The Triunity Report

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Why Extra Evidence to this Generation?

by Dr. Hugh Ross, M.Sc., Ph.D. (from his book "The Creator And The Cosmos")

One question I hear often is, "Why has our generation been singled out to receive such an abundance of evidences for God and His Word?" Why have we been given so much more proof than previous generations?

The answer I see from the Bible is that God measures out evidence in direct proportion to the level of resistance to His truth. Where the resistance is relatively low, less hard evidence for the God of the Bible is necessary to overcome it. But where resistance, namely arrogance, is high, so also is the quantity and quality of evidence He provides to overcome it.

Let's consider our world, especially the Western world. We have the most wealth, the most discretionary time, the most education, and the most technology of any previous generation. And how do we respond to these blessings? The loudest voices say that we humans deserve all the credit. The loudest voices say that we humanity is deity. Given such arrogance, no wonder evidences are being flooded upon us.

Though the opposition seems great, God has equipped us to overcome it. He says, "See, I have placed before you an open door no one can shut." Let's make good use of these evidences to build our own faith and the faith of others while He is holding that door open.

To order this book "The Creator And The Cosmos" go to: Reasons to Believe Catalog


Ross Hugh, Ph. D., "The Creator And The Cosmos" Navpress, 1993 (Revised Edition,1995) Reasons to Believe, p.165.

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