The subjects for these photographs stood on a turntable. While they were turning the linear array recorded the changing features of their heads. These were ultimately displayed as flat reproductions of the whole 360 degree circumference of their heads.
Since human heads are not perfect cylinders and they can not stand perfectly still as they rotate, interesting distortions of the features of the face are introduced into the portraits. I hope you agree!
This traveling exhibition is available to anyone for exhibition with the only responsibility being to take reasonable care (no liability for damage or loss) of the prints and to pay for the shipping costs associated with sending the images to the next venue. The exhibition consists of approximately 40 images printed on 5x7 or 5x14 inch 150lb drawing paper stock. They all fit in a regular 11x14 inch manila envelope. They may be exhibited under glass or as they are. This is meant to be a low-maintenance image sharing and mind expanding exhibition ... not a headache! Hosts are entrusted to exhibit them in the most convenient and expedient manner and to forward them on time to the next venue.
At this time the idea is for every interested host to complete the exhibition and forwarding of the image set in a period of one month although it is suggested that the prints not be exhibited longer than a week or two. Any venue is fair game - from the local coffeee shop, cafe, bar or even just someone's home or possibly an educational venue such as university art galleries or simply the cork-board in a teacher's classroom. To get on the list of exhibitors please contact Prof. Andrew Davidhazy by email at and he will discuss available dates with you.
To see the listing of past exhibitions and schedule for the future click on SCHEDULE.