by Edip Yuksel

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Revised,  re-revised,  re-re-revised  King  James  Versions;
what's next?
"The  Revised Standard Version of the Bible is an authorized
revision of the  American  Standard  Version,  published  in
1901,  which  was  a  revision  of  the  King James Version,
published  in  1611.  The  first  English  version  of   the
Scriptures  made  by  direct  translation  from the original
Hebrew and Greek, and the first to be printed, was the  work
of William Tyndale. He met bitter opposition. He was accused
of willfully perverting the meaning of the  Scriptures,  and
his  New  Testaments  were  ordered  to be burned as "untrue
translations." He was finally betrayed into the hands of his
enemies,  and  in  October  1536,  was publicly executed and
burned  at  the  stake.  Yet  Tyndale's  work   became   the
foundation   of   subsequent   English  versions."  (Revised
Standard Version, preface).
Since W. Tyndale translated King James version it  has  been
revised  four  times. The preface of the Re-revised Standard
Version  (RSV)  1952,  and  Re-re-revised  Standard  Version
(still  RSV) 1971, contains very important acknowledgements.
Here we will quote some paragraphs to give you an idea about
the reality of the Bible from the horses' mouth.
The  authors of RSV, that is, "thirty-two scholars, assisted
by  an  Advisory  Board  of  fifty  representatives  of  the
cooperating  denominations,"  after  praising the King James
Version  as  "the  noblest  monument   of   English   prose"
acknowledge the following facts:
"Yet the King James Version has grave defects. By the middle
of the nineteenth century  ,  the  development  of  Biblical
studies  and  the discovery of many manuscripts more ancient
than those upon which the King James Version was based, made
it manifest that these defects are so many and so serious as
to call for revision of the English translation ...
"Sometimes it is evident  that  the  text  has  suffered  in
transmission,   but   none   of   the  versions  provides  a
satisfactory restoration. Here we can only follow  the  best
judgment  of  competent  scholars  as  to  the most probable
reconstruction of the original text.
"The King James Version of the New Testament was based  upon
a  Greek  text  that  was marred by mistakes, containing the
accumulated  errors  of  fourteen  centuries  of  manuscript
copying ..."
These  words  have  been  published in both Revised Standard
Versions of 1951  and  1971.  However  there  are  important
differences between them. For instance:
In the 1951 version, the word "begotten" of John 3:16,18 was
considered as an addition and was taken  out.  But,  in  the
following  revision,  in 1971, this correction is considered
as a distortion, the  surgery  was  reversed  and  the  word
"begotten" replanted again.
Similarly,  1 John 5:7 was corrected in RSV 1951 as "And the
Spirit is the witness, because the  Spirit  is  the  truth."
However,  in the following version, RSV 1971, the correction
was deleted and the addition was  inserted  again  as:  "For
there  are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the
Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these are one."
Furthermore, it varies in different translations.  According
to  The  New International Version, for instance, the verse:
"For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and
the blood; and the three are in agreement." The three may be
in agreement, but it is obvious that our Bible versions  are
not in agreement.
                      You can find in footnotes (sometimes)!
The  differences and contradictions, additions and omissions
in the Gospels, leave no  doubt  that  they  are  historical
notes  narrated  by humans who can forget, can misunderstand
and can add. Below are some of the acknowledged  distortions
in  the  Bible;  you  can find them in the footnotes of many
revised editions of the Bible.
Matthew 17:21; 18:11; 23:14
Mark 7:16; 9:44-46; 11:26; 15:28; 16:9-20
Luke 17:36; 23:17
John 5:4; 8:11; 9:35
Acts 8:37; 15:34; 24:7; 28:29
Romans 8:1; 16:24
Who denies this fact?
Before  directing  our  questions   let's   read   a   brave
acknowledgement  made by Dr. W. Graham Scroggie of the Moody
Bible Institute, Chicago, one of the most renowned Christian
Evangelical  Mission  in  the  world.  The  heading  of  the
following quotation is IT IS HUMAN, YET DIVINE:
"Yes, the Bible is human, though some, out of a  zeal  which
is not according to knowledge, have denied this. Those books
have passed through the minds of  men,  and  bear  in  their
style the characteristics of men." (Is The Bible the Word of
God?,  Dr.  W.  Graham  Scroggie,  Moody  Bible   Institute,
Chicago, p. 17).
Related questions:
1.  How many times did you revise the "inspired"
    King James version?
2.  Why was the word "begotten" of John 3:16 and 18 taken
    from 1951 RSV?
3.  Why was the same word replanted in 1971 RSV?
4.  Why was 1 John 5:7 tampered with?
5.  Is it coincidence that the two major references of your
    teachings, John 3:16 and 1 John 5:7 are questionable
    by your own scholars?

Moslem Questions on Christianity Edip Yuksel P.O. Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733-3476 U.S.A. Tel/Fax: (520) 323-7636

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