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The Religion of Islam
- The Foundation
- Compilation of the Quran
- The Creed of Islam
- Duties or Pillars of Islam
- Sects of Islam

The Life of Muhammad
- Muhammad's Early years
- Muhammad's First Marriage
- Prophetic Claims-Flight to Medina
- Muhammad the Conqueror
- More wives for Muhammad
- Islamic Battles
- Muhammad's Last Days
- Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible

Jesus Christ According to Islam
- A Miraculous Conception
- A Miraculous Birth
- Jesus Spoke at His birth
- Jesus Had Supernatural Power
- Jesus is Blessed
- Jesus is endowed with the Holy Spirit
- Jesus is sinless
- Jesus is the Word of God
- Jesus is Allah's Mediator and Messiah
- Jesus is like Adam
- Jesus is a servant
- Jesus Creates
- Jesus heals and raises from the dead
- Jesus Died
- Jesus ascended and will return
- Jesus and Muhammad  (comparison)

The Crucifixion: Fact or Fiction?
- The Record of the Quran
- The Record of the Old Testament
- The record of Christ's own predictions
- The record of the Synoptic Gospels
- The record of the Apostle John
- The Testimony of Secular History
- A Modern Doctor Look at the Crucifixion
- The Necessity of the Cross

Islam Unveiled
- The True Source of Islam
- The Old Testament
- Quranic Problems
- Women's Inferiority in Islam
- Sword and Slavery in Islam
- The Gospel of Barnabas
- History of the Gospel
- The Mystery of PBUH Unveiled
- The Early advances of Islam
- Islamic Growth Today

The Quran Exposed
- Is the Quran a miracle
- Was Muhammad really Illiterate?
- Other similar Poems are available.
- Old or new revelation
- Mistakes in the Arabic of the Quran
- The Quran Misquotes the old Testament
- Moses
- The Quran Misquotes the New Testament
- The Quran misrepresents the Holy Spirit

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