Imaging and Photographic Technology
Students/Graduates Communications Link

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Howdy! Here is a listing of impromptu messages sent by current students as well as graduates of the program to keep each other informed of updates, developments, plans, concerns, and anything else that comes to mind. If you are a student or a graduate and you have any comments to share or updates or a brief note for the department faculty just click on ADD YOUR MESSAGE to obtain the form to do so.

Hi y'all! Where has this last summer gone? It is August 19 and the start of classes is almost upon us! News ... well, I did a little project for NASA Glenn Research Center involving toning of Tech Pan film in gold protective solution. I also photographed some green parrots illuminated by UV and I photographed the fluorescence. I also made some photographs of them by reflected UV and also made some regular color photographs so now I have a pretty nice set. well, take care and leave us (faculty, visitors and me!) a note. andy
Andy Davidhazy <>
Rochester, NY 14623 - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:04:40 (EDT)