/legal aspects of photography
Allen Vogel - large format studio photography esp. food photography