School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
for the period of December 1, 2000 through November 30, 2001.
Highest Degree & date: M.F.A., 1968
Date of first appointment to RIT : 07-01-66
Date present rank achieved: 1986
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REVIEW of 2000-2001 PLAN of WORK and
Proposed PLAN of WORK for 2001-2002 and coming year(s).
Foreword: I have decided to change the format of my annual reports to conform more closely to the form that is provided to us from the College. I presume that not only for me but for many of my colleagues the process of responding to this administrative request of filling out an annual report in which we try to show improvement from one year to the next is something that disrupts our end-of-the-year vacation time and causes a significant amount of personal anxiety and grey hairs to appear on those of still lucky enough to have some hair left.
In my own case, with over thirty five years of filling out these annual reports I would have thought that there would be no way to again demonstrate that my contributions to my students, department, school, college and institute have been any more significant today than they have been over the past 20 years at least. If anything I am getting tired and it would be nice if an approach of "if it ain't broke don't mess with it" could be instituted for faculty as their lives are expended on behalf of the students and institution here.
So, what are the headers for the pages provided us? Well, the first request is to attach last year's Plan of Work to this evaluation. Unfortunately I have a little trouble with this as last year my plan of work was intermingled with commentary about evaluation of achievements vis-a-vis the previous year's plan of work. In any case, last year's annual report, including the plan of work, can be retrieved here: 1999-2000 Plan of Work
Now, let's go on to the forms:
1. Teaching/Advising
a. List courses taught (including credit hours, enrollment and any TA support)
OK ... here goes:
ACCOUNTING OF TEACHING ACTIVITIES Winter 1999-00 (992) course credit enrollment course title number hours 1. SPECIAL EFFECTS PHOTOGRAPHY 2076 408 01 4 12 2. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXTENSIONS (graduate) 4 3 3. PHOTOINSTRUMENTATION SEMINAR 2076 411 01 4 9 4. PHOTO TECH COOP 2076 499 01 0 3 Spring 1999-00 (993) course credit enrollment course title number hours 1. SURVEY OF NON-CONVENTIONAL IMAGING 2076 503 01 3 18 2. PHOTO TECH COOP 2076 499 01 0 3 Fall 2000-01 (001) course credit enrollment course title number hours 1. HIGH SPEED/TIME LAPSE PHOTOGRAPHY 2076 511 01 3 20 2. ST: APPL. SCI. & TECH. PHOTOGRAPHY 2076 251 01 0 14 3. PHOTO TECH COOP 2076 499 01 0 2
1) I have never used a TA or GA in any of my classes except when I help out with the Materials and Processes of Photography course on an occasional basis.
2) Over the Summer I also look after the Coop program for the program which about 25 Imaging and Photographic Technology students enrolled in last Summer I help students register once they have left campus, follow up with the employer evaluations, and turn in grade reports.
I have not kept a detailed listing and accounting of all the advising meetings I have had with students over the past year. If this is required I believe I have failed in maintaining a log of all my meetings with students.
I think I provide individual and group advising to all students in the IPT program on an ongoing and regular basis. I do this through a variety of means. One of the most obvious is the extensive use I make of my departmental students distribution list. I think that the IPT department has been a leader in establishing, maintaining connections to its students and disseminating information through the use of email.
b. Given your 2000-2001 plan of work, provide a thoughtful review of what you have achieved relative to what you planned to do in the area of teaching/advising. Be sure to include an analysis of student evaluations indicating areas of strength and weaknesses as well as actions taken to address concerns. Original documentation should not be submitted, but it should be available upon request. (Depending on what your plan of work called for, examples of such documentation could include one or more of the following: student performance data, student evaluations, curricula/syllabi for new or revised courses, advising logs/evaluations)
Last year I stated: "For next year I will persevere in terms of trying to present more organized and even more effective lectures, laboratories and demonstrations."
Well, in general my student evaluations seem to continue to indicate I am not the most organized instructor the students have met. I again tried to improve this past year but the evaluations I received once again pointed this out. On this topic I have an observation to make. For the first time I gave two evaluations for a particular course. Once before the grades were turned in and before the final exam was administered and another after the grades were turned in and the next quarter had started.
I learned from this project that the response rate for the "before" evaluation was almost 100% and I received quite glowing remarks in terms of my knowledge of the subject matter, my enthusiasm and helpful attitude (a few remarks about being unorganized slipped in!). The next evaluation was placed in the students mailfolders asking for feedback. This time the response was quite sparse... only 6 out of the 21 students in the class replied.The statements this time were quite "bi-polar" with about an even 50/50 split between those who thought my grading system was fair and those who questioned it roughly on the basis that they should have done better on the final exam if I was a good teacher. Meaning that if I was a better teacher they would have received a better grade. It was apparently my fault they did not do as well as they projected. There seemed to be no effect on whether they thought I knew the material myself or not. That was not questioned.
In summary I have taken steps to improve but in the final analysis, when it came time for the students to perform on a test and earn the course grade, not much has changed over time or with my improved organization or lack thereof.
On a Teaching/Advising topic that does not seem to fit with what the heading state but which is still related to the topic I would like to mention that last year I stated that "... I still have no plans to establish closer ties with other art or technology programs within CIAS. The reason is simple. It would dilute the effort required to maintain a cohesive and unified vision for the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences and it would destabilize the position of the Imaging and Photographic Technology program as well as other "technically" oriented activities within the School. My forecast continues to be that the technical photography programs such as Biomed and IPT will continue to be a small part of the overall SPAS operations but a very significant contributor to the image the school projects to the imaging world in general. I want to make sure we maintain some sense of technical expertise in the School. The one relationship that matters most to me is the relationships that exist within the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences and I plan on fostering those as much as possible."
Well this was the case all last year. I think I did just what my Plan of Work last year stated.
Continuing, last year I planned as follows: As in the past few years, for next year I plan on maintaining my current level and procedures related to student communications and advising and if successful in updating some high speed instrumentation during this coming year then I will have a "new" task and that will be incorporating it into a series of well-established laboratory experiences plus devise means for making high speed instrumentation more widely accessible to the immediate photo-education community as well as in research and industrial optimization activities throughout the Institute and the local corporate communities."
As I look over that statement I would say that, in summary, my advising and interdepartmental communications methods have remained at pretty much the same level as in past years. As for course development and such, I was unable to secure funding for state-of-the-art equipment high speed equipment last year. In fact, one student remarked in his or her evaluation that we should have done more with digital imaging in the high speed class. Well, I don't have any digital high speed equipment so the approach I take is that the _fundamentals_ of high speed imaging have not changed in may years. It is not _necessary_ to use digital methods as long as one understands the operating principles. Digital is generally only "details" ... the BIG picture does not change usually and in high speed and time lapse recording this is still the case.
For next year:
* I will once again try to improve my classroom presentations so that they do not cause students to think I am disorganized in the least.
* I will try to remember to conduct pre and post final grade student evaluations again next year.
* Next year I plan to continue to promote the maintenance of cohesive and unified vision for the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. My forecast continues to be that the technical photography programs such as Biomed and IPT will continue to be a small part of the overall SPAS operations but a very significant contributor to the image the school projects to the imaging world in general. I want to make sure we maintain some sense of technical expertise in the School. The one relationship that matters most to me is the relationships that exist within the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences and I plan on fostering those as much as possible.
* As far as advising is concerned I am not really convinced that a daily log of contacts with students is a useful thing to do. My approach is to try to make sure that students feel I am approachable and interested in their education. I will continue to advise and assist students and colleagues whenever and however possible.
* I will see if I can acquire digital high speed equipment but I don't have my heart set on it. Instead I am making plans to use consumer level digital cameras that we have available at the 3rd floor cage and use them as much as possible wherever a simple digital camera will suffice for image capture.
2. Scholarship/Creative Activity
Given your 2000-2001 plan of work, provide a thoughtful review of what you have achieved relative to what you planned to do in the area of scholarship/creative activity. Original documentation should not be submitted, but it should be available upon request. (Examples of such documentation could include summaries of one or more of the following: published articles, editor's response to unpublished material, exhibition reviews, reviewer's response to submitted grant proposals, consulting outcomes.)
Well, last year my plan was simply to try to keep up the level of involvement in professional activities and related matters to the level I had established the year before. It was tough but I think I succeeded. This may be the last time I can do this.
Professional Presentations and Publications:
I was featured in an article about Mentor Educators in the January 2001 issue (vol.5, number 1) of American Photo OnCampus, a magazine aimed at students and faculty of schools of photography nationwide. The article illustrated with examples of high speed and scientific photography, appeared on pages 12 and 13 under the heading of "The Science of Teaching". It was written by Mason Resnick.
I was awarded the Fellowship of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology for outstanding achievement in imaging science or engineering. The award itself was made at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, held in Montreal, Canada from April 23-26, 2001.
I was an invited speaker at the inaugural meeting of the Washington Chapter of the Society of Imaging Science and Technology held at the University of Delaware on December 2, 2000. My topic was "Scanning Photography - an instantaneous view of time with applications in science, technology and art".
One of my conical panoramic photograph of the George Eastman House was selected as the cover illustration for the 123rd American Association of Physics Teachers convention program. The conference was held July 21-25, 2001 in the Rochester Convention Center. I also "manned the booth of the International Society for Optical Engineering for three full days and in addition set-up an exhibition of high speed photographs on the convention floor. This exhibition also served as a venue for disseminating information about the Imaging and Photographic Technology program to the more than 500 physics teachers in attendance.
An article of mine was published in the Fall 2001 issue of Panorama magazine, the journal of Panoramic Imaging of the International Panoramic Photographers Association. "Improvised Scanning Digital Panoramic Camera" appears on pages 4-6, of Volume 18, Number 3 of the publication.
I delivered a paper on "Low cost linear-array CCD camera for the science classroom" and conducted rollout portrait photography demonstrations on the exhibits floor at 123rd American Association of Physics Teachers convention, 21-25, 2001 at the Rochester Convention Center.
I contributed to OPTO - Northeast, a regional optics and photonics conference organized by SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, on April 10-11, 2001. I presented two papers. One "Imaging Technology - an applications based imaging program" and "Low-cost linear-array CCD camera for use in the science classroom". In addition, I set-up an exhibition of high speed photographs on the convention floor which allowed me to also disseminate information about the Imaging and Photographic Technology program to its visitors.
I participated in the ICCC Conference that was held in Rochester in the Spring of 2001 with an exhibition of high speed photographs. This exhibition also gave me the opportunity to distribute information to the attendees about the Imaging and Photographic Technology program. I made specially aimed brochures about the program for the visitor to the exhibit.
I presented a lecture at 2001 Science Educators Conference held in Rochester on Sept. 20-21, 2001. Lecture given on Sept. 20 was on using an improvised digital camera as a teaching tool in the science classroom.
I gave a lecture and demonstration at GEH as part of their Tips and Techniques speaker series on March 1, 2000 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. The topic was "High Speed Photography" The organizer was Julia Unruh at GEH 271-3361 x 226
I gave a second guest lecture at the George Eastman House on April 5, 2001 concentrating on the fine points of "Strip, Streak and Scanning Photography" and was part of "Tips and Techniques", an ongoing series of photographic presentations made possible by a gift from Thomas N. Tischer.
Finally, for the year, I was again an invited speaker for the "TIPS and TECHNIQUES" lecture series presented by the George Eastman House. My topic for the November 11, 2001 program was "Photographic Illusions".
I wrote a 25 page illustrated article devoted to High Speed Photography for a Wiley Press publication devoted to Imaging Science and Technology. The editor of the book is a colleague from the Center for Imaging Science at RIT whose name I do not recall at this moment.
I was quoted in the July 11, 2001 issue of Newsday published by Tribune Publishing Company, Melville, NY in an article entitled Altering Reality in reference to alterations in photographs and possibility of fakery, manipulation, etc. and the ramifications of such procedures, etc.
I was quoted in the Sunday,April 1, 2002 issue of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle newspaper in the LIving Section in an article about the Lomo camera and how it has achieved ³cult² status around the world.
Exhibitions of personal work and other related activities:
I was represented in an international group exhibition of photographs by members of Fotored that was held at the Auditorio Municipal Maestro Padilla in Almeria, Spain from July 9 through August 3, 2001.
I produced and promoted a new traveling exhibition of my photographs. "Little Faces", consisting of 40 ink-jet prints was inaugurated at the Angels Among Us art gallery in Lancaster, California, on July 14. The exhibit ran there from the 16th through 29th of July, 2001. It was later exhibited in Mexico at the ITSON university in Guaymas and subsequently at the University of Obregon. Both these exhibits were over the period of Sept. 6 through 25, 2001. After Mexico the exhibition was shown to students in a photography course at the University of Chicago Laboratory School during the month of October, 2001. A parallel exhibition of a second set of prints was shown informally in Lima, Peru over the months of October/November 2001 to several groups of photographers and will be returning there for an exhibition in June/July, 2002.
I participated in the Annual SPAS Faculty exhibition in December 2000..
One of my stroboscopic photographs was used (free of charge) as the main illustration for an article on short exposure laser photography published on page V2/11 #144of the German newspaper Suedeutsche Zeitung published in Munich on Wednesday, June 26, 2001. Credit line included my association with the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at RIT.
Two of my stroboscopic photographs were used as illustrations in the May 23, 2001 issue, pp 94-95, of Veja Magazine published in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in association with an article on animation techniques used for video games.
Donated a print and a photographic portrait opportunity to the 2001 Rochester Annual WXXI Fine Art Auction .
I also donated a print to the Palm Beach Photographic Workshops, "Picture my World" program to help at-risk children.
I also donated free-of-charge reproduction rights to several of my photographs to charitable organizations such as the San Jose University Health Clinic and others.
Professional activities and consulting:
I participated in on-location discussions leading to improvement of high speed photographic services at NASA Glenn Research Center located in Cleveland, OH during the summer of 2001. Essentially this involved advice on the procurement of an ultra high speed imaging system that the Center was going to invest $250,000 in.
I was the judge for the monthly meeting of the Syracuse on September 19, 2001. Left Rochester at 3 pm and arrived back at 12 midnight.
For next year:
* Plan for next year is to keep as high a profile in the area of professional activities, scholarship and creativity as I can. I already have been invited to be a guest speaker to the University of Houston's Graduate School of Engineering as well as several smaller events at local professional groups such as the Buffalo Industrial Photographers and the Rochester camera Club but I have a feeling that last year was sort of a "high" in terms of this kind of contribution.
* Micahel Peres and I have a project underway to exhibit superior images made not so much initially for aesthetic purposes but for scientific ones yet which later are perceived as having artistic merit. IMAGES from SCIENCE is this project and is slated for exhibition in the Fall of 2002. I will devote effort to making this exhibit happen. Hopefully it does.
* I also plan to devote a bit more effort to the area of creative, or what some call "artistic", photography and exhibit of my work on a global basis. A long range plan is to have my work selected by curators at major photographic museums internationally for inclusion in their permanent collections. I have given up on the GEH.
3. Service
Given your 2000-2001 plan of work, provide a thoughtful review of what you have achieved relative to what you planned to do in the area of service. Original documentation should not be submitted, but it should be available upon request.(Examples of such documentation could include summaries of one or more of the following: committee chair statements, recruitment calls made, high schools visited, alumni contacts, development efforts, portfolio days.)
Well, my plans in this area last year simply were to continue to stay involved in high school presentations, development efforts, and so on. What follows is a partial list of last year's activities that are related to this topic:
High Schools visited and related recruiting activities:
On December 15, 2000 I represented the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences when I made a 2 hour (soft recruiting) presentation to 32 students in the Gifted and Talented program at Bloomfield High School. The teacher in charge was Debra Meek - 716-657-7190
At the invitation of Gerrie Baker and Julie Bishop I participated for a full-day Career Day 2001 event at the Spencerport High School held on or about March 15, 2001. Another SPAS faculty who participated with a presentations of her own was Christye Sisson.
I gave a guest lecture at the Association of Texas Photography Instructors annual conference that was held in Austin, TX on February 23-25, 2001. The presentation, Special Special Effects Photography, was attended by students and teachers enrolled in photography programs at various photo education programs throughout the state of Texas. I also "manned" a booth representing (and promoting) the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences on the conference floor.
I made two guest presentations on the topic of "Careers in High Speed and Scientific Photography" at the 30th Annual Science Exploration Days conference sponsored by the NY State Science Teachers Association on May 16-17, 2001, at St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY.
On Thursday November 8, 2001 I traveled to Liverpool High School located in Syracuse, NY and gave lectures/demos to combined classes of physics and fine art photography students at the invitation of Ms. Diane Wehnau, the photo teacher there. Her phone number is 315-696-5991
On May 22 and 23 I hosted about 50 students (over the two days, 3 hours each day) from Webster High School and gave them tours and demonstrations about high speed and special effects photography. The teacher who arranged this was Patty LaVea (
On Thursday November 15, 2001 I was at the BOCES in Fairport, NY and presented a lecture/demonstration to photo/graphics classes of Sulyn Bennett.
One of my photographs was used (contributed without charge) on
the cover of the Oneida High School Yearbook for 2001 as per
following note:
From: Roxanne Nash <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 22:47:20 +0000
Mr. Davidhazy, Hello, my name is Roxanne Nash and I go to Oneida
High School
where Mr. Kohlbrenner teaches. You let us use a picture that you
took for the
cover of our yearbook. The plant lost your post card so we don't
have any
information on you personally. What would you like on your full
page. Your
name (obviously), address, what you teach, a message, anything
you want. Do
you want a picture? The photo can be attached and printed right
at my school.
Just let me know. Thank you. Roxanne Nash - co editor-in-chief
I gave a presentation to first year MFA graduate students on February 28, 2001 at the invitation of Angela Kelly.
Along with Prof. Michael Peres I met with the combined sections of Photo II during the Spring quarter 2001 and presented an overview of the educational and career opportunities in the Imaging and Photographic Technology program.
Participated in recruiting days at Monroe Community College along with Prof. Michael Peres on February 7, 2001.
During the Summer of 2001 I gave a 2 hour guest presentation to Owen Butler's class on the morning of July 8, 2001 on the general topic of Photographic Special Effects.
I was a guest presenter in Marla Schweppe's freshman animation class on Wednesday, September 26th, 2001 and demonstrated capturing sequential images of motion. The class met from 1:00 to 3:50 in Neblette.
I was a guest lecturer at the invitation of Willie Osterman sometime in early November 2001 to 1st year MFA graduate students.
I brought Nikon Small World exhibition back to the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences for the 10th year. This collection of photographs is generously sent to us by the Nikon Corporation and is available to us for a whole year and displayed on the walls of the Dr. Ron Francis Photographic Chemistry lab.
I donated $150 of my own money to help fund a SPAS Faculty/Students portfolio showing organized by Roxy Ericson at the Red Social Club in downtown Rochester on April 26, 2001.
I organized and participated in a field trip that took six Imaging and Photographic Technology students to visit NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH on May 12-13, 2001. Two of these students ultimately became full time employees at the facility.
With the help of several Imaging and Photographic Technology students I was instrumental in organizing and bringing to fruition the SPIE Student Chapter at RIT during the Spring Quarter 2001. The Chapter was approved by the Board of Governors of SPIE meeting in San Diego in April 2001.
I helped organize and contributed to the SPAS Photography Explorers Post of the Otetiana Council of the Boy Scouts of America in the Fall quarter if 2001.
I helped organize, schedule and contributed to a faculty recruitment initiative that has been very well received by our own photo faculty as well as visiting teachers and professors of photography from other schools, namely the Basic Photo/Imaging Workshop for Educators. It would not be possible without the generous contribution from colleagues here at the School but then, again, it might not happen at all if some of them did not talk me into trying it once more for the last 8 years or so.
Development efforts: Development efforts were completely unsuccessful in terms of being able to acquire major gifts from corporations. However, an Imaging and Photographic Technology graduate, Michael Klayman, donated a high-end light box and two superior film loupes distributed by Schneider Corporation. The total value of this gift was about $2,000. The loupes were given to the 3rd floor Cage and the light box is in the process of being installed in Tech Alley for general use.
I also was instrumental in facilitating the acquisition of about $15,000 in Hasselblad photographic equipment from John Signaigio, a professional photographer from New Jersey. This equipment was installed in the 3rd. floor equipment cage and has become accessible to the whole School. In similar fashion I also accepted obsolete but still educationally applicable 35mm cameras from Drs. Les Stroebel and Richard Zakia. This latter equipment was distributed to Imaging and Photographic technology students.
I received a significant amount of expired motion picture film from NASA Glenn Research Center. We used some of this film in the High Speed/Time Lapse photography course this fall. We found that much of the film was prone to static marks and other than for rudimentary use it had little real value.
I acquired donations of older, but not useless, Pentium class computers by sending out a request for donations to the whole RIT community. I received four machines and installed them in Tech Alley for the benefit of all students who hang out in that area although these tend to mostly be Tech students. While a modest facility students are constantly using them.
Committees: I am on the SPAS Chairs Committee, Bill DuBois is co-chair but in fact he is the chair that provides leadership and organization to this group. I am on the Institute Commission for Promoting Pluralism, Alfreda Brooks is the chair and this coming year is my last year of eligible participation on this committee. I am also on the Institute Academic Grievance Committee but do not recall who the chair of this committee is. We had no meetings last year. I have no statements from any of these committee chairs.
Alumni Contacts: I maintain regular contact with all graduates of the Imaging and Photographic Technology program. I have compiled a list of all their email addresses and have been keeping in touch with updates and news of job opportunities and so on over the years. I maintain a news page on the for them as well as current students. Check it out at:
For next year:
* For next year I plan on continuing to participate in high school visits, Science Exploration Days, presentations at teacher seminars and high school photo conferences, etc.
4. Other
If your 2000-2001 plan of work, called for any special activity outside of the above three categories, please provide an appropriate review of the evidence that such plans have been achieved.
Well, I am not sure if this falls under "other" or what ... these items are simply additional activities accomplished or in which I was significantly involved. Most of these activities contribute, I hope, to overall school recruitment and to keeping the image of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences as a center for top-notch photographic education in the minds of the local and the larger photo/imaging community .
I participated in the PhotoExpo convention at the Javits Center in NYC and in addition to my usual routine of making visitors to our booth "happy" by making peripheral portraits I also provided, to this recruiting and PR effort, full color postcards bearing the likeness of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences and instructions on how to get to our website. I designed, produced and had printed 2000 of these cards (from funds generated by reproduction fees for my personal photographs). The left overs from the show were turned in to the Lynn Waltz in the Photographic Arts office for use as she saw fit.
I designed, produced and had printed (from funds generated by reproduction fees for my personal photographs) four thousand (2000 of each of two themes) full color postcards featuring the Imaging and Photographic Technology program (with directions to its website) in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. I have been mailing these to anyone who inquires about the Tech program by any means and also to an extensive list of photo and physics teachers nationwide.
I am regular contributor to the Ilford Teacher's Lounge on the web and have offered advice and assitance to the photography teachers that frequent that website. Find it here: In addition I am active on the NetNews in the area and several of my articles have been used by other's websites as well as printed pieces produced by small camera clubs due to their useful and informative content.
I am the listowner of PhotoForum, serving a global photographic community of about 700 members, with a center for discussion and education about photography and imaging as well as a gallery of members work updated every weekend, a general bulletin board as well as a positions wanted/available board and several other web-based services.
I am also the listowner of Fotored, serving roughly 400 hispanic photographers also on a global basis. The language used on this list is Spanish. My Spanish skills have increased significantly. I believe that the members of both of these list's have come to regard RIT as a significant center of photographic education in the world due to the presence of these lists associated with the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. I believe that many of the inquiries we are getting from Hispanic countries have at their root some connection with my Spanish list or those pages on my website that I have also made available in Spanish.
In December of 2001 I inaugurated yet another list. It is the PhotoHist list. It is a list devoted to the History of Photography. Membership at this time is still modest.
I helped carry out the SpecialtyArts web competition for the best photographic work done at the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. I organized two competitions last year. These were open to all students in SPAS and entries were solicited through a distribution list I set up that reaches all the students at RIT that have a JPH- designation excluding Film/Animation. About 20 entries were recived for each competition and SPAS faculty selected the 4 winners. These, in turn, received significant web exposure at the SpecialtyArts website and arranged to have their images sold thorugh that outlet without a fee being charged for the service. The selected students all thought this was a worthwhile activity.
I also helped publicize many events that took place last year at the School by redistributing news items of many kinds, from lectures, to scholarships and contest, through various means. An initiative I established in 1995, the address, has become well known among the school's students and possibly even Institute faculty and staff. I also set up distribution lists for all SPAS faculty and staff and this is starting to be used by faculty as their email skills are increasing.
For next year:
* For next year my plan is continue to stay active on the web with the PhotoForum and Fotored mail lists and to devote some extra time to the PhotoHist list. I will be active again next year as the Internet Liaison of The Photographic Historical Society as they will be preparing for the next International Symposium on the History of Photography that will be held at the George Eastman House the following year. I am currently also the webmaster of the High Speed Photography special interest group of the International Society for Optical Engineering and I plan on continuing to provide assistance to this group on the web.
* In terms of the other communications initiatives I plan on simply doing what I have been doing but hopefully at a higher level of efficiency so that I might expand on other School of Photographic Arts and Sciences web initiatives such as a rotating gallery of student work, a platform for presenting and discussing images, a web exchange of student photographs, etc.
* I plan on producing more postcards that maybe are not so much school or program promotion pieces but rather achieve a similar outcome less blatantly.
* I plan on continuing to try to maintain a sense of community among the faculty and staff of the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences within the limits of my capability to do so. The periodic Friday afternoon R&R sessions have been fairly well received by those who can attend. The coffee "service" in the Faculty Conference Room (established thanks to Tom Iten and Brad Hindson) has been a welcome addition to the "lifestyle" within the school over the years although there are many faculty who don't remember how it was before we had either the room or coffee readily available to us. The modest expense that it takes to keep these things going is, I think, more than worth it for the good vibes it creates among our staff.
* Finally, I want to thank all my immediate colleagues in the Imaging and Photographic Technology department,, as well as all its students, for making working in the department such a pleasure (most of the time!). Also I want to thank the faculty members in the Biomedical Photography program for their overall support and Michael Peres in particular for his colleguiality. I believe the programs and departments flourish with buy in from the faculty that design the program and while I plan on consulting and providing advice I believe that the "ship is in their capable hands" and I trust they will make of that program whatever is most appropriate much as the faculty immdiately associated with Imaging and Photographic technology will look after this program. As far as the Imaging Systems Management program is concerned I will continue to try to help wherever possible but it is, in my opinion, under strong and able leadership with the hiring of Bill Fisher and it will be up to him to design, develop and implement changes that might make this a viable college-wide program.
This self evaluation and your proposed plan of work for December 1, 2000 to November 30, 2001 is due to your Administrative Chair on January 7, 2002.
Choose Imaging
and Photographic Technology to learn more about the
Department and students I work with or click HERE!
to request more information about it. Finally, this is a link to
the School of Photographic
Arts and Sciences at RIT.