The Gospel of Thomas

This homepage is maintained by Stevan Davies.

The "Scholars' Translation" of the Gospel of Thomas
by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer

Thomas FAQ

Bibliography of the Gospel of Thomas with 600+ entries
by Sytze van der Laan

The very best books available on the subjects covered on this homepage,
with some discussion of each of them: Click Here.

There is an e-mail discussion list focused on the Gospel of Thomas,
If you would like to join in,
click here and send the message SUBSCRIBE GTHOMAS


For a very well organized set of discussions of the Gospel of Thomas,
its history, contents, gnostic traits and much more, click here.


Gospel of Thomas Links

Thomas Lambdin's Translation of the Gospel of Thomas

Nancy Johnson's Translation of the Gospel of Thomas
A Translation of the Gospel of Thomas into Dutch by E. van Ruysbeek/M.Messing
A Translation of the Gospel of Thomas into Italian by Piero La Mura
A Translation of the Gospel of Thomas into Danish

Gospel of Thomas Hypertext Links to Synoptic Parallels

by Michael Grondin

The Greek texts of Thomas from Oxyrhynchus Papyri 654, 1, 655

The Greek texts of Thomas and Patristic references to Thomas

Beautiful paintings inspired by Gospel of Thomas sayings.
Click on image below:

Ancient Thomas Texts

The Book of Thomas the Contender
The Acts of Thomas
The Apocalypse of Thomas
The Manicheaen Psalms of Thomas

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

Except for the similar names, the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and the "Gospel of Thomas" are not historically connected. The "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and related texts contain stories of Jesus' birth and his childhood.

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Text A
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Text B
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Latin Text
Arabic Infancy Gospel
The Proto-Evangelium of James
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
Pseudo-Matthew's Gospel of the Nativity of Mary and the Infancy of Jesus

For a bibliography of books for sale (at a good discount!) on the subjects of the Gospel of Thomas,
Gnosticism, the Synoptic Gospels, the Historical Jesus, Manicheism, or anything else you can think of, use this form.

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The Gospel of Thomas And Christian Wisdom

by Stevan Davies
Seabury/Harper and Row 1983
the entire book is available online through the links below

The Nature of The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas and Gnosticism
Wisdom in Thomas
Image and Light
Christology and Sophiology
Thomas and the New Testament
Thomas and Baptism
Thomas and Corinthians
Appendix on Thomas' Structure

The Last Page of the Coptic Manuscript
of the Gospel of Thomas
The Title "peuaggelion pkata Thomas" is at the End



"Christology and Protology of the Gospel of Thomas"
republished here with the permission of The Journal of Biblical Literature

Enthymemic Texture in the Gospel of Thomas, by Vernon K. Robbins

Review Essay on Stephen Patterson's *Gospel of Thomas and Jesus*
by Andrew Bernhard

Statistical Correlation Analysis of the Order of the Sayings
in Thomas and in the Synoptics.

Thomas as an Oracles Text:
Or, why is Thomas so hard to figure out?

History of the Discovery of Thomas and Comments on the Text
by Matthew Thomas Farrell

An argument that Thomas is dependent on the canonical scriptures.

Chris Kingís reflections on the Gospel of Thomas

Short essays on Thomas by Elaine Pagels and Helmut Koester

Johannine Sayings in the Gospel of Thomas
by Alexander Mirkovic

On Mark's Use of the Gospel of Thomas: Part One
republished here with the permission of the journal Neotestamentica

On Mark's Use of the Gospel of Thomas: Part Two
republished here with the permission of the journal Neotestamentica

A Recent Discussion of the Gospel of Thomas and Gnosticism

 A review of Richard Valantasis' recent book: THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS

 An Essay on Gnostic Idealism and the Gospel of Truth

The Sacral-Erotic Approach to the Gospel of Thomas



by Herbert Christian Merillat
(Enormous amount of interesting information about the Apostle Thomas from throughout the ancient world)

Meditations on the Gospel of Thomas
by Paul Mobley

What Folks Looked Like Back Then
(click on picture to see many more folks in greater detail)


The Synoptic Sayings Source Q: A Debate

Q // Thomas Parallels
Mark // Thomas Parallels

The Q Sayings
Daniel Wallace's Excellent Conservative-Friendly Arguments for Markan Priority and for Q
Mahlon Smith's Synoptic Gospel Primer
The Synoptic Problem And Various Solutions: Stephen Carlson
William Arnal's Summary of Kloppenborg's Q Stratification
Mark Goodacre's Arguments Against the Existence of Q
The Canonical Status of Q by Mahlon Smith - In support of Q.
The Two Gospel, or Griesbach Hypothesis: Thomas Longstaff's Page
Two Notebook Hypothesis: Brian Wilson's Theory


Apocryphal Gospels and Acts

A Splendid Collection of Texts
The Medieval Gospel of Barnabas
The Gospel of Mary
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of Matthias
Toledoth Jesu: a Sixth Century Biography of Jesus
The Odes of Solomon - Early Christian Hymns With Thomasine Affinities


Gnostic Material

Search for any term in any Nag Hammadi Library text
and/or in virtually any other early Christian non-Canonical text

 First-rate site for information on Gnosticism and for Gnostic texts
Gnostic Texts Collection
The Apocryphon of John: The Most Important Gnostic Text


Manichaean Texts
Hermetic Texts
Plotinusí essay called ìAgainst the Gnosticsî [The Ninth Tractate]
Gnosis Archive

Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri Spells Part One, Part Two, Part Three


 Click on a word below to transfer to other Gnostic websites

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Christian Material

Bible Gateway:
Search for any term in any or all biblical texts

The Federation of Saint Thomas Christians: American Church of the East
Biblical Studies Resource Pages
Christian Classics Library
Early Christian Writings
Coptic Christianity

Historical Jesus Links

There is an e-mail discussion list where people discuss the Historical Jesus,
and Q, and the New Testament, and the Gospel of Thomas
from various scholarly points of view. If you would like to join in,
click here and send the message SUBSCRIBE CROSSTALK

The Historical Jesus Homepage - Andrew Bernhard

 Richard Shand's homepage of data and commentary about the Historical Jesus

Jesus Seminar Principles of Evidence

SUMMARY OF JESUS THE HEALER by Stevan Davies [Continuum Press: New York, 1995]

 The Gospel of Thomas homepage is maintained by

Stevan Davies
Professor of Religious Studies,
College Misericordia,
Dallas, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

 If you have materials you would like to have added to this homepage,
either essays or links, please contact me.
If you have other sorts of comments, ditto.



for an e-mail form or contact me at

Visitors since February 14, 1998


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