by Edip Yuksel

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By opening this book  you  have  shown  that  you  have  the
courage to critically examine your faith. These 19 questions
are directed toward you, the educated Christian. This is one
in  a  series  of  books  that  examine the major religions,
Islam, Christianity, and Atheism which we  also  consider  a
belief system.
Throughout history believers have simply followed the crowd.
Children have grown up  believing  what  their  parents  and
their priests said instead of making their own decisions. By
reading and attempting to answer the questions in this  book
you  are  proving  that  your  faith  is based upon your own
thought and convictions. You are no longer  a  passenger  on
the  "bandwagon"  of  religious fanaticism, but a pioneer in
the search for truth.
                              Breaking the atoms into pieces
Discussing any religious faith on the  basis  of  logic  and
knowledge  is  a  difficult task for two reasons. First, the
majority of "believers" inherit their  religion  from  their
parents,  and  most  of  them  do not use their intellectual
faculties to question the status quo. Second, any  criticism
at  a logical fallacy can be countered with a logical shield
such as: "We cannot comprehend God" or "We cannot understand
God's wisdom."
So,  throughout  history,  questioning  minds  have  created
tension in traditional religious circles. Asking  "Why"  and
even  sometimes  "how"  is  considered a threat. "Close your
eyes, have faith and enter our tunnel; then at the  end  you
will  see  the  light"  is  the  ultimate  invitation.  Many
corrupted religions and cults use "personal  experience"  to
maintain their survival.
Einstein,  having  had  a hard time with bigoted scientists,
expressed this attitude in terms of physics: "Removing fixed
misconception  from  the  people's  mind  is as difficult as
breaking the  atom  into  pieces."  Nevertheless,  when  you
remove  a fixed misconception from someone's mind, it starts
a  chain  of  reactions  which   can   ignite   intellectual
explosions and revolutions in the walls of bigotry.
                                       One God, one religion
There  are  many examples of intellectual revolutions in the
history  of  religion.  All  of  them  were   triggered   by
unpopular,  intellectual  revolutionaries,  such as Abraham,
Moses, Socrates, Buddha, Jesus and  Muhammad.  All  of  them
fought against clerical exploitation, idolization of humans,
and blindly following parents. Their common struggle was  to
stop  leaders  from  abusing  the name of God and to prevent
professional religionists from oppressing  people  mentally,
politically,  and  economically.  They invited people to One
God and one religion.
Ironically, whenever those brave pioneers passed away,  they
became  popular and their "followers" started idolizing them
and putting them in competition  with  one  another,  making
claims  such  as, "Buddha is the Lord; he is the savior," or
"Jesus is the Lord; he is the savior," or "Muhammad  is  the
greatest; he is the savior."
Further, leaders and religious scholars started to abuse the
pioneer's names in order to make money  and  gain  authority
and  power over people. The Crusades, the Inquisition, papal
indulgences are just a  few  words  from  that  rich  "holy"
Today,  there are more than half a million clergy members of
all faiths in the United States. All of them make money from
their religious preaching or service. The U.S. Department of
Labor  estimates  a  $38,000  average  annual   income   for
Protestant  ministers,  in contrast to the fact that neither
Moses nor Jesus, neither Buddha nor Muhammad  asked  for  or
made  money  for  their teachings. Indeed, in the USA alone,
hundreds of thousands of clergy members make quite a bit  of
money   from  preaching  doctrines  that  has  been  falsely
attributed to Jesus.
Though we  directed  our  challenging  questions  to  clergy
members, our real audiences are the sincere followers. We do
not expect the clergymen to evaluate these questions, or the
Pope to answer them. Very few people can accept the truth at
the expense of losing their jobs and followers. If  you  are
making  money  from  Christianity;  if  you  are a respected
member of a religious corporation, you have many reasons  to
defend falsehood.
P.S.  If you have religious friends and relatives, I suggest
you to read the chapter titled  "Arrow  Test"  on  page  93,
before reading the questions.

Moslem Questions on Christianity Edip Yuksel P.O. Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733-3476 U.S.A. Tel/Fax: (520) 323-7636

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