Acara Perkuliahan Statistika


Dosen Pengasuh

Jam Kantor

  • Senin s/d Sabtu (kecuali hari libur): pukul 08.00-16.00 wib, istirahat pukul 12.00-13.00 wib

Alamat Kantor

  • Laboratorium Hidraulika
    Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik
    Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Jln. Grafika 2, Yogyakarta 55281, INDONESIA
    Tel: +62 (274)-545675, 519788, Fax: +62 (274)-545676, 519788

Materi Online

  • Password diperlukan untuk akses direktori khusus (Materi Pendamping, Tugas, Arsip Ujian, Acuan Offline) dan diberikan pada saat perkuliahan di kelas.
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  • Setiap materi yang disampaikan di kelas berupa overhead, presentasi dengan MS PowerPoint, Excel, Word, handout, maupun source program diubah menjadi bentuk yang biasa dijumpai di internet yaitu html (dan variannya), pdf (portable digital format), txt (text only format).
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  • Setiap file dengan format pdf dalam situs ini hanya dapat dibaca dengan Adobe Acrobat Reader versi 5 atau yang lebih tinggi. Silakan download Adobe Acrobat Reader terbaru secara cuma-cuma dengan mengunjungi situs ini.

Pelaksanaan Kuliah

  • Kuliah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadual yang dikeluarkan oleh Bagian Pengajaran Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Kuliah dilaksanakan dengan pola:
    • Bagian I: 7x tatap muka, 1x Ujian Tengah Semester
    • Bagian II: 7x tatap muka 1x Ujian Akhir Semester

Penilaian Kuliah

  • Tugas:
  • Ujian:
    • Tengah Semester (UTS) - 40%, bahan ujian adalah bahan kuliah yang diberikan pada Bagian I di atas.
    • Akhir Semester (UAS) - 40%, bahan ujian adalah bahan kuliah yang diberikan pada Bagian II di atas.

Maksud dan Tujuan

  • Mengenalkan mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan dengan dasar-dasar statistika dan probabilitas.
  • Memberikan kepada mahasiswa kemampuan dasar untuk menggunakan statistika dan probabilitas dalam bidang ketekniksipilan.


Topik Tiap Pertemuan
Buku Acuan: Kottegoda, Rosso
Buku Acuan: Montgomery, Runger, Hubele

1. Besaran-dalam statistik

  1. Central tendency
  2. Variability
  3. Measure of individual in a population


1. The Role of Statistics in Engineering 1

  1. The Engineering Method and Statistical Thinking
  2. Collecting Engineering Data
  3. Mechanistic and Empirical Models
  4. Observing Processes Over Time

2. Pengertian dasar

  1. Pengertian data, sampel, dan populasi
  2. Presentasi data dalam bentuk tabel atau grafik

1. Preliminary Data Analysis

  1. Graphical Representation
  2. Numerical Summaries of Data
  3. Exploratory Methods
  4. Data Observed in Pairs
  5. Summary for Chapter 1

2. Data Summary and Presentation

  1. Data Summary and Display
  2. Stem-and-Leaf Diagram
  3. Histograms
  4. Box Plot
  5. Time Series Plots
  6. Multivariate Data

3. Konsep-konsep dasar

  1. Konsep dasar probabilitas (peluang)
  2. Interpretasi probabilitas
  3. Pengertian dan fungsi kala ulang

2. Basic Probability Concepts

  1. Random Events
  2. Measures of Probability
  3. Summary for Chapter 2

3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions (1/3)

4. Pengertian dasar tentang

  1. Probabilitas bersyarat
  2. Probabilitas total
  3. Teorema Bayes

3. Random Variables and Their Properties

  1. Random Variables and Probability Distributions

  2. Descriptors of Random Variables

  3. Multiple Random Variables

  4. Associated Random Variables and Probabilities

  5. Copulas

  6. Summary for Chapter 3

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

5. Distribusi probabilitas

  1. Pengertian tentang variabel acak, pdf, cdf
  2. Pengertian tentang distribusi probabilitas

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

6. Distribusi diskrit

  1. Distribusi binomial
  2. Distribusi Poisson
  3. Distribusi geometric
  4. Distribusi multinomial
  5. Pengertian distribusi

4. Probability Distributions

4.1 Discrete Distributions

  1. Bernoulli distribution
  2. Binomial distribution
  3. Poisson distribution
  4. Geometric and negative binomial distributions
  5. Log-series distribution
  6. Multinomial distribution
  7. Hypergeometric distribution
  8. Summary of Section 4.1

3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions (2/3)

7. Distribusi kontinu

  1. Distribusi uniform
  2. Distribusi exponensial
  3. Distribusi gamma dan beta
  4. Distribusi Weibull
  5. Distribusi normal
  6. Distribusi lognormal

4.2. Continuous Distributions

  1. Uniform distribution
  2. Exponential distribution
  3. Erlang and gamma distribution
  4. Beta distribution
  5. Weibull distribution
  6. Normal distribution
  7. Lognormal distribution
  8. Summary of Section 4.2

4.3 Multivariate Distributions

  1. Bivariate normal distribution
  2. Other bivariate distributions

4.4 Summary for Chapter 4

3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions (3/3)

Ujian Tengah Semester

  • Bobot: 40%
  • Dosen penguji: Ir. Istiarto, M.Sc., Ph.D.

8. Estimasi dan pengujian

  1. Pengertian estimasi dan pengujian
  2. Fungsi estimasi dan pengujian
  3. Contoh aplikasi

5. Model Estimation and Testing (1/3)

4. Decision Making for a Single Sample

  • 4-1 Statistical Inference
  • 4-2 Point Estimation
  • 4-3 Hypothesis Testing
  • 4-4 Inference on the Mean of a Population, Variance Known

9. Rentang keyakinan

  1. Pengertian rentang keyakinan
  2. Fungsi rentang keyakinan
  3. Contoh aplikasi

5. Model Estimation and Testing (2/3)

  • 4-5 Inference on the Mean of a Population, Variance Unknown
  • 4-6 Inference on the Variance of a Normal Population
  • 4-7 Inference on a Population Proportion
  • 4-8 Other Interval Estimates for a Single Sample
  • 4-9 Summary Tables of Inference Procedures for a Single Sample
  • 4-10 Testing for Goodness of Fit

10. Uji hipotesis

  1. Pengertian uji hipotesis
  2. Fungsi uji hipotesis
  3. Contoh aplikasi

5. Model Estimation and Testing (3/3)

5. Decision Making for Two Samples

  • 5-1 Introduction
  • 5-2 Inference on the Means of Two Populations, Variances Known
  • 5-3 Inference on the Means of Two Populations, Variances Unknown
    • 5-3.1 Hypothesis Testing on the Difference in Means
    • 5-3.2 Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size
    • 5-3.3 Confidence Interval on the Difference in Means
  • 5-4 The Paired t-Test
  • 5-5 Inference on the Ratio of Variances of Two Normal Populations
    • 5-5.1 Hypothesis Testing on the Ratio of Two Variances
    • 5-5.2 Confidence Interval on the Ratio of Two Variances
  • 5-6 Inference on Two Population Proportions
    • 5-6.1 Hypothesis Testing on the Equality of Two Binomial Proportions
    • 5-6.2 Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size
    • 5-6.3 Confidence Interval on the Difference in Binomial Proportions
  • 5-7 Summary Tables for Inference Procedures for Two Samples
  • 5-8 What if We Have More than Two Samples?

11. Regresi Linier (1/2)

  1. Pengertian regresi linier
  2. Fungsi regresi linier

6. Methods of Regression and Multivariate Analysis

  1. Simple Linear Regression
  2. Multiple Linear Regression
  3. Multivariate Analysis
  4. Spatial Correlation
  5. Summary of Chapter 6

6. Building Empirical Models

  • 6-1 Introduction to Empirical Models
  • 6-2 Simple Linear Regression
    • 6-2.1 Least Squares Estimation
    • 6-2.2 Testing Hypotheses in Simple Linear Regression
    • 6-2.3 Confidence Intervals in Simple Linear Regression
    • 6-2.4 Prediction of a Future Observation
    • 6-2.5 Checking Model Adequacy
    • 6-2.6 Correlation and Regression
  • 6-3 Multiple Regression
    • 6-3.1 Estimation of Parameters in Multiple Regression
    • 6-3.2 Inferences in Multiple Regression
    • 6-3.3 Checking Model Adequacy
  • 6-4 Other Aspects of Regression
    • 6-4.1 Polynomial Models
    • 6-4.2 Categorical Regressors
  • 6-4.3 Variable Selection Techniques

12. Regresi Linier (2/2)

  1. Contoh aplikasi

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

13. Analisis frekuensi peristiwa ekstrim (1/2)

  1. Pengertian analisis frekuensi nilai-nilai extrim
  2. Fungsi analisis frekuensi nilai-nilai extrim

7. Frequency Analysis of Extreme Events

  1. Order Statistics
  2. Extreme Value Distributions
  3. Analysis of Natural Hazards
  4. Summary of Chapter 7

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

14. Analisis frekuensi peristiwa ekstrim (2/2)

  1. Contoh aplikasi

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

topik pada kolom pertama sudah dibahas pada bab-bab lain

Ujian Akhir Semester

Topik Lanjutan (untuk matakuliah lanjutan)


8. Simulation Techniques for Design

  1. Monte Carlo Simulation
  2. Generation of Random Numbers
  3. Use of Simulation
  4. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
  5. Summary and Discussion of Chapter 8

7. Design of Engineering Experiments

  • 7-1 The Strategy of Experimentation
  • 7-2 Factorial Experiments
  • 7-3 2k Factorial Design
    • 7-3.1 22 Design
    • 7-3.2 Statistical Analysis
    • 7-3.3 Residual Analysis and Model Checking
    • 7-3.4 2k Design for k 3 Factors
    • 7-3.5 Single Replicate of a 2k Design
  • 7-4 Center Points and Blocking in 2k Designs
    • 7-4.1 Addition of Center Points
    • 7-4.2 Blocking and Confounding
  • 7-5 Fractional Replication of a 2k Design
    • 7-5.1 One-Half Fraction of a 2k Design
    • 7-5.2 Smaller Fractions: 2k 'p Fractional Factorial Designs
  • 7-6 Response Surface Methods and Designs
    • 7-6.1 Method of Steepest Ascent
    • 7-6.2 Analysis of a Second-Order Response Surface
  • 7-7 Factorial Experiments Wit

9. Risk and Reliability Analysis

  1. Measures of Reliability
  2. Multiple Failure Modes
  3. Uncertainty in Reliability Assessments
  4. Temporal Reliability
  5. Reliability-Based Design
  6. Summary for Chapter 9

8. Statistical Process Control

  • 8-1 Quality Improvement and Statistical Process Control
  • 8-2 Introduction to Control Charts
    • 8-2.1 Basic Principles
    • 8-2.2 Design of a Control Chart
    • 8-2.3 Rational Subgroups
    • 8-2.4 Analysis of Patterns on Control Charts
  • 8-3 and R Control Charts
  • 8-4 Control Charts For Individual Measurements
  • 8-5 Process Capability
  • 8-6 Attribute Control Charts
    • 8-6.1 P Chart (Control Chart for Proportions) and nP Chart
    • 8-6.2 U Chart (Control Chart for Average Number of Defects per Unit) and C Chart
  • 8-7 Control Chart Performance
  • 8-8 Measurement Systems Capability

10. Bayesian Decision Methods and Parameter Uncertainty

  1. Basic Decision Theory
  2. Posterior Bayesian Decision Analysis
  3. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
  4. James-Stein Estimators
  5. Summary and Discussion of Chapter 10

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Ir. Djoko Luknanto, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Peneliti Sumberdaya Air
di Laboratorium Hidraulika
Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jln. Grafika 2, Yogyakarta 55281, INDONESIA
Tel: +62 (274)-545675, 519788, Fax: +62 (274)-545676, 519788