by Edip Yuksel

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Is this how you defend the deity of Christ?
"Suppose I hypothesize that shy  fairies  live  in  my  rose
garden  and help tend the roses, but are so clever that they
always know if I put a camera or recorder  out  to  document
them;  thus they avoid leaving any record. This explains why
no evidence of fairies exists. This is  a  fine  hypothesis,
but it is not a part of rational science, because it has the
built-in  proviso  that  no  meaningful  evidence   can   be
gathered.  Once  the  assumption is made that fairies exist,
many books could be published about where they  might  live,
how  they  might dress, and so on. These books could be fine
literature and brilliant exercises in logic, but they  would
be  speculation,  not  science." (The Cosmic Voyage: Through
Time and Space, William K. Hartmann, Wadsworth  Publication,
Belmont, 1990, p. 457).
In  the  previous  pages  we  tried  to  demonstrate how the
doctrine  of  Trinity  was  fabricated  by  St.   Paul   and
officially  formulated  by  the  council  of  Nicaea and the
council of Chalcedon. Here we want to demonstrate how modern
Christians   try   hard   to   defend   that  story  through
speculations, and interpretations. For this purpose we  have
selected  a  book:  Jesus:  A Biblical Defence of His Deity,
Josh McDowel &  Bart  Larson,  Campus  Crusade  for  Christ,
California. The titles of following quotations are mine:
                  Which one do you select: Unity or Trinity?
"This  discussion  can  get complicated, depending on what a
person has been taught.  Arguments can be made both for  and
against  the  deity  of Christ. For example, if one has been
taught that God is one person and that Jesus  is  a  created
being, then  on  first reading, Bible verses can be found to
support that view. On the other hand, if one has been taught
that  God is one supreme being comprised of Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, and that  the  Son  gave  up  His  position  of
equality within the godhead to become a man in the person of
Jesus, then Scripture passages can be found to support  that
view"  (p. 15).
                                              Paul declared:
"The  Scriptures  teach  that Jesus was fully God while also
being fully human. Paul declared of Jesus 'For  in  Him  all
the  fullness  of  deity  dwells in bodily form' (Colossians
2:9). Because Jesus is both fully  God  and  fully  man,  He
stands in a unique relationship in the Trinity to the Father
and the Holy Spirit" (p. 65).
                                    "God humiliated himself"
"My Father is greater than I." This is  the  favorite  verse
with  Unitarians,  who deny the absolute Deity of Christ and
His perfect equality with the Father...
"The contrast which the Savior drew between the  Father  and
Himself was  not  concerning   nature, but offical character
and position...
"In becoming incarnate and tabernacling among  men,  He  had
greatly  humiliated  Himself,  by  choosing  to descend into
shame and suffering in their acutest forms." (quotation from
Arthur W.  Pink's book  Exposition of the Gospel of John, p.
                                                A volunteer!
"The same relationship of greater and lesser is  illustrated
in  1  Corinthians  11:3. 'But I want you to understand that
Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head  of
a  woman,  and  God is the head of Christ.' In this passage,
three comparisons are made: man to Christ, man to woman, and
Christ to God. The third comparison between Jesus and God is
the one under discussion here. "God is the head  of  Christ.
Doesn't   that  sound  like  superiority?"  Note  that  this
comparison has to do with patterns of authority; it does not
imply  inferiority  or superiority. Instead, while on earth,
in order to identify with humankind, Jesus  voluntarily  put
Himself under the Father's headship." (p. 89).
                    Jesus was best understood by his enemies
"First,  the  Jews  to  whom He was speaking--who culturally
were in a position  to  interperet  His  words  better  than
anyone  2,000  years later--understood Jesus to be saying He
was "God." They took up stones to stone him." (p. 94).
                                    Self-imposed limitations
"Thus, when  Jesus, in the form of a man, said that  He  did
not  know the hour of His return [Mark 13:32], it could have
been  because  of  His   self-imposed   limitations   as   a
bondservant. Not that He was not equal to God, but rather in
this instance that He had chosen not  to  exercise  all  His
divine prerogatives." (p. 97).
                                 The trilemma of the Trinity
If  you  are determined to create an incarnated God, you can
stretch your  imagination  and  interpretation  as  much  as
possible.  You  can  distort  the  meaning of every Biblical
clear statement that contradicts your assumption by esoteric
interpretations.  You  can  also  ignore  all the historical
facts that contradict your story.
A diagram was displayed on page 102 of A Biblical Defence of
His  Deity.  The  diagram  is  supposed  to  explain all the
possible alternatives about the identity of Jesus.  "We  are
faced with a trilemma that is depicted in the diagram on the
following page" say the authors of the book.
The diagram assumes fairies in  the  author's  rose  garden:
"Jesus  claims  to be God." He does not let the reader think
the other alternative, which is "Jesus never claimed  to  be
God."  However,  the  author  is  overzealously  creating  a
"trilemma" to defend the Trinity. Here is  the  trilemma  of
the Trinity.
(The diagram is omitted).
                                        The plank in the eye
In  its  appendix, the book Jesus: A Biblical Defence of His
Deity, gives information on a number of  today's  religions.
The information about Buddhism is ironical:
"Buddhism,  which  began as philosophy espoused by Sidhartha
Gautama  (Buddha),  became  a  religion  approximately   two
hundred  years  after  his  death  when  a  segment  of  his
followers deified him. Buddha (the name  means  'enlightened
one')  is treated as a savior-god, even though he claimed to
be only a teacher." (p 114).
The authors do not see the planks in their eyes. They do not
ask  questions such as, "Why did Buddhists fabricate a faith
which claims that Buddha is a Savior-God?" If  our  authors,
who  believe  that "Jesus is a Savior-God," could reflect on
the reason behind  this  human  tendency,  they  would  have
realized  the  fact  that neither Buddha, nor Jesus, neither
Hare Krishna nor many other "incarnated gods" claimed  their
deity.  It  is ignorant people who idolized them after their
departure despite their teachings.
                                          Indeed, "It works"
The same book, under the title "It works" reads:
"I've come to one  conclusion.  A  relationship  with  Jesus
Christ   changes   lives.   You   can  ignorantly  laugh  at
Christianity; you can mock and ridicule it. But it works. It
changes  lives.  If  you  trust  Christ, start watching your
attitudes  and  actions-because  Jesus  Christ  is  in   the
business  of  changing  lives,  forgiving  sin  and removing
guilt."  (p. 110).
We do not have doubt that faith in the deity  of  Jesus  has
changed   the   worldly  lives  of  many  pastors,  priests,
ministers and evangelists.  They  have  invested  money  and
gained popularity in his name. We do believe that this faith
has also caused the  lives  of  many  to  change  direction.
However,  all  zealous religionists claim the same thing for
their religion. Just replace the name of Jesus with  Buddha,
or  Muhammad, or Krishna, or with thousands of cult leaders,
and replace Christianity with the name  of  their  religions
and  sects...  All  claim that their faith has changed their
life, and they call people to accept it. They  call  you  to
believe  on  faith,  close  your  eyes  and enter their dark
tunnel to find the light. Unfortunately many who enter those
tunnels  on  faith  start hallucinating. They become fanatic
idol worshipers by  claiming  that  the  only  salvation  is
through  their  "incarnated  gods." Indeed, faith works, not
only for Christians, but for every  religious  person,  even
for a cow worshiper. The questions are,
1.  How does it work, why does it work,
    and how long does it work?
2.  Why do Buddhists believe that Buddha is the Savior-God?
    Why did they fabricate this doctrine despite
    his original teaching?
3.  Why do Hindus believe that God, the highest being
    Krishna, has manifested himself in millions of gods?
    What if a Hindu applies the "trilemma" diagram to prove
    the deity of Krishna?

Moslem Questions on Christianity Edip Yuksel P.O. Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733-3476 U.S.A. Tel/Fax: (520) 323-7636

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