Norman L. Geisler President & CEO of Southern Evangelical Seminary Professor of Theology and Apologetics B.A., Wheaton College Th.B., William Tyndale College M.A. Wheaton Graduate School Ph.D., Loyola University, Chicago, IL -------------------------------------------------------------- Articles: 1. Answering Islam- An Interview with Norman Geisler 2. Darwin's Black Box: A Brief Review 3. Forbidden Fruit- The Ethics of Humanism 4. I Believe...in the Resurrection of the Flesh 5. The Battle for the Resurrection - An Interview with Norman Geisler 6. The Need for Defending the Faith 7. What Think Ye of Rome - An Evangelical Appraisal of Contemporary Catholicism (Part One) 8. What Think Ye of Rome - An Evangelical Appraisal of Contemporary Catholicism (Part Two) 9. What Think Ye of Rome - The Catholic-Protestant Debate on Biblical Authority (Part Three) 10. What Think Ye of Rome - The Catholic-Protestant Debate on Papal Infallibility (Part Four) -------------------------------------------------------------- Books: * Revision or reprinting + Co-authored or edited x Booklet 1) +General Introduction to the Bible (Moody Press, 1968) 2) Christ: The Theme of the Bible (Moody Press, 1968) 3) Ethics: Alternatives and Issues (Zondervan, 1971) 4) The Christian Ethic of Love (Zondervan, 1973) 5) Philosophy of Religion (Zondervan, 1974) 6) +From God to Us (Moody Press, 1974) 7) Christian Apologetics (Baker Book House, 1976) 8) A Popular Survey of the Old Testament (Baker, 1979) 9) The Roots of Evil (Zondervan, 1978) 10) *To Understand the Bible, Look for Jesus (Baker, 1979) 11) +Inerrancy (Zondervan, 1979) 12) +Introduction to Philosophy (Baker, 1980) 13) Options in Contemporary Christian Ethics (Baker, 1981) 14) +Biblical Errancy (Zondervan, 1981) 15) Decide for Yourself (Zondervan, 1982) 16) +The Creator in the Courtroom--Scopes II (Baker, 1982) 17) What Augustine Says (Baker, 1982) 18) Miracles and Modern Thought (Zondervan, 1982) 19) Is Man the Measure? (Baker, 1983) 20) Cosmos: Carl Sagan's Religion... (Quest Publications, 1983) 21) xExplaining Hermeneutics (ICBI, 1983) 22) Religion of the Force (Quest, 1983) 23) To Drink or Not to Drink (Quest, 1984) 24) +Perspectives (Here's Life Publications, 1984) 25) +Christianity Under Attack (Quest, 1985) 26) False Gods of Our Time (Harvest House, 1985) 27) *+General Introduction to the Bible (revised, 1986) 28) +Reincarnation Sensation (Tyndale, 1986) 29) +Origin Science (Baker, 1987) 30) *+The Bible: From God to Us (ICBI, 1987) 31) *+Philosophy of Religion (revised, 1988) 32) Signs and Wonders (Tyndale, 1988) 33) Christian Ethics (Baker, 1989) 34) *+Worlds Apart (Baker, 1989) 35) Knowing the Truth About Creation (Servant, 1989) 36) +The Infiltration of the New Age (Tyndale, 1989) 37) The Battle for the Resurrection (Thomas Nelson, 1989) 38) +Apologetics in the New Age (Baker, 1990) 39) +Come Let Us Reason (Baker, 1990) 40) +Gambling: A Bad Bet (Fleming H. Revell, 1990) 41) +When Skeptics Ask (Victor, 1990) 42) +The Life and Death Debate (Greenwood, 1990) 43) xCivil Disobedience (Quest, 1990) 44) In Defense of the Resurrection (Quest, 1991) 45) Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Appraisal (Baker, 1991) 46) +Matters of Life and Death (Baker, 1991) 47) *Miracles and the Modern Mind (Baker, 1992) 48) +When Critics Ask (Victor, 1992) 49) +Answering Islam (Baker, 1993) 50) *In Defense of the Resurrection (rev. by Witness, Inc., 1993) 51) +Roman Catholics and Evangelicals (Baker, 1995) 52) +Love Is Always Right (Word, 1996) 53) Creating God In the Image of Man? (Bethany House, 1997) 54) An Encyclopedia of Christian Evidences (Victor, 1997) 55) +When Cultists Ask (Victor, 1997) Revised: June 08, 1997. |
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