The Shroud of Turin

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AMHERST, N.Y.--New claims that pollen grains on the Shroud  of
Turin link it to pre-eighth-century Jerusalem were made August
2 by researchers at the International  Botanical  Congress  in
St.  Louis. In fact, however, the claims are based on earlier,
scientifically discredited data. Here is  a  brief  review  of
some  of  the  claims  that  were reported uncritically by the
Associated Press and other media sources.
POLLENS. It was reported that pollens on the shroud proved  it
came  from  Palestine,  but  the  source for the pollens was a
freelance criminologist, Max Frei,  who  once  pronounced  the
forged  "Hitler  Diaries"  genuine. Frei's tape-lifted samples
from the Shroud  were  controversial  from  the  outset  since
similar  samples taken by the Shroud of Turin Research Project
in 1978 had comparatively few pollens. As it turned out, after
Frei's  tapes  were examined following his death in 1983, they
also had very few pollens--except for a  particular  one  that
bore  a suspicious cluster on the "lead" (or end), rather than
on the portion that had  been  applied  to  the  shroud.  (See
Skeptical Inquirer magazine, Summer 1994 pp. 379-385.)
FLORAL  IMAGES.  Accompanying the unscientific pollen evidence
were claims that faint plant images  have  been  "tentatively"
identified  on the shroud. These follow previous "discoveries"
of "Roman coins" over the eyes and even Latin and Greek words,
such   as   "Jesus"  and  "Nazareth,"  that  some  researchers
see-Rorschach-like-in the shroud's mottled stains. The  floral
images  were reported by a psychiatrist who has taken up image
analysis and made other discredited claims  about  the  shroud
BLOOD.  The  Associated  Press reported claims that the shroud
bears type AB blood stains. Perhaps this erroneous information
has  its  origin  in  other  fake  shrouds of Jesus, since the
Shroud of Turin's stains are not only suspiciously red (unlike
genuine   blood  that  blackens  with  age)  but  they  failed
batteries of tests by internationally known forensic  experts.
The "blood" has been definitively proved to be composed of red
ocher and vermilion tempera paint.
OVIEDO CLOTH. Uncritical reportage  suggested  the  Shroud  of
Turin  gained credibility by being linked to another notorious
cloth, the Sudarium of Oviedo,  which  some  believe  was  the
"napkin"  that  covered  Jesus' face. Unfortunately like other
"relics" of Jesus-some 40 shrouds,  vials  of  his  blood  and
tears,  and  other  products  of  medieval relic-mongering-the
Oviedo  cloth  is  of  questionable  provenance.  It  has   no
historical record prior to the eighth century and, in contrast
to the shroud, lacks a facial image. The supposed matching  of
bloodstains  on  the  Turin  and  Oviedo cloths is but another
exercise in wishful thinking. As to  the  alleged  matchup  of
pollens,  once  again the evidence comes from the questionable
tapes of Max Frei.
DATING. The assertion that blood and pollen matching prove the
Shroud of Turin dates to at least the eighth century is--based
on the evidence--absurd.  The  shroud  cloth  was  radiocarbon
dated  to  circa 1260-1390 by three separate laboratories. The
date is consistent with a fourteenth-century  bishop's  report
to  Pope Clement VII that an earlier bishop had discovered the
forger and that he had confessed.
CONCLUSION. As in the past, claims that the Turin cloth may be
authentic  are  simply  based on "shroud science"--an approach
that begins with the  desired  answer.  In  contrast,  genuine
science demonstrates emphatically that the shroud image is the
work of a medieval artist and that  the  cloth  never  held  a
body--let alone that of Jesus.
Summary critique prepared  by  Joe  Nickell,  Senior  Research
Fellow  with the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and author of Inquest on the
Shroud of Turin.
To interview Nickell, contact 716-636-1425 X310.

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