4. HOW IT ALL ADDS UPCentral to Christianity is the doctrine of salvation through the atonement of Christ Jesus for our sins. Certainly the Lamb's sacrifice does not relieve any one of us from our own responsibilities. Nor does it take away from Paul's admonition for us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12). What Christ Jesus did was reconcile us to the Father that we might receive forgiveness (a restoration to fellowship with Him and His own) and grace (His unmerited favor). By resisting temptation all the way to Calvary, Christ Jesus was victorious over the Tempter. Through the self-sacrificing life that was in him, our King brought gifts for all who would believe on him. He paved the way for us back to our God. To say that Jesus was just a mortal is far from the Truth. To say that he was not the Son of God is a lie. To say that he did not die for our sins is heretical: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father; [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." It should be obvious to the discerning reader that Mohammed has tried to make Christ Jesus' life of null effect for sinners. True, Mohammed, has been just one of many who have tried to discredit the Savior. However, he is not just one antichrist of many antichrists: Bible prophecy reveals his testimony as testimony of the Antichrist. In the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, it is written: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The beast referred to here is the confederacy of Islamic states which is to take shape during these last days. The man is Mohammed --- the identification coming from Gematria, the ancient Hebrew science which assigns numerical values to words. In Gematria, the value of a word is determined by adding the numerical equivalents of the individual letters that form it. Here, then, are the steps necessary for identifying Mohammed as the "name" and "number" of the beast: The simplest phonetic transcription of the word 'Mohammed' is: (1) M O H A M E D In ancient Hebrew, the closest counterparts of those sounds are: (2) Mem Waw Hey Aleph Mem Yod Dalet The proper character representation for the word Mohammed in John's Vision is: (3) Note: John thought, understood, and "saw" in Hebrew (written from right to left). However, he transcribed his vision into Greek (written from left to right). Hence the reason for the so-called "final Mem" (the representation of Mem when it ends a word) being used in the beginning place here. In Gematria, the numerical equivalents of the above characters are, respectively: (4) 600 6 5 1 40 10 4 (5) The sum of the above numbers is 666, or "Six hundred threescore and six." (Please read Section 8, entitled Answers to Possible Questions, for additional comments concerning this transliteration and its numerical values as well as interpretation.) When you stop to think about it, everything fits. 1) That
"the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,
which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour
the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in
pieces" (Daniel 7:23): The nation of Islam, with all of its
oil-rich countries, will wield more power than any earthly
kingdom heretofore known. 2) That an end-time ruler shall
"think to change times" (Daniel 7:25): The Moslem era dates
form the Hegira, the forced journey of Mohammed from Mecca
to Medina in 622 A.D. 3) That the final end-time ruler shall
not regard "the desire of women" (Daniel 11:37): Mohammedans
view women as being little better than chattel. And, 4) That
men shall have "the name of the beast" (Revelation 13:17):
Today, the word 'Mohammed' is the most popularly used name
in the world. People have incorporated it into their names
more than any other single word. GO TO ... | Table of Contents | Next Section | Copying Guidelines | |