Mengenai Peristiwa Ambon |
Maluku: A Human Tragedy and A Jihad Ahmad Syafii Maarif* Ibn Batutah, a Muslim traveler of long time ago was said to call Maluku as Jazirat Al-Muluk (Kings' Peninsula) for the many charismatic leaders (kings) he met across the islands. Seen from the global trade of the past, Maluku was known as the fabled Spice Islands for cloves, nutmeg and mace, that grew only there, and nowhere to be found that period in any other part of the world. Islam was introduced into the islands since the 14th century as the formal religion of Ternate Sultanate. It was Islam as a religion who served to fortify Maluku - although not thoroughly succeeded - from the attack of penetrating Europeans: the Portuguese in the 16th century and the VOC of the Dutch in the 17 century. There are two goals aspired by the European in Maluku: to trade and promulgate religion. The Portuguese with its Catholic teachings, and the Dutch with its Protestantism. In the quests of both beliefs from Europe, the Protestants excelled over the Catholics. And therefore, vicious struggle escalated between the Muslims and the Protestants until to-day. In an effort to face the foreign power, the Muslims had since the 16th century declared and launched their jihad. The enemy, however, are superior in term of weaponry and war strategy. But overall the Muslim population in Maluku until today is more that the Christians (60-40). The Christians comprised of 35% Protestants and 5% Catholics. Some among the Protestants themselves included the radical, aggressive, and militant group who wished to change the balance of the Muslim and Christian adherents. The RMS (Republic of South Maluku) Declaration in January 8, 1950, was among their aspirations to establish a republic with Christian majority in the region. Although already exterminated, the RMS as a political aspiration has never been thoroughly extinguished in the region. It is not an impossible thing that a neo-imperialism through their domestic agents had been playing its role at the deadly drama in Maluku. The reform era should be taken as the right moment to once again appeal the world of the existing RMS, with strong support from a number of churches and their leaders currently residing in the Netherlands. It seems that these people had secretly supplied weapons to Maluku. The aftermath, the plain Muslims had become the target practice for an ongoing killing since last year, which was initiated by the Bloody Idul Fitri on January 19, 1999, until to-day. It is worth noting that the RMS anniversary is January 18. Calls for a jihad needs to be declared, as various Muslims dwelling places in the region were exposed to attacks by armed groups of foreign supports. This is exacerbated by the security people and local government officials stance who seemed no longer being impartial. If only the neutrality of the security can be maintained and Muslims have adequate weapons, then it might be expected that the killing can be prevented, because fighting against the enemy for a self-defense purpose is part of the Islamic principle of a jihad. Latest authentic information that we have received at the grassroots, particularly in Ambon, revealed that Muslims had already feel loathed for the word 'peace', because they feel as continually being betrayed. If the psychological situation is already at this point of no return level, then we could easily imagine that death is no longer something to be afraid of, but on the contrary is challenged at any time. Is this the way that we should settle the problem faced by this nation, to allow the unending history of vengeance with continuing victims taking its toll? Religion and sound of mind clearly condemned any such method, except where religion is used as political tools and bandwagon. All religions can be abused for evil purposes as what we are now witnessing in the various historic stages of periods. What is happening in Maluku is a religious abuse for the purpose of lowly and amoral worldly gain. Until to-day, our people in the region are killing each other, while the security people seemed to allow this violence to go on. Under this condition, what is wrong if the Muslims calls for a jihad to defend themselves and their religion? The non-governmental organizations and even the National Commission on Human Rights who are usually very articulate, why they seemed remained silent in the Maluku mayhem? In my capacity as Chairman of Muhammadiyah, and together with the Chairman of PWM (Muhammadiyah Regional Chief) of Maluku, and a colleague in Makassar, visited the Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief of Staff of General Affairs Lieutenant General Suaidi Marasabessy in the TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, East Jakarta, on January 11, 2000. We appealed that the attacks and the killings against the Muslims in Maluku be immediately stopped. We all hope that the old colonial ways, either by the Portuguese of the Dutch, must be terminated, for the dire consequences to be faced by all the people of Indonesia who are currently still dodged by mayhem. These methods while they are disastrous undertakings are the remnants of civilization which we should have long time ago discarded into the history's waste bin. Remember the second moral principle of Pancasila: a just and civilized humanity. Then why should the children of this nation still deeply engaged themselves in this barbarism? And finally, we would like to warn the government officials to prevent themselves making comments without basis which will only worsen the situation in Maluku which is already under terrible situation. Kindly reserves with issuing statements and try to accommodate honest, accurate, fair and comprehensive information. As it is, this nation all these times is already bored to death with the whims of the political elite. *Chairman of Muhammadiyah and lecturer at State-run University in Yogyakarta. Gatra |
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