by Edip Yuksel

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Did Jesus ever claim to be Lord?
"There  is  condensation  and  editing;  there  is   choice,
reproduction  and witness. The Gospels have come through the
mind of  the  Church  behind  the  authors.  They  represent
experience and history." (Kenneth Cragg, the Anglican Bishop
of Jerusalem, The Call of the Minaret, p 277)
Jesus never claimed that he was literally the son of God, or
God.  There  are  many  verses  in the Bible confirming this
fact. None of the verses quoted directly from Jesus  support
Trinity   or   deity   of   Jesus,   if   we  eliminate  the
interpretations of St.  Paul  and  his  disciples.  We  will
present  those  verses in the coming questions. It is a well
known historical  fact  that  today's  Christianity  is  the
product   of   the  Nicene  Conference  (325  AD).  In  that
conference, the clergy established the  Trinity  and  banned
many  Gospels that did not contain their distorted ideas. In
today's Bible there are a few  distorted  verses  about  the
divinity of Jesus, which contradict the whole Old Testament,
and the majority of  the Gospels.
Some  outstanding  Christian  scholars  have   reached   the
conclusion that the deity of Jesus is a mere fabrication. As
the examples of critical studies  on  Christianity,  here  I
list  the name of two books: The Myth of God Incarnate, John
Hick, ed., The Westminster, Philadelphia, 1977,  and  Jesus:
Myth  &  Message,  Lisa  Spray,  Universal  Unity,  Fremont,
California, 1992.
The doctrine of modern  Christianity  with  its  implication
that  God  Almighty  has a multiple personality, and that He
sacrificed one of His personalities  for  the  salvation  of
human kind, has nothing to do with Jesus, as we will discuss
in the next questions.
                              Two translations, two meanings
Here are two translations of Matthew 7:21. One is  from  the
version  authorized  by  a  king  (not God), King James, The
other is The New American Bible, which was translated by the
members  of Catholic Biblical Association of America. Notice
the contradiction between the two translations in the  first
three words of that verse:
King James Version:
"Not  every  one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my
Father which is in heaven."
The New American Bible (1970):
"None  of  those  who  cry out, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the
kingdom of God but only the one who  does  the  will  of  my
Father in heaven."
In  light  of  the  verses  that  follow (Mt 7:22,23), which
clearly indicate Jesus' anger and displeasure at people  who
call  him  "Lord, Lord", it is obvious that both translators
distorted Mt 7:21 in  a  different  manner.  Ironically,  by
comparing  them  side  by  side, the true account inevitably
emerges: "None of those who call me, 'Lord, Lord,' ..."
Our question for Christian  Scholars  on  Mt  7:21  has  two
parts. The simple part of the question is:
Which One Is Correct:
"Not every one..." OR "None of those ..."?
And the difficult part is: Why?

Moslem Questions on Christianity Edip Yuksel P.O. Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733-3476 U.S.A. Tel/Fax: (520) 323-7636

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