Diplomasi Munafik ala Yahudi
Mengungkap Fakta Hubungan AS-Israel

Paul Findley
(mantan anggota Kongres AS)



American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 4201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20008. Albert Mokhiber, direktur eksekutif. (202) 244-2990.

American Educational Trust, 190218th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009. Penerbit majalah bulanan Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, disunting oleh Richard H. Curtiss. Duta Besar Andrew I. Killgore, presiden. (202) 939-6050.

Americans for Middle East Understanding, 475 Riverside Dr., Suite 241, New York, NY 10115. Penerbit dari laporan bulanan The Link. John F. Mahoney, direktur eksekutif. (212) 8702053.

American Muslim Council, 1212 New York Ave. NW, Suite 525, Washington, DC 20005. Dr. Abdulrahman al-Amoudi, direktur eksekutif. (202) 789-2262.

Arab-American Institute, 91816 St. NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC 20006. Dr. James Zogby, direktur eksekutif. (202) 4299210.

Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, 2435 Virginia Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20037. Dr. Muhammed Hallaj, direktur. (202) 338-1290.

Churches for Middle East Peace, 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 308 Washington, DC 20002. Corinne Whitlatch, menejer. (202) 546-8425.

Council for the National Interest, 1511 K St. NW, Suite 1043, Washington, DC 20005. Eugene Bird, presiden. (202) 6286962.

Foundation for Middle East Peace, 555 13 th St. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 10004. Merle Thorpe, Jr., presiden. (202) 637-6558.

Institute for Palestine Studies, 3501 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007. Philip Mattar, direktur eksekutif. (202) 342-3990.

Jewish Peace Lobby, 8604 2nd Ave., Suite 317, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Dr. Jerome M. Segal, presiden. (301) 589-8765.

Middle East Children's Alliance, 2140 Shatuck Ave., Suite 207, Berkeley, CA 94704. Barbara Lubin, direktur. (501) 548-0542.

Middle East Institute, 1761 N St. NW, Washington, DC 20036. Duta Besar Robert Keeley, presiden. (202) 785-1141.

Middle East Justice Network, P.O. Box 558, Cambridge, MA 02238. Hady Amr, direktur. (617) 666-8061.

Middle East Policy Council, 1730 M St. NW, Suite 512, Washington, DC 20036. Hon. George McGovern, presiden. (202) 2966767.

Middle East Research and Information Project, 1500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 119, Washingron, DC 20005. Joe Storj, direktur. (202) 223-3677.

Middle East Watch, 485 Fifth Ave., 3rd Fl., New York, NY 10017. Aryeh Naier, direktur. (212) 972-8400.

National Association of Arab Americans, 1212 New York Ave. NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005. Khalil Jahshan, direktur eksekutif. (202) 847-1840.

National Council on U.S: Arab Relations, 1735 1 St. NW, Suite 515, Washington, DC 20006. Dr. John Duke Anthony, presiden. (202) 293-0801.

North American Coordinating Committee for Non-Governmental Organizations on the Question of Palestine, 1747 Connecticut Ave. NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20009. Larry Ekin, ketua. (202) 319-0757.

Palestine Aid Society, 20251 St. NW, Washington, DC 20006. Dr. Anan Ameri, presiden. (202) 728-9425.

Palestine Human Rights Information Center, 4753 N. Broadway, Suite 930, Chicago, IL 60640. Louise Cainkar, direktur. (312) 271-4492.

Palestine Solidarity Committee, 11 John St., Room 806, New York, NY 10038. (212) 227-1435.

Diplomasi Munafik ala Yahudi -
Mengungkap Fakta Hubungan AS-Israel oleh Paul Findley
Judul Asli: Deliberate Deceptions:
Facing the Facts about the U.S. - Israeli Relationship by Paul Findley
Terbitan Lawrence Hill Brooks, Brooklyn, New York 1993
Penterjemah: Rahmani Astuti, Penyunting: Yuliani L.
Penerbit Mizan, Jln. Yodkali No. 16, Bandung 40124
Cetakan 1, Dzulhijjah 1415/Mei 1995
Telp.(022) 700931 Fax.(022) 707038
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