Mengenai Peristiwa Ambon |
THE TEAM OF CHURCH LAWYERS Address: Maranatha Church, No.1.Jl.Raya Pattimura,Ambon-Indonesia. Telp.(0911)-352276 No: Special-66 5th August 1999 Subject: A pleg for active means of protection because of the violation of Human Right experienced by the Christian Community in the Molluccas. 1. Secretary-General of the United Nations New York. 2. President of the United States of America Washington. Dear Sir, Allow us, the team of church lawyers, formed by the daily working committee of the Synod of the Moluccan Protestant Church along with Roman Catholic Bishopric of Amboina, to present our urgent cry for help to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and also to the President of the United State of America. This plea represents a request for help because there have been so many victims as a result of the sistematic violation of human rights by certain parties towards the Christian Community in the Moluccas. The basic background to the problem lies with a separatist group who wish to change the foundational principle of the Indonesian nations - that is the Pancasila ideology. They wish to exchange this ideology with an Islamic ideology. The Christian Community and the National Islamic Movement strongly oppose such a change in the ideological structure of the country. To achieve such ends the Moluccas have become testing ground to see if the Christian Community can be paralysed by various means : killings, persecutioon/torturing, looting and destruction/arson. Arson/destruction has taken place primarily at the commercial contres, wich are mainly operated by Christians, and also the the homes and residential areas belonging to the Christian Community, There has also been pressure in the area of freedom of religion (worship). The Moluccan Christian Community is in a very difficult position due is the effects of this separatist group. These efforts have been orchestrated on a national scale involving certain individuals from within the government and also members of the army and police force. The pressure folt by the Christian Community has been intensified because of the role of the mass media and various political experts and analysts who have turned the facts back to front and given the impression that it is the Christian Community who has been the cause of all the civil upheaval. Based on what has been stated we request that the Secretary - General of the United Nations and the President of the United States would be willing to immediately send and investigating team who can objectively evaluate the situation at ground level and also take steps to right the situation. Thanking you in anticipation for your response to our letter. Yours Sincerely, SEMMY WAILERUNY, SH (Coordinator) NOIJA FILEO PISTOS, SH. REINHARD TOUMAHUW, SH '(member) (member) Mrs. ELDA L. LOUPATTY, SH FRITS LITIPALY, SH (member) (member) ANTHONY HATANE, SH RICHARD RAHAKBAUW, SH (member) (member) NN. BLANDINA MOLLE, SH MATHEOS LATUPEIRISSA, SH (member) (member) JUNUS DUGANATA, SH EKY LATUPEIRISSA, SH (member) (member) WILIBRORDUS RENYAAN, SH RUBBY LOPULALAN, SH (member) (member) FIREL E. SAHETAPY, SH ROOS J. ALFARIS,SH (member) (member) JOHN LOPUHAA, SH YAFED L. SAHUPALA, SH (member) (member) EDWIN HUWAE, SH SIMON NOYA, SH (member) (member) cc: 1. The Security Council of the United Nations. 2. The President of the Republik of Indonesia, Jakarta. 3. The Vice - President of the United Stated of America. 4. The Heads Of States of Friendly Nations. 5. The American Minister of Defence. 6. The Indonesian Minister of Defence/ Commander in Chief of the Indonesia Armed Forces. 7. The American Secretary of Statesfor Foreign Affairs. 8. The Indonesian Minster of Justice 9. Member of the American Senate 10. Leaders of the Roman Chatolic Church, World Council of Church. 11. The Governor of the Moluccas. 12. The Commander in Chief of the 16 th Pattimura Military Command. 13. The International Commision for Human Rights. |
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