Pharaoh's repentance in the face of death?

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According to Sura 10:90-92, Pharaoh repented "in the sight of death" and was saved. But Sura 4:18 says that such a thing can't happen.

I am actually not sure what it means when Allah said in response to his repentance and confession of faith that "This day shall We save you in your body, ..."

10:100 does say that "no soul can believe, except by the Will of Allah" and verse 103 affirms that "This is it fitting on Our part that We should deliver those who believe!" And in 10:90 Pharaoh clearly confesses "I believe that there is no god except Him whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit." So, according to 100 and 103 this was a work of Allah and he will deliver him. But 4:18 says this is impossible.

But if this cannot be eternal deliverance from the judgment, then "as it seems" maybe it is deliverance from the drowining? I.e. physical deliverance? But this doesn't fit either, because Sura 17:103 makes clear that Pharaoh was indeed drowned and no repentence is indicated in this passage.

A Muslim's Response by Randy Desmond
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 05:13:58 PST

Surah 4:18

"Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil until death faces one of them and he says, "Now have I repented indeed." Nor of those who die rejecting faith; For them We have prepared a punishment most grievous."

This is certainly one of your least coherent responses so far. You only gave the text of Sura 4:18 which I refered to above, but then don't say anything to resolve the contradiction with Sura 10:90-92, where it is clear that the Pharaoh who had seen many signs and miracles at the hand of Moses, stubbornly refused to believe and indeed only recognized himself as god (Sura 28:38). But Sura 10:90-92 makes clear he is saved. It does not say "We will save your body" but Yusuf Ali translates "We shall save thee in thy body." Now, if the Pharaoh were drowned, then he could certainly not have been saved in his body. If he drowned (died) and his soul left his body what was "in his body" that was saved? And how is this even deserving the term "saved" if he drowned?

Last edited: November 10, 1996


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