What is the punishment for adultery?

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The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, -
flog them each with a hundred stripes.
-- Sura 24:2

If any of your women are guilty of lewdness,
take the evidence of four (reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them;
and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them,
or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.

If two (men) among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both.
If they repent and amend, leave them alone;
for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
-- Sura 4:15-16

Yusuf Ali says "men", other translations just say "two". But is the masculine dual form of the word. So this could also mean a man and a woman.

Now, for a female adulteress, is the punishment one hundred stripes or confinement in the house until death?

If they repent they can get off the hook without punishment? Who will not repent with the prospect of a hundred stripes before their eyes?

Apart from the question whether the punishment should be as in 24:2 or 4:15, how come the man and woman are treated equal in 24:2, but seemingly different in 4:15?


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