
by Shashel

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it is not that easy
and mostly not that rosy
makes the wives feel squeezy.
it is not that easy
and definitely a sunnah of Rasulullah
but behold the warning from ALLAH.
it is not that easy
mostly to emulate Rasulullah, Alhamdulillah!
again, what about zikrullah and other sunnatullah?
it is not that easy
two, three or four:- be fair and square overall
for the benefit of one and all.
it is not that easy
works for some but as for the rest
a cause of much distress? ... only ALLAH knows best!
it is not that easy
women will surely detest and protest
but please take it as part of THE TEST!
it is not that easy
just stick to the one and only
if you are trying to be "funny" and not that "lonely"?
it is not that easy
"too much, too much!" a non-believer stresses
but it is better than keeping a mistress under your mattress
it is not that easy
till now men find it pleasing and appealing
thus making the women revolting and squealing.
it is not that easy
surely a way to avoid adultery
Subhanallah, - the difference between a Muslim and his enemy!
it is not that easy
for me? Are you crazy?
I rather take up origami! ...
Pengarang Asli : Shashel.
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 09:40:10 +0700 From: "Rahmanto-Amin.Jatmiko" <Rahmanto-Amin.Jatmiko@unilever.com> To: "is-lam@isnet.org" <is-lam@isnet.org>

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