The Photographic Historical Society located in Rochester, NY was established to bring together all individuals with an interest in the history of photography. News of the activities and programs of this Society will be posted at this site on a periodic basis.
The Society holds regular monthly meetings, an annual banquet and a summer picnic. It publishes a newsletter more or less four times a year. It has a membership of about 120 individuals. It welcomes members from anywhere in the world. Organization details and membership information will be posted here in the near future.
Click on the
12th Triennial Symposium on the History of Photography for news on PhotoHistory XII!
What are the Society's activities?
For a free 6 month trial membership contact Frank Calandra, Membership Chairman, requesting a trial membership and sending him the details mentioned below at The Photographic Historical Society's E-mail address which is: Or, to immediately become a regular member send the following information along with a cheque for the appropriate amount to: TPHS, PO Box 39563, Rochester, NY 14604
The Photographic Historical Society NewletterSelect Fall 2002 TPHS Newsletter to read the web version of our latest Newsletter. Some past issues also available:
The Photographic Historical Society Bulletin BoardThere is a Public Bulletin Board available where you may leave messages, annoucements and other messages of potential interest to others interested in the history of photography. Select TPHS BULLETIN BOARD to get to it!
On May 23, 2002 the club's meeting was devoted to the 126 camera and a large collection of them was on display at the meeting. There were several speakers who each contributed valuable and informative and interesting tidbits of information regarding the development, use and history of the film format and the cameras that used this unique system designed to appeal to a mass market. Frank Calandra, Tim Fuss, Hubert Sapp and Jack Bloemendaal were a few among the contributors to this topic. Present at the meeting and pictured in the photos above you will also find: Joe Bailey, Bob Bretz, Sharon Bloemendaal and others. Dick Haviland brought an unusual OPTIKA medium format camera and an Exacta (or was it an Exa?) 127 camera to the show-and-tell segment of the meeting. The newly established web domain for the society was announced at the meeting as well. You can now get here from:
It was announced at the meeting that the dates for the symposium Photo History XII have been set for 19-21 Sept. 2003 . N. M. Graver asks that you: "Please disseminate this information to other societies so that they do not book that weekend for other events".
... and these are e-mail addresses for some of the officers and members of the Society. If you'd like to be included in the list just send your name and e-mail address and whatever details you want to give to: Andrew Davidhazy at
The Society's E-mail address -
Tim Fuss -
Jack Bloemendaal -
James W. Morsch -
James W. Morsch - (his aol address)
Frank Calandra -
Andrew Davidhazy -
Nicholas M. Graver -
Jeff Schwartz -
Jim Di Lorenzo -
Stanley S. Zack -
Click here for a report on the recent
Eleventh Triennial Symposium on the History of Photography
LINKS to consider
There is also fledgling mail list available for you to interact with others around the globe who are interested in the history of photography and photographic collecting. It is the Photohist-L mail list. Find out more about it at:
The TPHS and the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House are both in Rochester, NY. Choose GEH to explore its site or Photo History sites at GEH for a listing of links to several other realted sites.
The Photographic Historical Society of New England , founded in 1973, is an active society, promoting knowledge of photographic history and its heritage through a wide range of educational programs. Members reside throughout the United States, Canada, and the world. Members receive The Journal and other publications of PHSNE.
And here's a site that includes links to several interesting sites related to collecting cinematography items select Michel, Dutch collector of cinematographica
This site includes links to numerous photography sites, manufacturers, galleries, individuals, university photo programs, and much more. Select PhotoForum's Webpages to get there!
Or choose Dan Colucci's antique and classic camera site and home of the Internet Directory of Camera Collectors (IDCC) and an e-mail forum for collectors.
The PhotoHistorians Group is yet another activity that should be of interest to you if you are a historian/collector. It is a worldwide listing of of people with mutual interests. You can become a part of the listing by filling out a registration form.
And the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain has, in addition to their website, a journal, Photographica World, edited by Michael Pritchard. Great stuff!
Or choose Bill Riley's site devoted to antique photographica and historical articles.
Of course, there is also the American Photographic Historical Society! - a super site with lots of interesting info and links.
This one we don't know much about but was sent in to us as a very worthwhile site. It is
Another site that should be of great interest is the one of the Chicago Photographic Collectors Society
For those interested in the railroad and photography there is a very nice website at Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum.
Select The Daguerreian Society for information about this related group.
Recently we heard of the European Society for the History of Photography
For Collectors of cameras and history of Ihagee, the German factory that produced the Exakta, there are at least two sites with extensive information. One is Exacta by Maurizio Frizziero, and another one is Ihagee by Hugo Ruys.
Camera Trade Shows
Rob Niederman, a collector of pre-1900 wood cameras.
maintains a website dedicated to early cameras (includes images and
historical information).
Dan Colucci just founded an Internet discussion forum dedicated to
pre-1900 called "Wood and Brass". All
people interested in partaking in discussions about pre-1900 cameras are
invited to join. General information and registration for "Wood and Brass" can
be found at:
Alain Scheibli, Scheibli Editions France, presents AUTOCHROMES coming from private
collections of the LUMIERE family, extracted from the famous book " LES
Collectors.Org produces a newsletter in support of the leadership of all collecting
clubs, associations and societies in the antiques & collectibles industry
in partnership with the National Association of Collectors.
The Antiques and Collectibles Associations offer a variety of educational
opportunities year round for dealers, show promoters, mall managers and
for collectors.
And this is a site created by Annie and Carl van der Ende in Holland devoted to coloured cameras, bakelite cameras, miniature cameras, Houghton-Ensign cameras and Dutch made cameras located at:
Film for Classics, owned by TPHS member Dick Haviland, is a companmy specializing in providing film for antique and classic cameras taking obsolete sizes. They now also provide processing services. Find them on the web here:
Faithful Hound Software offers cataloging software for
collectors of 19th Century images and daguerreotype cases.
You are invited to join the Photo Collector Web Ring.
This is an eclectic collection of all types of web sites of interest to collectors,
including dealers and galleries, exhibitions, professional societies and
organizations, photo history sites, educational sites, and providers of
products and services to photo collectors.
The only requirements for joining the ring are that your site be of
interest to photo collectors and that you agree to place the ring's
navigation bar on your home page. To join the ring, follow the link
below and click on the Join This Ring button.
There is also a site devoted to collecting Mamiya 35mm cameras. It is maintained
by Ron Herron.
The Brownie Group is dedicated to sharing knowledge of Kodak Brownie cameras
and related material, including advertising and the work of Palmer Cox. They
publish "The Brownie" about their collecting interest.
For those of you into alternative processes check out located at
Collecting Club eNews - collector? check this out
Alfred's Camera Page - a great website created by a 17-year-old in the
Netherlands. Lots of info on Russian cameras
Fred Spira's fabulous photo collector's website -
Rodger Carter's Digital Camera History, a site devoted to the
history and development of digital photography.
the following are not necessarily related to the History of Photography but may prove to be of interest and they have extended support for the TPHS website:
Select Contact The Photographic Historical Society to communicate directly with the Society officers.
This site has been visited
times since May 28, 1997
This page is hosted by the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology.